3- Secret Admirer

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~Setting: School rooftop~

Bakugou's POV:

"What was so important?" I snap at him, annoyance looming over me as I feel my feet ache in pain. The staircase up here was long and steep, making me feel unsteady and almost unstable.

"Bakugou," he starts, "You're not ok..."

Shit, how does he know how I'm feeling? He can't know that I'm being abused, mum will kill me if she finds out!

"Uhh- I-i, um... i" I'm stuttering, lost for words.

What do i do?! Should I open up to him? No, that a terrible idea! He'll tell everyone and what will I do then? They'll kick me out of  UA! What do I say, what do I say...

"N-no!" I spit.

Ugh, that doesn't even make sense.

"I'm ok," I say in a stern but not convincing enough voice.

"Mhm, then explain the cuts and bruises all over your face," Todoroki confidently exclaims.

Wait, but I put on makeup? How? Did I smudge some of it off? Wait... he was looking at my face? Why was he looking at my face?!?

He would have to get pretty close to notice...could he have been...admiring me?

No, don't think that. He probably just thought I looked like shit.

"You...we're looking at me?" I manage to get out. I feel my face flush a tint of pink as I turn my head to the floor, covering my face from his view.

Before he could answer I let out a sigh, relating back to the question.

"It's from training," I state, I feel my face start to feel normal again, not so hot. My gaze fixed on his as I look him dead in the eyes.

He looks so intimidating like this, his multicoloured hair is separated by the part resting in the middle, complemented by the beaming of sun shining above. His board shoulders push up against his uniform, his defined muscles on display.

Butterflies abound in my stomach at the thought.

He looks really pretty.

Wait what am I thinking?! There's no way I like Icy-Hot...but since when did I start thinking such cliche things like that?

Todoroki's POV:

"You...we're looking at me?" Bakugou asks, ignoring the question.

Was I admiring him? He is kinda cute but what am I saying. I guess I was staring at him though. I even got in for a closer look.

Why am I like this...

Maybe I do like him, I mean what's not to like. He might come off mean but i kinda like how he acts when he's upset.

What am I thinking?!?

I feel a tint of red flush my face as the blushing intensifies. I daze off daydreaming. Maybe I should get to know him more, I could invite him over for a sleepover?

"It's from training," he finally answers.

Training? There's no way THAT is from training. I guess I'll just agree for now and continue to pester him about it later. 

*The final bell rings*

"Want to come to my house?" I ask, knowing Endeavour won't be home.

"Fine," he says, trying to sound like he doesn't want to. It only makes me smile and I try not to laugh, knowing he'll get mad if I do.

"Let's go blasty."

Hope you enjoyeddddd <333
I laughed at the first part ahahha

Word count: 561


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