Chapter 29: Plane trip

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~during class~


"Ok everyone, tomorrow we will be taking a plane to Australia. The plane trip will be 24 hours long and make sure you inform your parents. If you are unable to come please see me immediately!" Azaiwa starts, "don't forget to pack, we will be there for a few days," he finishes.

An excursion? A night away from my dad? This'll be great! I get to spend so much time with Katsuki and my squad.

~in the morning~


"KATSUKI! GET UP OR YOU'LL BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!!" Mitsuki yells angrily.

Oh shit i'm late!! I better hurry so I dont miss the bus to the airport!

~at school~

"Bakugou!! Your finally here, the bus was about to leave without you!" Azaiwa starts, "quickly sit down!"

I hurry onto the bus and see a spare seat next to Shouto and sit there. I'm panting and out of breath from running here as fast as I could.

"Good morning Katsuki. How come your so late?" Shouto says calmly.

"I slept in! Old hag didn't wake me up any earlier!!" I exclaim angrily, "can I sit next to you on the plane?"

"I was going to sit with Midoriya, but if you can convince his to switch spots with you then sure."

"WHAT?! Ugh, fine!" I say, I know Deku has a crush on Kirishima so I'll just sit next to him so Deku won't be able to resist.

"Hey, Kirishima! Save me a spot next to you on the plane!" I yell out to him.

"Ok bro!" He responds.

~on the plane~

"Hey Kirishima, imma go do something!" I say as I unbuckle my seatbelt and walk up to Deku, Shouto and Mina.


"W-what is it Kacchan? Do you need something?" Deku says, worried.

"Yes! Do you want to switch places? I'm sitting next to Kirishima." I saw his face light up as he unbuckles his seatbelt and gets up.

"Sorry Todoroki! I'm going to sit next to Kirishima!"

"It's alright." Shoto replys as Mina and him get up and move out of the way so that Deku can get out and I can sit at the window next to Shoto.

~a few hours of the 3 talking later~


Hmpf im so tired! I know I kinda slept in but I went to bed late last night and still got up earlier then I usually do.


Bakugou looks really tired!

"Katsuki, you can sleep on me." I whisper so that no one but him can hear. Once I've said this he rests his head on my shoulder and snuggles into my side.

"These seats are uncomfortable!" He pouts.

"Yes, I know," I start, "just try to sleep." I put my arm around Katsuki to make him more comfortable.

~5 hours of just sleeping later~

*click, mutter*

"H-huh?" I mumble as I start to open my eyes, adjusting to the light.

"Aww! You guys look so cute!!" Mina exclaims.

I look at Katsuki's and realise we've been cuddling all night.

"Katsuki! Wake up!" I say, slightly shaking him gently.

"Mm, noo! Just a bit longer..." he pouts, still half asleep.

"Fine" I reply as I stop Mina from taking more photos and ask people to stop starring at us. I put on a movie.

I still have my arm ms wrapped around bakugou and his head is still resting on my shoulder.

"Hmpf.." Bakugou says as he starts to wake up, "it's so bright!" As he says this I put one of my earbuds into his ear and he start to watch the movie with me.

We continue to watch and laugh at movies together for the next few hours until we get bored.

"Ugh, I'm so bored!" Katsuki pouts, "how long do we have left?"

"Only another hour i think, then we'll be in Australia to meet and train with some hero's!!" I say, now excited that we've only got an hour left.

"Bakuhoe!!" Mina exclaims as shes walking back to her seat next to mine, "you guys were adorable last night! Don't worry I showed the whole class the wholesome photos i took!!"

"YOU WHAT?!" Katsuki shouts.


"Cabin crew, please brace yourselves for landing. Stay in your seats, I have turned the seatbelt sign back on." The pilot of the plane then says.

"Finally!!" Katsuki then says with as he sighs in relief, "I really wanna get off this plane."
Hope you enjoyed <3

Word Count: 762


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