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When Ragnarok's eyes finally fluttered open, the gentle rocking of the ship kept her at ease. It seemed almost familiar now, unlike the way it had throttled her around and made her sick in the past months of travel. Perhaps the movement was the only reason she knew she was alive... here to fight another day.

She hummed in content, her hot breath bouncing off of the wool blankets that were tucked around her, nearly encasing her whole body. She felt pristine. Like a new woman.

Luella?❞ Her heavy eyes slowly met the familiar Captain's, his blue eyes shining with an even more recognizable relief. He rose from his chair quickly and she blinked curiously at the prayers of gratitude he continued to mumble until he was by her side. ❝I was terrified you would not wake up, Princess.❞

She didn't attempt to move her swaddled limbs as he softly brushed stray hairs away from her forehead, instead smiling groggily as her vision continued to focus. She was filled with complete and utter peace.

Until she remembered why she was in this state in the first place.

My baby,❞ Ragnarok rasped. The blankets began shuddering as she finally moved her lead heavy arms. Her eyes were already watery, desperate for her new love. ❝Where is my baby?

❝She's perfectly fine, Princess.❞ Captain Latimer smiled. He nodded to her in utter respect before walking over to the opposite room of the small cabin.

She,❞ Ragnarok repeated, a whimper escaping her dry throat at the belief at the man would exit through the door to leave her with her thoughts. A sigh escaped her when he instead knelt to a crate on the floor, rising with a small bundle of cloth in his arms.

Despite the rest she felt restless, her patience wearing thin as every second passed without her child in her arms. She had already escaped her warm confines, her trembling arms reached out to the man for her baby.

It couldn't happen sooner, but eventually soon did arrive as a new and welcoming weight was settled against her chest.

Soft cries resounded from the mother as the newborn looked up at her, her eyes still glossy and sensitive to the natural light that filtered from the small window in the cabin wall. Nevertheless the fresh life weakly grasped at her mother's chest, barely able to even tug at the fabric due to her state.

Ragnarok's sobs only got heavier as the seconds went on, sending Captain Latimer into panic mode.

❝Luella, are you alright?!❞ He missed the small and soft smile that arose on her lips, a discreet one that was meant for her child and her child alone. She protected that smile, a smile so dear that not even the gods watching over her dare peek at.

❝Yes, Captain, I think I'll be okay,❞ she hummed, her voice wavering as her tears slowly stopped. ❝Thank you.❞

The man started as if he did not expect to hear those words from her, yet it caused his shoulders to relax. Ragnarok could tell he was tired. There had been no midwives aboard the vessel of course, the crew not really anticipating to stumble across their pregnant princess, so Ragnarok could only assume that Latimer had gone without sleep to care for her daughter even after being the one to deliver her.

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