Girl Meets First Date

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Riley and I were by our lockers when Lucas and Liam were coming down the stairs

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Riley and I were by our lockers when Lucas and Liam were coming down the stairs. Liam and Riley smiled at each other from a far while Lucas came up to me and gave me a kiss with his hands on my waist.

"Nooooo!" Is all we heard and then Cory carried Riley into the classroom. Lucas and I looked at each other as then Cory came back out and yanked me in there.

"Cory! Are you mental!?" I said at same time Riley said "Dad are you out of your mind?!"

"Riley.. Deja it's time for the talk.." he said making me snort while Riley's jaw drop

"In front of the classroom?!" She exclaimed and Maya laughed

"Yea sure give them the time, show us what you know." She said and I shook my head

"When a daughter." Riley cut him off "stop.." she placed her head in her hands. I placed a hand on her shoulder

"Don't worry, he doesn't know much." I reassured her making some people laughed while he glared at me. He looked over at the door

"Excuse me." He says and runs over to the door and closes it while leaning on it.

"not today, Chachis" he says to Lucas and Liam who easily push the door open with Cory behind it

"Sir, you've known us all year. You like us, admit it." Lucas said and Cory shook his head

"I don't wanna." He said stubbornly

"We're some of the good kids. What are you so afraid of? And Lucas had been dating Deja for almost 8 months now." Liam says as we all walk to our seats.

"Okay." Cory says, erasing Belguim off the chalkboard. Farkle stands up with a Belgium shirt and flag.

"No!" He protests

"Okay, guys. It's the seventh grade spring fever, which leads to dating, which leads to movies, which leads to popcorn, which leads to putting your hands together in the dark touching popcorn, which leads to holding hands, which leads to that!" He shouts and points at Yogi and Darby.

"But they're cute together." I said and Cory went over to them.

"Oh, I am not ready for this." He picks up Yogi and separates him from Darby.

"Come with me. Come Here. Come on, no, come on. Come with me."

"Oh Cory calm down. How do you know that Lucas and I haven't gone farther than that?" I asked teasingly and he looked at me shocked before glaring at Lucas

"What?!" He yelled while Maya started cracking up at Lucas' panicking face

"Precious are you trying to get me killed?" Lucas asked nervously smiling at Cory who was still glaring at him

Locked Away- Lucas Friar GMW FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now