2: The Trainer/ The First Encounter

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The rest of the day had been interesting for Izuku. His parents had taken him to the police station to report him as recovered from a long forgotten missing persons case. To say that the whole station was in an uproar would be a complete understatement. The leading detective has came in and asked Izuku questions on where he had been. Izuku would have told half truths, but he had a truth telling quirk, which made him tell things that were mostly the truth and worked around other answers.

After a few hours and countless questions, he finally walked back out the room and met up with his parents.

"Detective Tsukachi. Everything set?" Hisashi asks, ready to leave the station and get back home with his son.

"I would say yes, but I'd realistically be lying" he replies, a dark look over face.

"What's the problem? Izuku's home, shouldn't that be all that matters?" Inko speaks up.

"Yes, that should be. The issue is, WHERE and WHO he was with during those 9 years"

"Izuku told us. The 9 Tails? Who are they?"

"A para-military terrorist organization. Highly dangerous, even too heroes have trouble them. It was so bad, the UN and National Hero Association called in top heroes around the world to take them on a couple years ago. They barely escaped with their lives" Tsukachi said and Izuku noticeably flinched at that, the memories of that day flashing through his brain. Though the only person who saw was Izumi.

"That was world news. The whole island was leveled and sunk into the ocean" Hisashi adds, remembering that day and the destruction that was caused. "Is there  a chance of them coming for Izuku?"

"I don't know. He told me the team he was traveling with are sleeping in the ocean, so I would say they're gonna presume them all dead unless they try and recover the plane. As far as I can see, it seems like he's in the clear, but these people are dangerous. Tread lightly and be careful" he tells them seriously, before softening his tone and continuing, "but most importantly, be a family. You've got your kid back. You can't get that time back. So make the most of the time you've got together in this second chance".

They thank the detective and make their way outside, while Tsukachi watches them go as a body walks up to him from the corner, clothed in a black jump suit, with yellow goggles to hide his tired eyes and a scarf.

"9 years we were searching for that boy. And he shows up out of nowhere. Did his story check through?" The tiredness in his voice clearly evident as he looks to the detective who nods.

"Everything checked out. Couldn't give us everything on the 9 Tails, but he told us everything he was involved in, including "The Sinking of Jeju". That was shocking to here" he said as the mans eyes widened.

"What, that was him? That kid?"

"That's what he said"

"That means the kid was twelve when he did that. How strong is he?"

"I don't know, but if he was sinking an island over 700 square miles in size at that age, imagine what he could do by 18? Or by 25? Let's thank god he wants to play for the good guys" Tsukachi chuckles to himself.

"He wants to be a hero?" Tsukachi nods, recalling what the boy had told him.

"He said his motivations never changed while he was captured. The only thing that kept him going was his parents and his goal. "To be a great hero that helps people. So I can save people to repent for the ones I hurt". A goal like that for a kid that age, it can't be easy" he says as he walks off, leaving the tired man to his thoughts as he looks out the door.

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