27. Miss Me

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"Well shit," Rook sighed, scratching the back of his head.

I scrambled to find my shirt while pushing Rachel off me. "What the fuck?" she glanced over at Sage. "Who the hell are you?"

"Oh shit," JP said again.

Sage took a step inside the room; anger was apparent on her face. JP quickly grabbed her arm, instinctively. I pulled on my black v-neck and pushed myself off the bed.

"Who the hell am I ?" she repeated; her voice was getting louder with each word she said. She turned to me finally. Her eyes were tearing up as she laughed - no humor in her voice. "Old habits die hard, huh?" she said in a normal tone. "I guess this is the reason why you wanted to lock me up tonight, right?" she scoffed. "I am so over this shit."

She turned around, walking out into the hallway. I glanced to Rook, who gave me an apologetic look. "Dude, I didn't kno-"

Before he could finish his sentence, I was out the door, past him, chasing after her. The force behind each step she took showcased her anger perfectly. She maneuvered her way through the crowd to the other end of the hall and up the stairs. I caught up to her at the top of the stairs, where I watched as she opened the door to my bedroom and shut it loudly behind her. I was beyond fucked.

"Kells!" I heard my name being called. I quickly grabbed the last bottle of Henny from the fridge, shut the door and turned to the owner of the voice.

My eyebrows shot up as my eyes scanned her face. Her dark brown hair was shorter than before but straight as usual. She had a lot of makeup on and barely any clothes - exactly how I remember her.

I sighed, forcing a smile. "Rachel," I nodded towards her. "I didn't realize you were coming."

Let alone invited...

"I was in town," she smiled, walking closer towards me. She had a plastic cup in her manicured fingers. I didn't need to peer into her cup to know it was straight vodka she was drinking; I knew her too well.

"On business?"

"Pleasure," she corrected, smiled smugly. I cracked open the cap of the bottle and took a swig of it. I didn't respond which she found as an opportunity to continue the conversation. "So how have you been?"

"Fine," I said, bringing the bottle back to my lips.

As I stood there, I couldn't help but wonder if Sage had made an appearance to the party yet. I began to walk past her when she caught me by the arm. I glanced back at her.

She looked around us; there were people entering the kitchen for snacks and drinks. "Could we talk - in private?"

I sighed. "Yeah. Come on," I said, leading her out the other way toward the opposite hall. We walked down the hall in silence with the music blasting behind us.

I opened the door at the end of the hall - it was empty. It was one of the spare bedrooms we kept in case anyone ever needed to crash at the house. Some months back, it was supposed to be Sage's room, but since she slept in my bed, with me, there was no point in her having a separate room.

She walked in, sitting on the white bedspread, her cup still in hand. I closed the door behind me, leaning against it. "So?" I prompt.

She smiled at me. "I've missed you, Kells."

She must have been referring to the relationship we once had with each other. I wouldn't dare call it a relationship, though; it was nothing like what Sage and I have. In Rachel and I's relationship, there were no intimate feelings - just lust. And lots and lots of sex. It wasn't a terrible time - believe me, I actually enjoyed it. But it wasn't something I wanted back. If that was the case, I would have gotten with Remy when I had the chance.

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