08. Stones Pulling A Buzzerbeater

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"Fucking hell! Focus you damn cristmas lights!" Bakugo screamed in front of her as she stood lazily in the boys' arms. Together with Kirishima, Kaminari and Katsuki, the game had begun.

Present mic began his heart pounding narration on the background as he watched the game from the broadcasting room. The excitement seem to fill the air as well.

But the certain group of four, one where the woman with laid back e/c eyes and h/c hair were in battle amongst themselves and the trust they've regretted putting upon their rider.

Y/n had the bandana in her head dangling carelessly as they ran towards the target. The green blocolli boi who was also being chased by other teams.

"Focus! Fucking focus!" Bakugo barked again.

Y/n hummed, patting Bakugo's head gently. "You're so noisy." She said in boredom.

Boy explosion cusses.

"Y/n, you might wanna take this seriously?" Kirishima suggested.

"Yeah. You really should." Kaminari agreed.

From a distance, just as quickly as they were about to arrive at Midoriya's location, the team started flying in the air. Mei looked down and saw her friend chilling like she always do and waved at her.

"Y/n! Remember the deal! Or powerloader will confiscate your projects!!!" Mei's warning shot right through her bored face before glaring at the pinkette who once again crazed a laugh in the sky. "I'm gonna show my precious babies!"

She ignored Mei's reminder. Her head slightly feeling a bit cloudy for a moment as they ran until a sudden flash passed by her nerves. "Urgh." Y/n groaned.

She sat upright gripping one hand into Bakugo's shoulder and the other was on her head, feeling that her head was pounding rapidly than normal. "It's only been a year..." she muttered softly as her hair began to glow red. The access to the multiverse is reacting. Bakugo heard this mumble, however, he kept quiet for a while and observed.

Someone... some people are trying to pass through lightspeed and it started to hurt Reality stone a bit.

"Hey, Y/n. What's up? You're hair is glowing red. Are you gonna use your quirk right now?" Kirishima asked. But noticing her wincing in some kind of pain, it didn't seem to be the case.

Y/n held her necklace shakily as she spoke. "Ultron, I'll grant you permission to survey conditions beyond atmosphere. Check out the bastards who're trying to break through." She ordered.

The three around her flinched. It was the first time they heard her say something in a pissed demeanor. Y/n seemed to be angry, but what of? She did say beyond atmosphere.

Soon they heard her necklace responded where they recognized Ultron's voice.

"Understood. Quell your anger miss Stone, you're still in the middle of a game. I will personally make sure to find out what's hurting you, immediately."

"Wait, you're hurting... right now?" Kirishima sounded worried.

"Fuck, you better not let the others steal out band or I'll fucking kill you--"

And yes. Their combined score band has been pulled off her head as Momoma's group passed by.

"Oh look. That was an easy target." The narcisistic blonde of class 1B mocked. "Sorry about that pretty chic. How about I buy you some take outs after I defeat 1A?" He winked at the glowing Y/n, waving as they strode away.

Y/n groaned again. It's as if something was drilling directly to her head. "Dammit."

"Are you okay?!" Kaminari asked.

"I'll reclaim the score back in the last thirty seconds." She replied. Not just her hair, but her body now was surrounded with red light.

"We only have about a fucking damn minute now!" Bakugo screamed.

"Then run to the corner of your 8 o'clock."

"That's the fucking other direction."

Y/n patted his head once again. "I'll teleport." Was what she said as her hair started to glow blue. The red light was still fighting but she was able to supress it.

The three who didn't have a choice but trust her, decided to comply. Running full speed to the end of the platform.

The space stone pulled her inside the portal again. Her body, drifting forward towards team Monoma and snatching all scores in his neck who was as shocked from what happened before entering another portal, opening it from above the three boys at the same time, catching her.

Exactly the time was up. The buzzer lead the game into a close making Kaminari and Kirishima cheered.

"God! I thought there for a second that we lost!" Kirishima held his chest.

"Dammit, you could've teleported and stole that 10 million points instead!" Bakugo growled as he placed her down on the floor.

Y/n's eyes were still red. She ignored the three as she frowned from the pain.

"What's happening, Y/n? Your eyes are like Bakugo's now." Kaminari tapped her shoulder.

"Tch." She ignored them and started walking away after the score were finally showed. Her group won 2nd. That's probably enough to move to the last phase.

She needed to eat. Eating will quell her anger. At least it will make her think of other things as she made her way towards the tunnels.

"Hey Christmas lights! Hold up, dammit!" Bakugo was following behind which she chose to ignore as she passed through the exit. The boy who was beside him watched her as she hadn't removed her enraged expression. Her usual nonchalance was swept off of its existence as of now. "I'm going to pay for your damn meal, christmas lights." He spoke again.

In a flash, Y/n who had forgotten about Bakugo's existence beside her flinched. Quickly changing her face to its usual straightness. She turned to him and hummed like she wasn't as mad as earlier.

Variety of boxed snacks now filled Y/n's arm as she began stabbing some takoyaki and began to eat them. She looked relief but Bakugo felt like he nearly lost all his allowance just by buying her snack.

"Is there a black hole in your fucking stomach?! What that hell, the food's even bigger than your torso!" Bakugo barked.

"You said you'll pay." She replied back uninterested with his complains. Not really my fault.

The young blonde grumbled. He pouted all through the tunnel as he separated from her out of his irritation of hearing her chew. She looked really angry earlier so he thought she'll be into something serious. But having only a bit of clue with her change of face earlier, he realized that she's the type of person who doesn't like others pointing it out to her.

If they lost that phase, he'd probably obliterate her to bits. Who cares if she's pretty?!

Upon his walk towards the stadium, his eyes went up towards Todoroki and Deku who were separating from the group. His brows knitted, following stealthily into the tunnels once more.

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