Chapter 5

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Dear readers- I profusely apologize for not uploading in such a long time. I had lost interest in writing and this story itself, but I've caught the writer's bug once again and I'm ready to go! I'm prepared to pick up where I left off and write this, along with a few other stories, happily and hopefully frequently. I thank you for your patience during this long period of waiting, and I hope you'll love the stories just as much as you used to!

Sincerely, Lovetolove17


I stared at my ceiling, counting seconds in my head. 'Thirty- nine, forty, forty-one...'At such an early time of the day, it was most definitely not appropriate to be wasting precious time to sleep, but my mind was too troubled. 'Fifty-two, fifty-three, fifty-four...' . With that, another minute goes by. The clock on my bedside table displays 3:53 am, and I'm slowly running out of time. I get out of bed and walk to the kitchen with the blanket draped around my shoulders. I reach above me, grab a glass out of the cabinet, then fill it with cold water from the sink.

Placing the cup on the island counter to my right, I search through the medicine cabinet, and pull out a bottle of sleeping pills. I pop one into my mouth, and down it with a swig of freezing cold water, sending a shiver down my spine. I put the half-empty cup in the sink and make my way back to the bedroom.  I lay down on the bed, and switch off the light. I adjust my pillow, fix the blankets, and take a deep breath.

Within minutes, I was asleep.


The bitter sound of the alarm from my phone startles me awake. A favorite song of mine, "Paint You Wings" by All Time Low, plays loudly through its small speakers. I reach over without turning on the light, and my phone blinds me as I attempt to shut off the alarm. Unfortunately, the effects of the sleeping pill had not worn off yet, and I staggered out of bed, tripping over myself twice. I walked down the hall, and turned into the bathroom. I cautiously lowered the light dimmer before turning it on. A faint glow emanates from the three parallel bulbs above my head, all pointed in somewhat different directions, in an attempt to light the room completely.

I close the lid of the toilet, and as I undress, I place my clothing upon it.  A blueberry-vanilla scented candle sat precariously on a shelf above the toilet. I retrieved a lighter from the counter and lit it. It's light was not very prominent, but light wasn't what I was aiming for.  I placed the lighter right back where I had found it.

I turned the knob on the shower and hot water began streaming out. I stepped inside, first saturating my hair, then turning around. I reached for the face soap out of the shower caddy. Over the years I had developed a strong sense of pride and confidence, but I was actually quite nervous for having to work for Dylan. What would I be expected to do?

I wash the soap off, and lather my hair with a fruity smelling shampoo. He obviously only hired me in an attempt at rematching us. I'm almost certain the tasks I'll be asked to preform won't be on my job description. After all, Dylan is known to act dishonestly. Perhaps I should rethink this. Working for him will only draw out the repressed feelings I had for him, and I'll be stuck falling for an asshole again.

He took my innocence, and was a creep about it as well. I was ridiculous and naive, he was young and horny, why didn't I see this coming? It all happened so fast, but I was practically a little girl then. I wasn't prepared to be tricked so easily. I wash out the shampoo and condition my hair, tying it up in a slippery bun just before washing my body.


After my shower, I had blow-dried my hair to leave it pin-straight. I applied minimal makeup (to look business appropriate, as opposed to my usual darker look). I grabbed a granola bar and a banana off the counter and ate them as I got dressed. I walked back to the medicine cabinet and took out my morning medications- Prozac, Wellbutrin- and a mixture of pills containing various vitamins and minerals. With my cup of warm, freshly brewed Earle gray tea, they were down. I put everything away  and grabbed my bag off the chair near the door. 

7:32. I had 28 minutes to get to work and be in my desk. I got in the car swiftly, and turned the keys in the ignition. A humming noise was produced, and I drove off.


I pulled into the parking lot and began searching for my newly appointed parking spot. After looking through two rows of cars, I saw it. My name was engraved in a gold plated fixture attached to the pole in front of my space. It didn't surprise me that my spot was directly next to Dylan's. He had obviously placed an order for such to be done.

I parked, grabbed my bag, and stepped out of the car. I locked it as I walked towards the building. With each step it felt as if my heart was beating just slightly faster. As I approached the door to Dylan's office, my heart was pounding, but I didn't let it show. I wasnt going to let him intimidate me.

I knocked twice, then turned the doorknob and entered the office. Dylan was looking down at his phone and hadn't acknowledged me in the slightest. I cleared my throat as quietly as I could.

"Good morning, Mr. Lark," I said, letting the words flow gracefully from my light-pink glossed lips.

"Oh, hello Miss Pierce, I see you've arrived right on time, just as asked. Most certainly good for your first day."

I felt awkward and nodded silently. He gestured nonchalantly at a small, semi-circle shaped desk across from his. It was white and pristine, and I could swear it wasn't there yesterday.

"That will be your desk. There are several forms upon it that need to be filed, and I need you to schedule meetings with clients for this week, but you can start by getting me a coffee. There's a break room down the hall to the left. I like it black with two sugars. Okay?" He stated. I placed my things down upon my desk and nodded.

"Yes sir." I walked to the breakroom, thinking about how this is going to be, when a stray thought popped into my head, 'He's just as gorgeous as he was at 17, if not more...' . For a moment, I stopped. What? I'm over him, so where did that just come from? I shook it off and decided it was nothing, just a random thought not to be dwelled over. I entered the break room, and made his coffee.

On the way back to his office, another unwelcome thought came up, 'It wouldn't be very hard to seduce him at all.' . I pushed it out of my mind. These are just old thoughts surfacing and nothing more. I was nervous though, what if I keep thinking like that?

I entered the office and placed his coffee gently on his desk. Without making eye contact, I made my way back to my desk. 

"Thank you," he said kindly and gave me a warm smile. I simply nodded once again, and offered somewhat of a sweet smile in return. I went along with my tasks, first filing the papers. They were mostly customer orders. I reached into my bag for my macbook and logged into the company's website. After taking care of that I made the appointments.


Just as I was about to leave at the end of my shift, I heard Dylan.

"Would you want to go out to dinner with me tonight? We haven't seen each other in such a long time, and it would be nice to catch up."

'What the hell, why not.'

 "Sure," I said. 

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