1: Where were you?

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Wide emerald green eyes stared at the apartment building, then back to the paper in his hand, before turning them back to the building.

He wasn't scared, or nervous at this moment. But he was understandably hesitant. He didn't know when the last time he saw his family was, but he didn't know how they would react to seeing him. Would they remember him? Would they turn him away? We're they even here? If not, where were they? Did they search for him?

The last question gave him pause. Did they search for him? Where did they look? How well did they look? Did they move on from me? Did they- no, he couldn't think like that. But the thoughts stayed there. But even if they did forget and move on from him, it would be okay. He had been relatively alone for a while now, he could survive without them. But he hoped he wouldn't have to.

Steeling himself, he walked up to the building, electing to take the stairs and not waste time to chicken out. He makes his way to the door, and before he can stop himself, he knocks on the door and then backs up slightly.

It feels like eternity until the door then opens, and he's met with a young girl, around his age with a face that looks much like his, except her hair is longer and is very much shorter than him.

"Hi, who is....it....." she trails off as she looks up and sees the boys face, a range of emotions showing on her features, from shock to realization to a mix of sadness and happiness as tears well up in her eyes, her hands holding her mouth to stop the sobs that are threatening to come out.

".... I-Izuku?" She says his name and the familiarity of the name coming from the girl brings a warmth to his chest as a smile unknowingly makes his way to his face.

"Yeah, it's me" he says, and her body crashes against his, his chest vibrating as he hears muffled sobs come from her. He wraps his arms around her, bringing her closer, afraid to let her go in case this feeling isn't real.

"Izumi who's at the door?" A mans voice sounds out from inside and his face comes into Izuku's view. A man, who's the mirror image of himself and his sister, only with a black hair and without the freckles on his face. His height making him eye level with Izuku, they stare at each other before the man recognizes the boy as his son as he freezes momentarily before calling out , "Inko! Get down here!" Loud footsteps are then heard before a woman then pops into frame, her green hair and eyes, a shorter, more heavyset woman looks at her husbands frozen state, before looking at the open door and sees her daughter hugging a fairly large person. "Who's this?" She asks before she gets a better look at his face, and tears automatically start to fall from her face, before she falls to ground, seemingly fainting from shock.

This pulls her husband out his state, looking at his wife in shock and picking her up and bringing her to the couch. Izuku looks down at his sister, feeling the vibrations stop and sees her eyes closed and steady breathing and sees that she passed out while hugging him. He smiles at this, picking her up bridal style and bringing her inside, putting her beside his mom. Backing up and giving the two some space, he then turns to see his dad still looking at him. He then pulls him closer and brings him in for a hug, wrapping his arms around him tightly, afraid he would disappear if he lets go.

"I'm not dreaming right" he says more asks and Izuku chuckles a little.

"I'm not so sure myself" he responds to his dad who huffs out a laugh as well before he gets quiet, still refusing to let go.

"We missed 9 years" he says, his voice almost breaking, "I'm sorry we didn't look hard enough"

"You wouldn't have found me, even if you did. Don't blame yourself" Izuku said, pulling away and looking his dad in the eyes. "I'm here now. That's all that matters"

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