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(So I am put here some scenarios that does not exist in the story. As you may know, I only dumped everything on Y/n's pov and I didn't get a chance to put most of everyone's interaction moments so I'm summing them up in the endings so they could have at least some interactions to spare because the ending will only make sense if the did...

I'm talking to much so yeh. Here ya go)

Tough and traumatic childhood?

A path through endless suffering and being exploited for a power you never wished to have. As a child you might bore hate to the extent that a traumatic scar in your body can never measure the hate that you've earned during abuse...

Oh you've never heard how tough hers was-- well, assumingly because that's how Iida had understood her story back then.

"It's pitiful hearing that Stone-san's power was the cause of her hardship in childhood." The class representative started as soon as dekusquad had formed a circle just close by.

Shoto's ears perked up as soon as that topic got up. Because for one, he hear Y/n Stone's name. Two, she's stronger than him. And three, it's about tragic childhood.

Who doesn't want to hear that sensitive back story when it's being publicized?

Besides, he's not eavesdropping. He unintentionally heard it even if he doesn't have to.

Alright, enough defending Shoto's sharp ears. Let's blame the trio for talking about it in the first place where he was in earshot.

Ohoho... anyways, where was I?

"What about Stone-san?" Mina popped into the three, ruining their formation.

"Ah, i-it's just..." Midoriya started nervously. "Y/n-san's childhood is probably the reason she's scared to join hero course." He explained sadly.

"Eh? What do you mean? Did heroes did something bad to her?" The pinkette asked.

"No!" Iida defensively denied. "It's just, with how Y/n elaborated that her powers were used against her will to kill a lot of people, I think she's afraid that other people might force her to do something like that again. It is pitiful when I think how Stone-san was only five years old that time too when she was kidnapped by this Thanos person who forced her to do those things."

"What, really?!" Momo gasped. "Indeed, how unfortunate that Stone-san had to go through that." She said, covering her mouth to mask her shock.

"And the worse thing about that is that, the villain even tried to kill her after using her powers." Ochako added with a sad look.

"Wait... that's just cruel!" Mina exclaimed, slamming her palms on Midoriya's table.

Everyone in the circle nodded to agree, making the misunderstanding worse that how it already was.

And a certain boy who has obsession with uncovering love children heard them all. Clenching his fist with an expression that looked like sympathy. To think that Y/n, whom he previously saw as competition had such a past worse than he expected. Villains already pushed her to her limit just when she's starting to control her quirk!

It angered him somehow. Just what inhumane person could do such a thing... well, his dad is one thing. But damn, this takes the cake.

So he promised to at least protect her whether she's aware or not and that's what he did.

He watched her from afar, actively approached her and befriended her, if that's even the best description for it.

It would be an understatement now if Shoto won't admit that he was completely captivated from her.

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