Chapter five

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Today is a Wednesday, it feels likes a Monday every day though for me. I got out of bed to get ready, once I got ready I walked to my bus stop. Great savanna is back. "Three days in a roll! You still came!" They both laughed and high fived eachtoher. "Honestly, I'm sick and tired of you guys thinking your tough and funny and everything but your really not! Your doing this because you don't have anything better to do!" I shouted back. They didn't reply untill the bus came "well jeez" jessica smirks.

At school I do my usal and go to my locker. I hear nick and his group of friends laughing while they wait for me at my locker "well well look how is finally here!" Lance laughed "she took a long time! We're you cutting?" Nick smirked. "Shut up!" I yelled and pushed them out of my way. I grabbed my history book and shoove them, but not nick he's standing there waiting for a fight.

"Go ahead Smith, yell at me" he laughed I just pushed him out of my way so I could get to my class. Lizzy waved at me "hi?" I asked "sorry I've been so shy around you, I'm starting to come out" he smiles "good" I replied. We became friends, real ones I hope.

"Nick didn't set this up did he?" I ask

"No, he's not even my friend and hes a huge jerk!"

"I know right!"

"He bullied my younger brother before" she mumbles

"Why?" I ask

"For no reason, like you"

"It hurts but we get used to the pain"

"I know you do, but they stopped bothering my brother because he went to a different school so that's why I'm here alone" he says

"Why didn't you go with him?" I ask

"My parents got divorced" she answers

"I'm sorry for you, my mom died giving birth to me" I explain

"Oh, I'm sorry" she says.

At lunch we sit together and talk more, we learn more about eachother like what we like and stuff and this time I'm really sure that nick didn't set this up. And I think lance didn't either. At the end of the day I walked home smiling untill I opened the door. "What took you so long?! I'm angry at you!" He yells "why?" I ask "because you killed her! You killed my one true love! And here I am stuck with a ugly child!" He slaps me. "Go to your bedroom and go to hell!" He shouts pointing to my bedroom door. I lock the bedroo. Door and out everything away. I hide under my blankets and start to cry. Why? Why did everything go so well today untill this right now? Why does he make me feel worse then I already do?! I know I killed her and I'm so sorry! He doesn't understand me....

I cry for another hour and then I stop. Crying doesn't help me! I run out of the room and into the bathroom. I grab the blade and cut three on each arm. "These are my Beaty marks, I'm proud to have them" I mumble. I wash my worst and arms then walk out of the bathroom and back into my bedroom.

I sit there on the floor and eat some crackers and cheese. I have some chips and then I start doing my homework, after I finish it I look at the clock 7:50 and my dad had just left to go to the bar. 8i leave my room to go shower and brush my teeth.

I come back and kncok out on my bed, I'm super tired.


Thursaday and Friday were the same as normal, boring and nothing but bullied. At least I didn't cut on those two days. Oh yeah, and nick or lance didn't st up lizzy whew.

My dad went out or something (not to Ricky's or the bar). I was walking arounfpd the house since I spent most my life hiding in my bedroom. I walked around the kitchen, living room, and the backyard.

I went back inside and ate some real food from the kitchen. Then I went into my bedroom and looked at my phone, it's cracked probably because my dad kicked me so many times. I looked at my text meassages, lance

Lance: look! Stop trying okay?!

Rachel: trying what?

Lance: stop trying to fit in! Your horrible okay?! Everyone hates you!

Rachel: no

Lance:yes everyone does!

Rachel: no, half the school probably hates you! But you think your all cool and everything because your best friend is the 'Cutest boy in school'

Lance: I am cool, your just jealous

Rachel: why would I be jealous about you?

Lance: why would you? Because your dad hates you! And your mom died because of you! Everything you've done is bad! Even your own dad doesn't want you!

Rachel: what about your dad

Lance: he served in the army, died

Rachel: I'm sorry to hear that

Lance: you don't care!

Rachel: I do, at least I have a heart

I locked my phone and layed on my bed, I hate lance! I hate him and his life! I hate his own living soul! But no matter how much hate there is, I'll always care about him. Why is this world so cruel? Why did God make me live this life? Why did I end up living? I'm so lost in my own words.

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