Chapter ten

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The next morning I woke up with a smile on my face, I've never felt better. I got out of bed and read my text messages witch all were from Lance, not a surprise at all. I ignored it and threw my phone lightly onto my bed and walked out of my bedroom.

My dad was still sleeping so I made my self some breakfast. I poured milk into a bowl and some creal were already in there. "Rachel, be a good girl and make your dad some breakfast!" My dad's voice boomed from the hallway. "I-I'm making it dad!" I said back and placed MY bowl onto the table. I made my own and ate it before he came, he walked through the halls and sat down at the kitchen table.

"Any orange juice at least?" He goraned I nodded my head yes I'm response and poured some orange juice into a cup. I gave it to him to drink.

I walked back into my bedroom and closed the door, no lock.

I looked at my phone and Lance has texted me more, if he wants to be my friend that badly then he shouldn't be texting me that much.

Rachel: Lance I'll hang out with you today if you don't text me to much!

Lance: okay! I won't! But meet me at McDonald's

Rachel: wow 😑

Lance: I'm there right now

Rachel: im coming

Lance: okay

I got out of bed and put on a teeshirt with some shorts then a sweatshirt incase he notices my scars. I walked out the room wearing my socks and my phone. Also my vans on the other hand. "Dad, I'm gonna go to McDonald's to buy you some food" I say putting on my shoes. He walked slowly down the stairs, when I finished putting on my shoes I stood up and looked at him "com home at 3:00!" He yells, I nod and walk out the door.

I started walking to the nearest McDonald's but I just started walking out of my driveway and I saw lance's red car drive by me. Unrolled his window "hop in" he smirked. I goraned and went into the passenger seat. I buckled my seat belt "I still hate you, you know that right?" "I know" he chuckles and drives off.

"I thought you were waiting for me AT McDonald's" I say "I was but then who would want a pretty girl to walk to McDonald's by them self?" Now he was just flirting "shut up!" I lightly punch him in his shoulder. "Ouch!" He yells a bit and pretends to cry. I laugh.

"Why aren't we there yet?" I ask looking into my phone "I don't know jeez" "okay okay!". I get off my phone and he parks in the parking lot.

I get out the car and so does Lance. We both walk into McDonald's "what do you wanna order?" He ask me as we both look at the menu, "I need to get my dad a big Mack and I think I'll get a cheese burger" I say as I pull out my wallet. He grabs my wrist and puts it down "I got it" he puts my worst down and gets his wallet. He pays for mine and my dad's food. Lance also gets a cheese burger.

We eat outside Mcdonald's at the tables. "So how'd you get out your house?" He asked me and took a big bite out of his burger "he is getting nicer" I answer. "Let's get Dairy Queen after this okay?" He ask with a eyebrow raised "okay, but I'll pay for my own" I say as we throw away our trash.

We sit in his car and he starts driving to the nearest Dairy Queen witch really isn't that far away. "Anything for your dad this time?" He asked "no, I only said McDonald's". "Oh".

When we got to McDonald's we walked inside the place. "I'm gonna get mint Oreo" Lance says "I'll get cookie dough" I say and order my ice cream.

When we both get our ice creams we eat outside again. "I think this was nice" I smile "r-really? I didn't think you would say that" he starts to blush "aww" I laugh. "Shut up!" He lightly punches me in the arm, "it was my turn".

After we finish our ice creams we go into lance's car. "Take me home" I demand in a nice voice "I know I will".

He starts the inline and drives me home, I thought so.

He parks at a park? "Come one it'll be fun!" He says opening his car door "fun of what?" I ask "watch the sun set of course!" He says and gets out the car. "Fine!!!!" I goran and leave the car, we run up a huge hill and lay down on it as we watch the Orange and yellow sky's.

"It's so pretty" I smile "not as pretty as you are" he flirts again "stop doing that!" I laugh "I'm honest" he smiles back at me.

I look Lance and his eye are connected to mine "rachel, I'm so sorry about the past" he wispphers "it's okay now" I wispher back. He gets near my face untill I push back and sit back up. I put my face into my hands. What in the world was I thinking?! I'm not gonna kiss my bully! Even though I said it was okay.

"W-what's wrong?" Lance asked putting his hand on my shoulder "nothing!" I push his hand off and stomp off the hill. "At least let me drive you home!" He yells from the top. I ignore him and walk past his car. I start heading torwards my house.

When I get to my drive way I'm tired, I look at my phone 5:30, dang it! I slowly open the door and close it. I smell beer, like I always do. But this time it had a mixture of cigarettes.

I try to slowly take off my shoes but my dad comes running down the stairs looking for the McDonald's bag, shoot! I left it in his car! "Why'd you go and why so long?!" He shouts at my face. I can smell the beer, I try to hold my breath. "I-i was busy?" I try to answer, but everything I say won't make since unless I confess witch won't happen!

"Your lying to me! Where's the food then? And why are you so late?" He pushes me to the Conor. He has a beer bottle in his hand. He drinks the last bit of it and raises it in the air "tell me the truth! Where you with someone?!" Sh yells. "N-no!" I shout. He throws the bottle at me causing it to shader everywhere on my skin and the wall. "Don't you dare lie!" He slaps me and goes back into the kitchen.

I'm sitting there crying and trying to get up. My eyesight isn't that good right now, I'm seeing blurry things from that hard slap. Is my dad getting a knife or what? Was this whole time he was just using me as a house slave and tricking me? After three minutes or so I'm still crying and I can't move my body.

My dad has enough and he comes to the top of the stairs holding a huge kitchen knife, "shut up or I'll cut you to pieces!" She shouts.

I stumble onto my feet and go up the stairs, my dad goes back into the kitchen. On the way to my bedroom I fall in the hallway. "Ouch!" I mumble and rub my head. I open my bedroom door and go inside. I lay on my bed and then I sit back up.

My eye sight goes back to normal so I take out the glass in my arms and wipe off the blood with a dirty teeshirt that I don't need anymore. Now my shirt that I'm wearing is all bloody so I have to throw it away.

I try to go to sleep and relax but I really can't. I snuggle up and everything but nothing is helping. I look at the alarm clock 1:56 a.m.

I think and think. My dad is still sleeping so I think of a way to get out of this hell! I finally come up with a plan when it is two o' clock.

I'm gonna run away, forever!



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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2015 ⏰

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