Chapter nine

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Rachel's POV

I was still upset about what Lance did, not for the wrong reason but because we can't be friends. My dad came home "dang it!" I mumbled. He banged on my door I got up and opened it. He smelled like beer like always. "Rachel, I have a new job for you, make dinner every night and clean the house I got a job now" he said in a deep voice.p. He grabbed my shoulder and pushed me into the kitchen "tonight you start with dinner!" He grinned, a evil grin.

What the hell was he talking about? Cooking, I didn't even know how to cook especially because I was always locked up in my bedroom and ate caned food everyday. My dad opened the figde and grabbed a cold bottle of beer and say down on the couch and started watching TV.

I opened the figde and was surprised that my dad did go shopping for some iteams, but only a little bit. I grabbed some random type of meat and some other stuff that was green. I got a clean pan and started turning on the oven stove.

Now this part I was worried because I was bad a cooking, all I could cook was microwave good and make crackers with cheese.

I poured down some oil and put the steak looking meat into the pan and I added some red stuff then the green looking thingy. Sorry for all the 'stuff' in here, I really don't know all these different ingredients.

When the meat looked cooked I grabbed a clean plate and plopped the steak onto it, I added some sauce and some lettuce on top and then I got a cup of water. I placed everything at the dinning room table.

My dad got up from the couch and threw his glass beer bottle away, he walked besides me and looked at the steak, or I think it was. It smelled good untill my dad stood there next to me. He grabbed a spoon and fork then tried it. "Hmm, it's good!" He smirked and pulled out a chair. He sat down and ate half of it. I just stood there as my stomach growled.

When he finished I washed he dishes, cleaned everything in the house and my dad gave me a small red box, it was mirowave able food. He went to his bedroom to sleep. I opened the box and cooked it in the microwave.

After I ate I washed my own dishes and ran onto the clean couch to lay down because my back was hurting. "Ahh" I smiled,p. I wish my dad was more like this just 80 percent nicer. I mean he was still pretty mean to me to so.

After five more minutes of laying there I walked to my bedroom, I didn't lock it though. I looked at my phone and lizzy had texted me,

Lizzy: hi!

Rachel: wassup!!! 😄

Lizzy: well your happy, what's up?

Rachel: my dad didn't beat me today! He stood by my side TWICE!

Lizzy: dang!

Rachel: yeah, even though it seems small

Lizzy: yeah it does....

Rachel:now I can walk around the house though!

Lizzy: good

Rachel: kinda as a slave though...

Lizzy: oh, why?

Rachel: idk I now cook, clean, and take care of the house since my dad got a job

Lizzy: at least he's gonna be gone!

Rachel: idk what his job is though, I just want it to be really long so I can invite you to come over

Lizzy: yeah, so watcha do today?

Rachel: when I got home Lance singed outside my window!!! 😍😱

Lizzy: eww 😷

Rachel: remember I have this huge crush on him but he is a jerk, but he wanted to be friends I had to say no because nick would bully him too

Lizzy: aww your nice

Rachel: I know lol 😆

Lizzy: I have to go my mom needs me bye!

Rachel: bye 😫

I charged my phone and went to shower, brush my teeth etc. I went into my bedroom and looked at my phone, I got thousands of texts from Lance,

Lance: listen rachel! I'm super sorry

Lance: let me explain things

Lance: please... 😓

Lance: puppy face 🐶

Lance. Rachel!!!!

Lance:come on!!!!!!

Rachel: what?!?!?! 😤 stop texting me I'm trying to go to sleep!!!

Lance: night then 😫😴

I laughed then closed my phone. I went to my bed and slowly but surely fell alseep.


I know, it's short but I had to write something. I've been busy with church, family, and hell (school).

So if your confused, Lance really does want to become friends with Rachel but then rachel doesn't turst him bc of what he did last time to her. So in the last chapter he sang a song for her witch was super sweet! 😭😱

Next chapter I MIGHT do something crazy...

Bye ✌️

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