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(She didn't lose her memory her alright)


Y/n had ignored the call as she was busy playing video games.

Thor raised an eyebrow at the little attitude while he placed a hand on his waist. "Child of snacks, it's time to eat." He told her as he removed the white apron hanging on his neck.

"Let me level up a bit." She replied, headphones on her head.

"Alright." Thor replied, grabbing a beer on the fridge and started drinking as well.

It's been quite a year since Y/n chose to stay isolated in New Asgard and be adopted by Thor.

Y/n did it mainly because the city was quite noisy for her right now and she needed more time to spend recovery because of breaking the infinity stones. But as she spent more time with Thor... you can already tell that she eats cheese, chips and cola on a daily basis.

If she was a human, she would've died and rotting in Thor's house over the year.

But no. Of course. Y/n learned a lot of things while staying with Thor.

One, no wifi no life. Two, can trashtalk all you like. Three, tacos have vegetables so they're healthy. Four, Thor is getting fatter and fatter. And five, video games are the new way to hurt humans without hitting them.

Y/n frowned as she listened to her enemy on the other line. It was trashtalking quite badly at her. But she's used to that... Bakugo have it worse.

Y/n had a lot of patient ignoring this young lad. But when he started dissing her parent, well,  she didn't like it.

"Shut it, do you know who my dad is?" She responded. "He's Thor, y'know. God of thunder?"

Thor watched as his adopted daughter talked to the other gamer online.

"Oh~ try telling me to your mummy and wait for me to come into your front door and burn down your sorry ass, you twerp." She pressed her console faster and by the time she stopped, the screen showed a 'You Win' words proudly plastered in the front. "Ha! Get that little bitch! Do your best ugly sob because you're in for the biggest lost of your life!" The girl jumped of the couch fist up in the air but with a straight face despite celebrating her victory almost startling Thor.

"Child of Snacks, I think you're going to get me in trouble with that foul mouth of yours." The thunder god muttered. But it wasn't really a case for Thor as he smiled and messed her hair gruffly. "It makes me proud, you brave little pebble. Now let's go and eat!"

"Yeah. The gruelling battle is making me hungry." She replied as they both High fived.

"Ha. You should use your cheatcode. I wiped out a lot of brats because of it." The blonde laughed.

"It feels better, wiping them out like a pro." Y/n responded as she sat on the dining table and sa a sanwich prepared in the plate.

She grabbed it and started eating, while Thor sat across her and took his share of the meal.

"We'll be going to the avengers headquarters, kid. They wanted you to at least pay a visit... at least to see if you're still alive." Thor explained, biting on the sandwich.

She hummed. "I'm going to the mall after. I'll buy a new game."

"Sure kiddo." He went near and did a whispering manner. "Make sure to ask the puny human for some cash. So we could buy more supplies." He said.

"For a king, you look homeless."

Thor laughed. "Well I don't have to look good when I'm at home anyway." He said, drinking his beer.

Y/n could only sigh. "You have a point. But clean the house and take a bath. The house literally screams like a sewer." She said before her hair glowed blue and disappeared into the portal.




"Okay, 3.0. Open your eyes." Tony said.

A man sitting on a bed followed his instruction. The image looking similar to Vision, had closed eyes and he was slowly opening them showing his bright eyes.

"How do you feel?"

"I don't feel anything in particular, Mr. Stark." He replied. "But I think I am accumulating data stored in the mind stone's essence." He explained.

"You're doing great then. Let the memories sink in and you're ready to face Wanda."

"That would be very awkward, Mr. Stark. Miss Wanda may not like it." The former robot said.

Tony nodded in understanding. "Well, you're technically Vision now." He said. "So just relax and just be you."

Ultron, now Vision, nodded.

As the two conversed among themselves, blue portal emerged by the door, appearing non other than everyone's favorite spoiled brat, Y/n.

"Tony, I need money." She started.

Iron man frowned. Just when he thought this time would be different. "What for?" He asked.

The nonchalant kid scratched her chin while looking at Vision then back to him. "I need to resupply Thor's... castle." She explained.

"Of what exactly?"

"New game and beer." She shrugged. "I need to change game, the some stupid brat's been crying because of me so I need a new kid to break."

The two sweatdropped.

"You're emotionally wrecking children through games?" Tony asked in disbelief.

"Yeah. It's fun, wanna try?" She asked.

Tony sighed, shaking his head in disbelief as he handed her one of his credit card. "That's yours. Spend it carefully..." and, the girl disappeared before he could finish.

"I don't think it was a good idea letting her live in new Asguard." Vision said.

"I know. I've known from the start." The old man sighed. "Thor's gonna hear his piece to our next meeting."

"Yes, that is for the best. I would be happier if I could take over new Asguard, but that would be entirely different."

Tony chuckled. "I would be glad if you would." He responded.

The two chatted all the way plotting on how they're going to teach Thor a lesson for teaching a kid to do nothing than video games.


Owkey.... another not romance short ending!

Sorry it' short. I'll add some if an idea came up.


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