Deja Precious Walker just moved to New York for a new start. She was trying to get through middle school and high school so she could finally become a singer and songwriter. She wasn't looking for friends to make but when she met Riley and Maya who...
"Girl! Wake up! Lucas has been blowing up your phone. Y'all's date is tonight at 7 and we overslept. It's fucking 4 pm!!! He's coming to get you at 6:50." She yelled making me jump out of bed.
"Oh fuck! Mich ima go shower and there's a dress hanging on my closet door. That's what I'm wearing." I told her rushing into my bathroom.
"Okay ima plug in the curler and get all the makeup set up." She told me as I finished brushing my teeth. I jumped into the shower, washing my hair and body before shaving my body since I'm wearing a dress. I quickly got out with my robe on and towel on my head. I sat down at my vanity table as Mich starts blowing my hair and then curling it. She then gets started on my makeup that was going to match my dress. Once she was done with that, I went to put on bra and underwear before carefully putting on my dress to not mess up my makeup or my hair.
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