4: Welcome To Hell

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Ok, before you kill me, I have a perfectly good reason for being gone so long
School was kicking my ass. I had been neglecting schoolwork forever and I needed to make up a lot of work. I also was reading some books on my library, so there's that as well.

Also, remember when I said that this was NOT gonna be a harem.... well it is now. I've literally been going back and forth on that decision, but it's officially a harem fic now, so.... yeah.

But I'm gonna bless y'all with a couple new chapters in one day! Your welcome


Kyoka Jiro was many things. A talented musician, an amazing singer, a very smart and capable person, and had a good head on her shoulders. She was by no means stupid. At all.

Yet here on this dirty beach, she felt very stupid for getting herself involved with Izuku Midoriya.

"I'm sorry, can you run that by me one more time?"

Izuku only rolled his eyes at the dramatics of his new friend before saying, "Stop being dramatic, he lucky I'm taking it easy on you"


"Yeah, and?" He deadpans at her outburst, not affected in the least. "Nobody said the path to being a great hero was easy" he quips before going over and grabbing some weights he had brought to the session. "These are weights your going to wear everyday outside of sleeping and showering. There not too heavy because we're focusing on speed with you more than punching holes in walls, but we don't want you to be a slouch in the strength department" he says as he passes her wrist and ankle weights as well as a bigger one that wraps around her torso.

"So I run around all day with these on and I get faster?" He nods before continuing.

"If you can run fast with these on, when you take them off, you run faster. Same thing with throwing punches and kicks. Fairly simple yes?" Jiro just shrugs before putting them on.

"Who am I to argue with the guy who's clearly jacked. Why are we exactly on a trash littered beach again?"

"Don't worry, not gonna make you move them. This is for my sisters training"

"Your sister has to move all this trash? By herself?" He nods only making her sigh. "Well better her than me"

"Don't get to comfortable. Over the next few months, we're doing endurance, speed and power training with an emphasis on the first two. After your where I feel you should be, we're gonna start hand to hand combat, then work in quirk training. Like I said. Your going to hate me by the end of this, but you will be ready for the entrance exams and UA by the time we're done" he finishes up, before strapping on his own weights as well.

"How heavy are your weights? Mine feel like 50 pounds above my body weight"

"Yours are like that for a reason. Putting on too much muscle will only do you more harm to help. And I've got about 450 pounds on me. Unlike you, I actually need to focus on power and muscles. Don't need my body falling apart" he says, walking up to her. "Now, first up, running the whole beach. Try to keep up yeah?" He says before he takes off.

"You and your big mouth Kyoka. Just had to get involved with a training psycho" Jiro sighs to herself before catching up to the boy she's gonna be spending the upcoming months with.

"Never... again...."

This was the result of the training done today. Kyoka, laying on the sand, sweat coming out of places even the author didn't know sweat came out of. Her muscles were sore (mostly the legs), her brain was fried from mental overwork trying to keep her body moving. Her heartbeat was visible through her chest and she felt closer to death than she ever did before in her life.

"You did well for day one. Honestly expected you to drop after the first hour, but you lasted all three" Izuku says, passing her a water bottle, to which she lazily grabs and down in one go before going back to contemplating her life choices.

"You... are a.... demon... from hell..." she tells between gulping breaths of air.

"So I've been told. Like I told you before, be lucky yours is easier than my sisters"

"What is her quirk by the way that would need her to get insanely strong?"

"It's basically a stockpile quirk. Apparently someone on my moms side also had a stockpile quirk and it somehow went to my little sister. But it's really dangerous and if her body isn't physically ready to handle it, she could blow her limbs off" Izuku says, deciding to give Kyoka not necessarily a lie, but not really the truth. This lie he told was actually something he came up with once he found out something interesting about his mom, about how she had an aunt who was a hero and actually did have a strength enhancer quirk, so it wasn't that far fetched.

"That's a terrible drawback"

"Yeah, but now that I'm back, I'm trying to catch her up to where people our age is with their quirks. I've had 11 years to train with mine. She's gonna have at best 5 months with hers"

"Well, if this training regiment I'm doing is any indication, I'm sure she's in good hands" she says, trying and failing to her up. "I can't get up"

Izuku just chuckles and goes over to the smaller girl before lifting her up bridle style, eliciting a blush from the purple haired rocker, before he shifts her to his back and he wraps her arms around his neck and he places his hands under her legs.

"W-w-w-want are y-you d-d-doing?!?"

"Carrying you, what does it look like?" He says with a raised eyebrow. "You said you live in Aichi right? It's a long train ride, let's go"

"You don't h-have to do that, ya know?" She says sheepishly, though she leans in more into the muscular back of the green haired boy.

"Yeah, but I want to, so stop complaining and let's go"

Kyoka just blushes and nods her head against his back, the boy smiling at her shy antics.


The ride to her house is uninteresting, but through it all, Izuku doesn't let her walk once, even when Kyoka said it wasn't necessary and she could walk, he didn't let up. In truth, he like the feeling of carrying her, her arms around him and her body leaning against him. It was a feeling he could get used to.

"You really didn't need to carry me all the way to my house" Jiro says to him, seeing her house now right up the block.

"I know, but I wanted to. I feel like I've been repeating this the whole walk over here" he says looking back at her, his eyes locking with hers, seeing the blush on her face intensify.

'He's so close' she thinks to herself, trying to avoid due contact.

"Well, you can put me down now, we're here" she says pointing to the door he's standing in front of.

"Right" he then puts her down and hold her steady as she tries to get the feeling back in her legs.

"Thanks for walking me home. And though the training wasn't my favorite thing to do, I can feel it helping already"

"Well, it's what I do. Help people" he says as he gives her a small smile. "Make sure get some good rest, we're going an extra thirty tomorrow" he says as he walks away, not bothering to wave, and before Kyoka knows it, he's gone. She walks inside, not paying attention to the eyes of her parents, who's saw and heard the two outside.

"Sooo... who's the boy?"

"Not now mom" Kyoka rolls her eyes, knowing there isn't anyway of getting out of this.

"So it seems like I'm going to have to break out the bat. Excellent" her father says with a dangerous aura surrounding him. The two women however, just stare at him with deadpanned looks, not threatened at all by those words.

"Oh please old man. You'd probably hug him the first chance you got" Kyoka scoffs before going up to her room, much to the em dismay of her father.

"She can't even let me have one" he says sadly with his head down, as his wife just pats him on the back.


I had no idea how to end this chapter, so that's the best I had

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