40. Hope, Hopeless and Hope Again

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Fighting alongside villains...

It was the first time it ever happened in history.

And probably the last too...










With Y/n Stone's absence in the battle field, this turn of events didn't seem right.

"We came here because of a child named Y/n Stone." Overhaul started with a cold tone. He looked up the skies seeing how it's been dirtied by another pesky annoyance aside from quirks.

Now he even have to see aliens? Great.

"How irritating." He once again dismembered a creature that came close. The green slimey alien blood disgusted him.

If he didn't see how he'll die-- or disappear in this world, he wouldn't participate in this nonsense. He wouldn't have even cared. But if that so called Thanos wins this, the world he assumes would be nothing but a blur.

He started walking down from the rubbles, his men, dispersing to engage into the fight along with other heroes who are more desperate to survive than disagree because of their pride.

Chisaki did not care about them anymore as he looked around. Y/n was nowhere in sight yet he didn't look surprised one bit. Knowing her briefly, he had already gone to a conclusion that either she's not in the mood or she's good as dead somewhere, seeing how simple she had come up to him.

He sighed.

He's definitely blaming her for this extra work.

She's going to have to pay for this.

As soon as he set his eyes on the boss who's seemingly busy fighting, he didn't expect to see an All Might being flung to the side. Four people were around this man yet he seemed to be faring well despite the dificulty of having random people attack him. Despite him having a hard time, he's yet to kneel down in front of them.

It was interesting to see heroes lose.

But it didn't suit him that they were losing to someone else.





Recovery girl sat inside the ambulance while staring at the child who lay motionless on the stretcher. Her eyes closed and eyes on both her side lifelessly.

They came to an agreement that Y/n would be safer outside the city of Masutafu. So without further thoughts, two heroes came with Recovery girl as escorts. The ambulance masked as some sort of disguise as there were many to distract everyone else. Dispatchinh immediately as soon as she was transferred properly.

She was holding the girl's hand. Her s/c skin still as cold as ice and her body showed no shine of life.  She was also worried about the people around her. Only Mei, Midoriya and some other heroes knew of her sudden 'shut down' and yet she couldn't help but be worried.

How will the others react from knowing that she didn't make it? She was so cold right now, her veins had also stopped pumping blood and her brain was dead. All the signs in her internal body screamed that she's not but a corpse now.

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