00. Crash Landing

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Heyah! Xythe here after getting sick bitching dramatically because of mi useless body and ended up rewatching Avengers infinity was and endgame at 2020.

So here. *Slams my fanfic on the table with all sass.*


Sorry if it's a late warning--

But the story will contain spoilers from both shows alike.

Earth -7325444, year 2014.

Six lights were falling into the night sky. The gems that Thanos thought he had completely destroyed were mixed around in fragments, merging together in the sky like little pieces of particles attracting together.

People who was staring up quickly caught sight of these lights that was falling down the sky, stopping on their walk as they gawked up to the light so strong that it put the bright light of Japan to dim shame.

The quick lights that fell soon hit the mountains, causing a strong aftershock to the ground that caused vibrations and a slightly string force that pushed everyone a step back before falling on the ground...

Soon after that, the heroes quickly responded to it and checked out the core of the explosion where the unknown meteor landed.

All might was first on the scene. Albeit his smiling face, he was baffled.

Everyone followed to arrive. Endeavour who was behind All Might went in to check out the large crater that was created by said explosion. However, nothing was there.

"What is this?" Even Mt. Lady, Kamui Woods, deatharms, Tsukauchi and the other pros who arrived were left to question the empty scene.

"Something unknown has entered our country. We must find what it is no matter what." All Might's stern voice reached out to everyone around him.

It's going to be a long night, but this is the only way as the unknown had trespassed the world will be caught. Although this was a huge risk for everyone, they couldn't help but feel the necessity to capture what it is. But where do they even start searching?





Her soft voice caught up through the rooftop winds as she looked around the new demension she had landed in.

Her, the entirety of the six infinity stones, stood motionlessly on top of the highest building roof. Her e/c eyes glowing yellowish as she used mind stone on the surrounding area.

She started accumulating knowledge of the earth just like that.

The wind blew past her once more, brushing through the soft strand of her h/c locks that caught the shines of the dim moon and city lights.

Later on, her body glowed into blue. The space stone reacted calmly as she disappeared from a portal like hole, leaving the country into utter confusion and shock from her arrival...

Y/n. The created person of the six infinity stones. Her entirety was flawless as if she was a divine creation of the heavens. Her power, directly from the stone that holds the balance of the universe that was used to obliterate 50% of the population of every living beings.

Thanos, who did all of this in a flick of his finger, decided to destroy the infinity stones. But they didn't destroy each other. In fact, they merged to create a medium that will hold them together from now on. That was the reason she was born.

The strongest person in the universe is now blending in amongst people who's population had 80% of people granted with a power they prefer to call quirk. A vision which soon created the rise of heroes and villains.

The portal opened once again from the same place as Y/n jumped out. "This is a good residence." She nonchalantly told herself, her hands glowed red now, using reality stone as another floor was suddenly created like it had been there before.

So now she stood inside her own flat. The typical items found on a house that she gathered on her knowledge were there as well as a pet cat created with it. The apartment was large enough, at least enough to reside for her stay.

The infinity stones will now blend in with humans in order for it to no longer be used for such annoying matter such as wiping the universe. The stones didn't like working too much on this things because it was tiring and uninteresting.

Why would people want to wipe out the population anyway? It's meaningless if that's how it's supposedly designed. Stones were just made to create balance, thus, partaking to such tiring work is not their job to begin with. They hated being worked to much then being destroyed after use... how ungrateful. So now, the stones decided to hide their existence. Keeping the balance and having a quiet life.

Yes, that is their plan when Y/n was created.

They will live a life without being collected to do irritating things again. No Thanos, No Avengers.

Well, for now. As time stone had predicted much of the future events. Just some time before the End Game begins.

She sat on the sofa and opened the television in front of her casually with the remote in her hand, earning more and more data through the current events that's been going on in the world. A bag of chips appeared out of thin air as she began to eat snacks, filling her mouth like a chipmunk as she let the evening night went on and the heroes find none but a single crater.

The six infinity stones decided to live a low-key life from then on.

So, yeah. This zero chap is more or less the introductory phase why the stones decided to land on earth and become human.

Hope you find it interesting or nahh because it lack dialogue and shiz but yeah. Real deal goes on.

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