Chapter 58

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Y/N's POV:
The photographer takes us, Carol, Nat and Peter to take photos. While she's getting her equipment in the right spot it was a great opportunity to talk to everyone.
"You did a great job Peter thank you," I assure him.
"You're welcome you both look beautiful. Thank you for inviting MJ too I really appreciate it," he replies.
"You're welcome Peter," Wanda adds.
"I must say Romanoff you look stunning and I'm surprised you kept it together during the ceremony. I was expecting the stuff I said about family to set you off," I tease her.
"Oh it did," Carol exposes her.
"Seriously babe?" Nat asks.
"Sorry I mean everyone saw it anyway so she was bound to find out. I'm sorry baby I love you," Carol says smiling.
"I love you too," Nat replies blushing.

We take some family photos before heading into the reception. The meal was beautiful and then it was time for the speeches. We asked Nat and Carol if they wanted to make one only Nat was comfortable so she went first.
"My favourite phrase to use when describing Y/N and Wanda's relationship is that Y/N could live a billion lifetimes and no one would come close to Wanda for her. And I'm pretty sure it works the other way around too. I've never met two people better matched. They set the benchmark for every relationship. The way they're so caring and attentive yet they make it look effortless. I'm so grateful to have witnessed their love for one another grow over the past year and I'm so happy I've been able to become part of their family. You know I knew pretty early on they were destined for each other I used all my powers of persuasion to try to get Y/N to open up and nothing. Wanda goes to see her for less than 30 seconds and she opened up completely. Wanda saw something in her worth saving and I'm so glad they did because they saved each other. And I for one can't wait to see what the future holds for them. It's an honour to be present and witness a celebration of their love for one another. To Y/N and Wanda," Nat speaks eloquently. Everyone toasts us. I hug Nat tightly before I start my speech.
"I don't know how I'm supposed to follow that and you're probably all sick of my voice so I'll make this short. I just want to thank you all for coming and I apologise for making you so jealous as I'm married to the hottest woman in the universe. A special thank you to our maids of honour Nat and Carol. We love you both so much and thank you for all the help you've given us in preparation for today. You're our best friends and we love you. Also a very special thank you to Peter for walking Wanda down the aisle. I told Wanda that I hope one day if we have a son he turns out just like you. You're a legend Peter. Finally I'd like to thank my wife for putting up with me for a year. I'll expect her sainthood in the post very soon. But seriously Wanda thank you for loving me. Now for the best part getting drunk and dancing. To getting drunk," I toast.

Our first dance songs starts playing.
"Please welcome for their first dance and for the first time the Maximoff's," the DJ introduced us. I offer Wanda my hand bowing and she takes it kissing it gently before we walk onto the dance floor.
"Wait is this you singing?" She asks excitedly.
"Well you said you wanted me to sing for you at our wedding but I didn't really feel comfortable enough around everyone else and I wanted you to be able to keep the song afterwards," I explain.
"Thank you I love you," she says kissing me gently. I wrap my arm around her waist as we sway from side to side.
"I better soak in this moment it's the only time I have top energy," I joke making Wanda laugh.
"I love you Mrs Maximoff," she whispers.
"I love you too my beautiful and incredibly sexy wife. How long is it acceptable for us to stay at our wedding reception before we can have a party of our own?" I smirk making her laugh again.
"Sorry Princess we have to stay until the end," Wanda informs me giggling.
"After this dance I'm going to ask Rogers for advice that man is practically a nun," I joke.
"I love you," she whisper kissing me gently.
"I love you too. Always and Forever," I reply as we pull away.

We dance for a few songs before I go to get us both drinks while Wanda dances with Carol and Nat. I get to the bar and Steve is there.
"Good evening Grandad," I smirk making him laugh.
"Very funny. You're being sociable again what's happening?" he teases.
"Well Wanda said we can't leave until the end of the party so I thought I may as well socialise. I see you and Bucky came together," I say smiling.
"Yeah we did. I kind of want to dance with him but I don't know how people are going to react," he sighs.
"I'll get Nat and Carol to have a full on makeout while you dance with Bucky. I promise you no one will be looking at you. Honestly Rogers just do it. I made a jump with Wanda, look at us now," I assure him.
"Thanks Y/N. You're a pretty good friend," he compliments me.
"And wingwoman," I smirk before taking the drinks back over to Wanda.

"Did you ask Steve?" She asks laughing.
"No he had more important things on his mind," I reply making Wanda looked confused.
"Like what?" She asks.
"You'll see just wait," I assure her kissing her cheek. After a few minutes I see Steve and Bucky walk to the dance floor together and start dancing. Nat looked so confused and Wanda finally got it.
"Can I please go and tease Nat that I knew something before she did?" I plead with Wanda. She nods giggling.
"Thank you," I say kissing her quickly. I run over to Nat.
"I thought you were the best at reading people and yet you missed that one," I tease Nat.
"You knew?" She asks confused.
"I worked it out and encouraged him while you were busy in your little Russian Carol bottom bubble," I reply smirking.
"I can't believe he didn't tell me," Nat sighs.
"They're from a different time Nat. Don't give him a hard time about it just let him enjoy the moment," I plead with her.
"Look at you being a good friend to a man," Carol teases.
"Us super soldiers have to stick together," I reply smiling at Steve and Bucky.

We all dance and enjoy our night until the early hours of the morning. As the party died down it was only Nat, Carol, Wanda and I left. Nat started to get emotional.
"I can't believe you're leaving tomorrow," Nat sighs.
"We'll be back before you know it. Besides you know us we love to bring you back gifts," I assure her.
"Have you decided where you're going to live?" Carol inquires.
"We're torn between a patch of land about an hour from here it's an in a good school district and somewhere in California by the beach," Wanda answers. You can see Nat's face change when we said California.
"Personally I'm not sure how I feel about my kids having a Cali accent or an American accent in general. Why don't we just move to England?" I suggest waiting for Nat's reaction.
"We all know Nat couldn't handle that," Carol teases her.
"Hey I just want to be involved in my Niece's and nephew's lives," Nat explains.
"And you will be we put an offer on the land about an hour away last week and it got accepted yesterday," I smirk.
"I hate you both," Nat says annoyed at our teasing.
"We love you too. You're going to be a great Aunt Nat and so are you Carol," Wanda adds smiling.
"I'm going to miss you both so much," Carol replies hugging us tightly.
"We're going to miss you too. Though I'm not as much because I'm going to listen to my wife speak Spanish for a week," Wanda smirks.
"No puedo esperar a verte en un traje de baño (I can't wait to see you in a swimsuit)," I whisper making her blush.
"You two will flirt in every language you know," Carol laughs.
"I mean you can't blame me my wife is a goddess," I reply making Wanda giggle.
"Alright it's been a long day and I for one am tired," Wanda declares standing up.
"Yeah definitely me too. Goodnight guys. We'll see you to say goodbye in the morning," I state teleporting Wanda and I outside our front door.

Lifting her up I carry her over the threshold of the house and place her down inside the door. As I do she kisses me on the cheek.
"Now my love you wait here until I call you," she smirks kissing me. I look at her confused as she walks up the stairs. A few minutes later she calls me. I walk up the stairs open the door and Wanda is there in a white silk gown and the bed is covered in rose petals. I blush smiling.
"I love you so much Wanda Maximoff," I whisper taking her in my arms pulling her in for a kiss. She uses her powers to take off my clothes leaving me in my underwear. I kiss her passionately lifting her up and lying her on the bed.
"I'm so lucky," I whisper stroking the hair out of her face.
"I love you Y/N Maximoff," she replies pulling me down for another kiss. It was the perfect way to end the perfect day.

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