12- Todoroki family dinner

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(Inspired by many YouTubers that have done this video and there is an audio)
Audio created by: Bluesbirb (TikTok)

"Shoto can you please pass the stuffing," Endeavour asks. We are now all sitting at the table, Touya is yet to arrive.

"No," Shoto exclaims, "Get it yourself."

Natsou giggles, a smile enlarging on his face. He white hair hangs over part of his face with his his grey eyes complementing his matching grey shirt with blue jeans. A large black coat hangs over his shoulders and shown past his waist.

"H-here, here you go dad" Fuyumi stutters, passing endeavour the stuffing.

She has mainly white hair with only a few streaks of red, glasses and wears a tight blue shirt paired with long black pants and a coat like Natsou's but pink.

"Everyone, meet Katsuki, my boyfriend," Shoto exclaims.

"Nice to meet you," Natsuo and Fuyumi comments as Endeavour rolls his eyes making me scoff.

*Ding dong*

"Was that the doorbell? Who could that be?" Endeavour questions, thinking everyone invited has now arrived.

"Oh! I invited Touya!" Shouto exclaims. The door creaks open as Touya enters the room, confidence beaming off his strides.

"Sup pops, looking orange, nice. Everybody hello. Hope you guys dont mind I uhh brought my boyfriend..." Touya states turning around to present Hawks standing at the door.

"Heya!" Hawks exclaims smiling comfortably. Shoto grabs onto my hand tightly, giving it a squeeze.

"Shoto! I can't believe you invited this monster into our house." Endeavour states and i feel the angry bubbling through me, tightening my grip on Shoto's hand. Though he looks calm and unbothered.

"Well your already here," He mumbles, a grin plastered on his face.

"Hawks? Your dating Dabi?! Shoto! Dabi's your brother?!" I question, bombarding with questions.

I'm so confused.

"Oh yeah-!" Shoto starts, only to be cut off by Natsou.

"This is so great!" His smile enlarging on his face.

"I am trying to change!!" Endeavour almost yells.

"Ok, who wants some nice, calming tea?" Fuyumi asks to change the topic.

"Sounds great" Hawks says politely.

"I'll take some," says Touya, "but can you put a couple shots in mine? That's the only way I'm getting through this dinner," he says and giggles to himself.

"Ok, I'll just go boil some water real quick!" Fuyumi stops at the door to say, "don't worry I won't pour it on anyone!"

Shoto gets up in rage and just glares at her angrily as Natsou spits out the water he was drinking and laughs.

"Huh?" Katsuki says, not knowing what's going on.

"I'm so sorry," Fuyumi then comments, her hands covering her mouth as she turns away to make the tea.

"Alright, can we just try to have a decent family dinner?!" Endeavour asks sternly.

"Well it's too bad the whole family isn't here," Natsou comments.

"Natsou, zip it-" Fuyumi says only to be interrupted.

"No he's right!" Shouto exclaims and I shoot him a confused look.

"Mum should be here instead of dad!"

"I couldn't agree more!" Touya reply's with a smile on his face.

"Fuyumi, the food is delicious! You must give me your recipe!" Hawks assures.

"Actually dad make it," Fuyumi says pointing at endeavour.

"Yes, I really am trying to make an effort here!" He says proudly.

"Wow, would you look at that! Dad cooked dinner for his family, mom cooked Shoto's face!" Touya says, chuckling.

"Oh my..." I mumble.

"Parents of the year everyone, parents of the year!" He finishes.

"Omg," Natsou comments attempting not to laugh.

"Listen, make fun of my face all you want, but leave mom out of this. Besides, have you looked in the mirror recently? Your body's so roasted we should've served you instead of the turkey!" Shoto exclaims, proud of his comments.

"Pffttt" I attempt to hold in my laughter with a grin.

"Shotooo!!!" Natsou says, also trying not to laugh.

"OOhhhh! Better but some ice on that burn!" Hawks exclaims, looking at his boyfriend.

"HAWKS!" Touya states in a stern and angry tone making Hawks instantly regret his comment.

"Yes, that was a poor choice of words, I do regret that. Imma go fill my drink! Uhh fuyumi? Shots?" Hawks then reply's.

"I am way ahead of you!" She says and i giggles making Shouto blush.

~A few hours later~

"You know what? I think this was good. I think you guys needed to let out some of your pent up aggression at each other." Hawks reassures.

"Hmm, perhaps this was good for us!" Endeavour says.

"I think that we should do this every year!" exclaims Natsou.

"Hmm, maybe we can have a decent family dinner after all!" Fuyumi sighs in relief as she says this.

"So Toyua! What have you been doing all this time you've been gone!" Endeavour asks curiously.

"Probably villian things" Katuki mumbles to Shouto.

"*cough* Hawks" Touya reply's smirking

"*cough* uhh, he's kidding!" Hawks quickly snaps back at everyone nervously.

"Pffttt" I try's not to laugh once again.

"Anddd the moments ruined!" Fuyumi says standing up, "That's it, I'm tapping out! Imma go bring some food to mom! Goodbye family.."

"W-wait, wait wait wait," Natsou exclaims, "I'll come with you! But seriously guys, this was great! I will see you all in therapy!" He says smiling as he walks out the door with his sister.

"Hey! Don't look at me! You brought this upon yourself! With all your anger issues and your little fire moustache!" Katsuki comments towards Endeavour laughing and i notice Shoto giggles.

"Your right...I deserve this..." Endeavour says sadly as Hawks and Touya nod.

"If I grew a moustache," Shoto mumbles, "would it be fire or ice? ...Or both?!" He finishes and Katsuki giggles at his confusion.

"So! For Christmas!" Touya exclaims, "I'm thinking we do secret Santa! Who's in?"
We both agree as Shoto grabs my hand and pulls me out of the room as we say our goodbyes to Touya and Hawks, ignoring endeavour.

~in the car~

"Wow! Your family's so funny! But why didn't you tell my Dabi was Touya and he's your brother. And what were you talking about? Pouring hot boiling water on your son?" I ask shooting questions at Shoto.

"When I was little my mother pouring hot boiling water on my face and that how I got this scar and I didn't tell you about Touya since I thought you could just find out when we got there," Shoto comments and i nod.

"Hmm ok, let's go to my room," Katsuki finishes.
Hope you enjoyed! This was a long one, sorry if it's too long 😅 hope you enjoyed!!

Word Count: 1106


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