Chapter one- my usal life

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One for being ugly, one for being fat, and another for being bullied. I cut three times on my right arm, my left had already had enough from last night. I washed it off and walked out of the bathroom and into my bedroom. I layed on my bed as I heard the front door open. Oh no, he's home! My 'dad' is home! I locked the door and hid under my blankets praying to God that he wouldn't come in. I was mistaken, he started shaking the door handle "where are you?! Rachel come out here right now!" He boomed. I felt my self shake even more, "come out or you'll get 20 more!" He yelled and started punching the door witch caused a hole in there.

I slowly got out of bed and unlocked the door, he slapped me hard. I fell to the ground as he got on top of me and slapped me one more time witch made my face really red. "Where were you?!" He asked as his hand went in the air "I-i was sleeping" I lied. He just spit at me then walked out.

This is my everyday life, I get bullied and aboused everyday. The reason why my 'dad' does this is because when my mom died after giving birth to me my dad had to take care of me. He got angry because he thought that it was my fault I killed my mom. He really is my dad though, we have the same blood but I don't consider him as my dad. I'm a 15 year old named Rachel smith, I don't have many friends at school. Actully none! I'm bullied ALOT! Everyday at school I get pushed or shoved into lockers, or I'll get called names. So there is a bunch of reasons to cut myself.

I closed the door and locked it again. Hopefully he wouldn't come back to me. I have already enough bruses on myself, and scars....

Since today was a Thursday it ment I had to go back to hell tomorrow at school and come back with my so called dad and whip me on my ribs and my legs and everywhere else all over again. Witch lead to me locking my self in the bathroom to cut myself thousands of times agin. I got up from my bed and went over to my backpack to do my homework since I haven't done it yet. Right when I get home from school I get beat untill I bleed then I run straight to the bathroom untill my dad leaves (he goes to the bar for hours). I get out of the bathroom and go to thrpe kitchen to get a bunch of food and hide it under my bed, since my dad starves me too. Then I just sit in my bedroom, for a long time.

I finished my homework but I got hungry, I heard my stomach growl. I placed my hand over it to try and calm it down. I looked under my bed, nope! I was now probably done since I forgot about food, my dad did come home earlier though. He usually comes at 9:00-12:50, but today he came at 7:00. I guess he got kicked out or something.

I was just sitting there on my floor starving to death, "food" I said in a small voice. I guess my dad heard someone how because he banged open the door and threw a bag of bread on my, he walked over to me and kicked me three times, hard. "Just so you don't die!" He yelled and slammed the door shut.

I grabbed the bag, great only one loaf of bread. At least I had something, I munched it down quickly and layed in my bed. I need to shower so grabbed my towl and ran fat to the bathroom. I was lucky that my dad had pasted out on the couch.

After I showered I ran to the kitchen and stool some more food and went to my bedroom, I ate some food but then I put some under my bed behind a box. I layed in my bed and feel asleep.

Great. Another day of getting bullied, I got out of bed and got changed then went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and put my hair in a messy bun. My dad wasn't home because he went to his friend Ricky's house to drink some more and smoke.i got my iteams and walked to my bus stop witch was actually really far away from my house.

When I got there I waited for the other kids to get there. The other kids who rides my bus are seventh graders and yes the make fun of me too. They don't push me apinto lockers and stuff but they only call me names. The seventh graders names are savanna and her sister jessica. Ugh, they were here "hey slut!" Savanna high fived her sister. I gored them, like I always do. They made fun of me untill the bus got here. I sit Right behind the bus driver so they can't make fun of me much.

More people got on the bus and more people laughed at me. When we finally got to school I went to my locker but halfway there Rabecca pushed me to the floor witch caused my books to fall with me "haha!" Her friends laughed along with her. Nick was the 'cutest boy in school' but also the biggest jerk in the world! He was the main person to bully me! He was the one who started this whole entire thing! I wish is old say something back to home but I get to scared to do anything.

"Come on let's go nick can do the rest" one of her friends say. I get up and grab my text books from the ground and speed walk to my locker. I quickly shoove everything into my locker but grab my history book and close my locker.

I run to history class and make it in time. I sit my a qoiet girl name lizzy, were not friends but she is mostly the only person who doesn't bully me. I could hear the girls in front of me snickering and the boys from the back laughing and throwing paper balls at my hair. Rabecca and nick are a couple so of course they were in the back corner making out.

"Alrightly class calm down!" Mr. Richermans says placing a bunch of paper on his desk. "Today we have a math test!" A lot of people sigh and groan "it only be 50 qoestion!" He smiled. The class groaned again.he passé them out and I started doing it. I actully for once studied for this test so I think I'll pass.

The boys behind me were still throwing little paper balls at me, I was getting so annoyed I had to do something, I turned around and yelled "stop doing that!" I got out of my chair and slammed there table "Jazz" one of them says laughing "wow" I hear another girl from across the room. "Ms. Smith can you explain this please?" Mr.richermans asked from behind me "u-uh" I knew that if I told the truth, they would bully me even worse! It got quiet "go to the principles office now!" He shouted and giving me a pass.

Dang it! Now my dad will be super mad at me and beat me harder then normal! I'm scared out of my life right now! This was the first time that I ever stood up for myself and the first time that I got to go to the princleples office!


Worst chapter ever.....

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