Chapter two- lance?

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I walked down the long hall way and into the office and then knocked on his door "come in!" He said. I walked in pride and sat down in chair across from him. "Your teacher called me" he said looking disappointed "y-yes" I said in a small voice. "What did you do?" He asked leaning back.

It seemed as if he knew something was up, like he knew that I was gonna lie to him right off the bat.

"And don't lie" he added it got quiet

"Okay, so I'll be honest here. I have been bullied for a long time now and these boys behind name kept bothering me so then I had to yell at them! I was standing up for my self!" I explained almost yelling. I felt the tears in my eyes.

"Who were the boys?"

"I don't know them well, the one throwing them had brown hair and greenish eyes, the other guy had blonde hair and blue eyes" I told him

"Oh! Jason and James! My star students!" He laughed

"What?!" I yelled and stood up

"Ms.smith sit down right now!" He also stood up

"I'm just standing up for my self and your not doing anything! Isn't standing up for your self what you taught us?!" I shouted he was speechless. Salty.

"Rachel Smith! You will be getting a phone call home right now with your father!" He said grabbing the phone. I walked over to were he was as he filed the phone number, good news was that my dad wouldn't answer, at least.

"Why isn't he answering? Is he at work?"

"Yeah! At work!" I lied trying to make it sound real

"Well" he said putting down the phone and sitting back down, I also sat back down.

"Well what?" I asked

"Your lucky this time, this is a warning" he said as I walked out of the room.

Whew, at least I got that over with. Princleple lincepin is such a jerk! Even is a student is bad he'lol still keep them as iphis star students. I walked to my best class, biology class. I sat down and waited for my teacher to come in.

Once she came in she had us partner up with people. I didn't know who to partner up with, since everybody there hated me. "Rachel! Be my partner!" I heard some yell, I turned around and he was already tpstanding in front of me. "L-lance?!" I asked in surprise. "Hi!" He waved at me and smiled. "Why would you want to be my partner? I'm a loser" I groaned "not anymore, I think your cool!" He smiled with his dimples popping out. I think I blushed dang it!

So I have this huge crush on lance since seventh grade, but the thing is his best friend is nick! So I can t really be with him. And lance makes fun of me to so I'm really confused!

"This is some kind of joke!" I said wanting to cry "well it's not!" He kept smiling witch made me creeped out a bit, "fine!" I sighed. We sat down at our own table at the back of the room, nick

Was in a different class, math I think so I was free for a bit.

I usually wouldn't be free like this because lance would pick on me. "Lance?!" The blue eye blonde boy asked confused "your with her?!" He laughed. "I think she's cool!" He confirmed. His jaw opened wide "w-what?!" He asked "where's the brown haired one?" I asked "Jason? He's in gym!" He said and shoved me so I could move.

Me and lance became good friends actully, we caught onto eachother and became nice to eachother. At lunch he actully say with me instead of nick! But nick wasn't surprised, I felt like nick already knew about this.

Oh! And lance had brown hair with a bit of blonde and he has beatiful blue eyes with his prefect dimples! Nick had blonedd hair, also dimples and yeah a huge jerk!

At lunch lance payed for my lunch! Like can I die now?! Never mind, I remember my dad and people still bullied me a lot. Like at gym some group of girls pushed me hard against the lockers, and then in math before the teachers came a boy started slapping me a lot.

At the end of the day I dpsaid bye to lance and I went onto my bus. The bus ride felt short because I was day dreaming about lance and I. I walked home and luckily my dad wasn't home, I went to the kitchen grabbed more food and went into my bedroom to hide everything. I did my homework then feel asleep on my bed, my door wasn't locked.

My dad brushed in and punched my face hard. "You! You got in trouble didn't you?!" He shouted "n-no" I lied again "yes you did! A boy from your school told me!" He yelled. "How did he look like?" I asked, I couldn't really talk because he was choking me. "Brown hair and green eyes! Then he slapped me two times and kicked me once really hard. He slammed the door as I layed there in pain. I wish lance was here with me to help.

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