5: Progression

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The early morning sky during the middle of Fall, there stood the younger sister of our protagonist, standing on a cleared beach, watching the sunrise on the early morning.

It was now the month of October, and Izumi had somehow cleared the beach. It took A LOT of overworking herself, and even more of her brother pushing her harder than she had ever been pushed before in her life, just like he said he would. And the difference on her body was clearly shown through the muscle definition and the six pack she had gained from months of hard labor. Her body was right in places it had never been before, but this was worth it for her. In order to be a great hero capable of standing next to her brother, she needed this. And last night it had finally come to the culmination when All Might had given her his quirk. She hadn't tested it out yet, but she was getting antsy as she waited for both of her trainers.

Unbeknownst to her, a short, purple haired girl was walking into the beach area to continue her training with the boy she had an immense crush on. Though she of course wasn't gonna tell him that. At least not yet. The past months that Kyoka and Izuku had spent together, both training and outside of training, they had grown immensely closer. It had basically become a tradition for Izuku to carry the girl home after a training session, and after the first few times, she stopped complaining about it. She actually looked forward to it now. It didn't feel right if it didn't happen these days. She found a sort of safe space with her arms wrapped around his neck and feeling the warmth of his back muscles. Her parents had been hounding her to just confess to the boy already, her father being the first to say it after he had gotten tired of the run around they giving each other. He hadn't had a conversation with the boy, but he liked to think he was great judge of character and he could tell the boy was good for his daughter.

Back to said girl, she had walked into the beach when she saw a familiar head of hair, but it looked somehow longer than it did when she saw him a couple days ago, which sort of threw her off. She then started to analyze the rest of the body and saw that it wasn't the broccoli haired boy she had grown fond of, but someone very close to him.

"His sister?" She says to herself, but Izumi hears this and turns to the voice, locking eyes with each other.

"Hi. Who are you?" Izumi asks, confused at this new face at the beach. She was unaware that anyone woke up as early as her and brother and came to this exact beach.

"Hey, sorry you looked like someone I know. My names Kyoka Jiro, nice to meet you" she says and Izumi's eyes light up at the name.

"Ah so your who my brother spends a lot of his time with then? Names Izumi Midoriya. I assume he's told you about me"

"He has. Good things? Debatable" she says with a chuckle, only causing Izumi to scowl.

"Oh. Seems I need to beat some respect into him then eh?" She says with a dark aura surrounding her, causing Jiro to sweatdrop.

"I'm sorry. Who were you going to beat?" A familiar voice to the two females says and they turn their heads to see Izuku looking at his little sister with a raised eyebrow. "No no, don't stop on my behalf, what were you saying?"

"Hehe, heeeeyyyyy big bro. How's it hanging? Everything good? That's good, I'm just gonna go that waaAAAAHH" she yells out as he grabs her  ear and pulls her back towards him.

"You thought training was gonna be hard before? Now you're gonna want to die, by the time I'm done with you" he says with a dangerous tint in his tone as he gives her a closed eye smile.

Kyoka was glad that she was not the one to be on the receiving end of whatever it was he had planned.

"Now, I'm sure your both wondering why you're here at the same time. That's simple: you toe will be training the same schedule from now on"

"So we have the same training schedule and regimen? Cool"

"No Izumi, you don't. Hers isn't as strenuous as yours cause you can handle more because of your quirk. Speaking of which, I'm gonna help you control. The big doofus would've probably told you something like "clench your butt cheeks and yell SMASH" or something like that"

"That's.... actually yeah I can see it" Izumi agrees. As much as she loves All Might, he's not the best trainer for these types of things.

"So, activate it in the easiest place you can right now" he tells her and she nods before taking a few deep breaths and then powers up OFA in her fist first, and she can feel pain radiating in them.

"Alright now relax and turn it off" she nods and does as she's told and after a few moments, it turns off and she starts to breath normally. "Now, use that feeling, and spread it throughout your whole body. Remember what I said: you don't want a hot pocket that's hot on the outside but cold on the inside. It needs to be hot everywhere".

She then powers up again, but this time, she makes the feeling appear in both her arms, then her legs, before working her way around her whole body, until red lines show around her entire body.

"It hurts..."

"It's okay. It's okay. Now, try to power it down, but don't shut it off. It's like one of those lights that lets you dim the lights or turn it up to full. Dim the lights" he tells her and she nods before turning it down. It isn't easy, but gets the hand of it fairly quickly, and the pain lessens the more she turns it down until the pain finally subsides and a green lighting overtakes the red lines surrounding her.

"Excellent Izumi. How much power do you think your using?"

"If the beginning was 100%, this feels like 5%, I think"

"Ok that's good, now turn it off" he says as he sets the bag he was carrying down as she turns off the power.

"That looked awesome" Jiro speaks up from her spot beside them, seeing the spectacle of power.

"It felt amazing. Well, after the intense pain of course" she chuckles along with the girl she's just met.

"Talk later, we have five months to train you up to where you need to be for the entrance exams. Thousands of people take that exams every year and there's on average 40 hero students a year, split between two hero classes. That's less than 1% most years. You need to stand out anyway you can. It's an exam that's made for those with fancy to show out from what I've been told, which means Kyoka specifically is at a disadvantage, but not that much. However, there are others like you who have been working just as hard. Izumi, I need more than 100% from you this point onwards. We all have the goal of being great heroes right? Then we have to train like it" he says as he throws some weights towards the two of them. "Kyoka has the purple ones and Izumi has the green ones. Very on brand I know. These are the final weights you'll be training with from this point on. Same rules as last time"

"Did you change yours too?" Izumi asks her brother who nods and pulls his shirt up, which causes Kyoka to turn her head away to hide her blush.

"I'm at a total of 500 pounds currently. I plan to be at 800 by the time the exams comes. Now, let's begin. I have work later"

"I never asked, but exactly do you do?" Kyoka asks, strapping her weights on.

"Run errands for a private detective. Enough questions, we're wasting daylight" he says. The two girls just raise their brows at that before looking over at each other and shrugging. Questions later, impending ass whooping first.


Two pretty quick chapters. I just wanted to get these out the way. I might do one more pre-entrance exam chapter thats Izujiro centric before I get into the meat of the story and we introduce another member of the mini harem. The harem consist of Momo, Mei and Jiro, with Jiro as the leader btw, just as a heads up.

With that said, how did you guys like the chapters? Feedback is appreciated. I

As always, vote, comment, and share if you want.

Til next time ✌🏽

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