24. Party

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The fight ended... time skip hit hard when Y/n woke up to see fireworks in the sky. Around her were the group of students she was with, smiling at what seems to be All Might and Izuku's win from the villain who lays almost lifeless on the ground.

Her dress wasn't even damaged the slightest. It still looked as if she had just worn it

"It's over? Already?" Everyone turned towards a familiar voice that spoke. The sound of gushing wind passing as they turned around to see a familiar 'hero costume' of black beelines on a red latex suit. Spiderman walked into the wrecked scene calmly. He looked around. "Oh, moving trashbins! As expected of the famous island!" He pointed to one robot.

"Hm?" The student turned to young parker questioningly.

Y/n turned to the boy whom had his face hidden all these time inside his hero costume. Nobody in this world had seen his face nor did he showed it to someone during meetings.

"Don't you shower?" Y/n suddenly asked.

Peter stopped. He looked at her with a shocked look on his costume's eyes. "What? Of course I do! Friday is my witness!" He put a hand on his chest like he was swearing.

"What are you doing here, young Parker?" All might asked.

"Ah!" The boy snapped out of his shock. "I followed because Mr. Stark said I should go and watch over her because he found out that something he didn't like..." he explained quickly and pointed at some 1A boys who tilted their heads questioningly.

"Why are you even in hero costume all the time? You don't even have a hero liscence and you even sound young." Iida asked.

It's really been a wonder for them why. But they never really had the time to ask.

"Should I have not?" The clueless teen hero asked back with wonder.

"It's illegal, webface." Bakugo grumbled annoyed.

"Nobody told me. You didn't even warn me." He said, scratching his head. "Anyways, I'm late. The action's over and I don't know what I'm supposed to do."

"Well the party is still resuming." All might said with his wide smile.

"Eh? There's a party-- woah Y/n, you look so gorgeous-- Mr. Stark, forgive me for I have sinned." He covered his mouth quickly.

"What are you yammering about?" Bakugo gruffly asked, only able to realize what Y/n was wearing after Peter mentioned it, his red menacing eyes glanced at her occationally because he couldn't quite get enough of how pretty she was despite all these chaos.

Y/n gave a lazy hum. "I'm hungry." Too much running! Too much punching! Too much effort in the span of one hour and thirty minutes without eating anything.

"We'll be taking everyone injured to the hospital. We can resume the party since the people downstairs aren't majorly affected." The number one hero explained. "You know what they say, the show must go on."

The h/cnette wanted to agree. Of course, of course. People shouldn't waste food. If they cancel the party, I'll eat the food. If the party resumes I'll still eat the food.

The girl started to list her food suppliers. There's Iida who offers free food in his family restaurant, Bakugo who says he'll treat her whatever food he wants outside of Iida's family restaurant and Shoto who says he'll treat her once they were out of I-island. There's her standing father Tony as well who seemed to supply her juicepops, but he changed to other healthy foods--it's fine. She's not picky-- at least it's healthy and tasty. Let's see... who else should she stick with for food... oh. The girl suddenly remembered a certain someone who promised her snacks but was unable to fulfill it. And also Toga, she promised her that she'll give her food whenever she visits the league. She nodded to the list of her food suppliers.

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