7- Our special lunch

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Todoroki's POV:

"Hey Bakugou! Wait up!" I yell, in an attempt to get his attention.

We've decided against making it obvious we had grown so close so soon, so I've been referring to him by his last name while around the others.

Katsuki and Kirishima stop in their tracks, turning to see me stumbling over.

"What do you want?" Bakugou almost growls.

Must be in a bad mood.

"Wanna have lunch with me? My mum packed me some extra food today," I request.

"Fine whatever," He spits angrily, with no intent to be polite.

We walk together to the rooftop. It's usually empty giving us the perfect opportunity to be alone.

"Bakugou I want to talk to you about..." I pause not wanting to make this awkward. "...our relationship."

Tension fills the air and I kinda regret asking the question so early on. I've been wanting to talk to him about it for longer than I can remember. I love being his friend but I've always craved the thought of being more.

"Like what exactly?" He asks a bit confused. I squirm a bit closer to him but not so close that we're touching. My lungs almost combust as i attempt to take deep breaths.

I don't usually get so nervous about things but I really, really want Katsuki to accept my feelings for him.

"Katsuki....I-i," I blurt. I'm stuttering, I never stutter...

"I like you, as in I have feelings for you. I know we haven't spent too much time together but I've always been adrmiring you. You drive me to push forwards and I admire the determination you ensure that I could never have."

"I've felt like this for forever and I feel like I've gotten a lot closer to you in this time. Look I really want to be able to call you mine and I'm really sorry if this has just ruined everything....Katsuki Bakugou will you please be my boyfriend?"

Silence looms over the both of us.

"We could..give it a go," he mumbles "sure."

Leaning in closer her rests his head on my shoulder. Embracing his touch I put my arm around him in return and smile covering my face.

Picking up a meat bun I signal at him asking if he wants some.

"Katsuki, are you hungry? Do you want some food?" I ask as I put the meat bun in my mouth. I don't mean to be offensive but he seems like he really needs to eat.

I just want him to be healthy.

"I know you haven't been eating so you don't really have a choice," I add on before he can decline.

"Mm, yeah fine. I guess i could eat some more, although I did have most of my breakfast."

I place the meat bun carefully into his mouth before we continue to eat more and talk until the end of lunch.
Hope you enjoyed <33
My guy really had one sleepover and went yup I'm in love are you in love?

Word Count: 508


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