Chapter six

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I did my normal things in the morning to get ready for school, I walked out of my house and to my bus stop. I stood there waiting for my bus to come, then someone shoved me "move!" Jessica yelled, she pushed me on the street. "What the heck is wrong with you?!" I asked "us?! What about you?!" Savanna yelled back "nothing! I'm supposed to be normal but since I get bullied for no reason I'm not normal! To everyone I'm this crazy girl!" I shout. " yeah, you are a crazy girl. They both laugh and get onto the bus.

I sit in my usal seat where nobody but me sits. We started going to a different course "where are we going?" I ask the bus driver "he bus stop" he answers then stops at a big house. The guy gets on the bus "lance?!" I asked shocked "rachel?! You ride this bus?! What the hell!" He says almost yelling " take a seat already!" The bus driver groans. Lance goes to the back where jessica and savanna are sitting.

I could hear there convo, oh and I forgot to mention that savanna has this huge crush on lance too. Actually a lot of girls do, including me even though he is a huge jerk there is something to him I like.

Later in the bus ride we pick up everyone and start going to school. James also rides this bus to so it sucks a lot. "Hey rachel! You jealous?!" James yelled from the back. I turn around and stick my younger out. Then I look at lance and he is flirting with jessica?! Savanna is just there looking so annoyed, it really was funny.

At school I walk to my locker "hey Rachel!" I hear a girl voice call me "what do you want Rabecca?!" I ask turning around "it's me lizzy" she smiles. "Sorry, I'm just so used to them coming every morning but there not here" I explain. We walk to history class and sit down in the back seats. I look at nick and he is glaring at me. "Where is mr.richermans?" Lizzy asks me "i don't know" I say.

Lizzy gets worried when a teacher is late because she doesn't like to waste time, she is always neat and she is always on time.

"Sorry class! I had a meeting!" Me,richermans rushes through the door. "Whew" lizzy says, I giggle a bit.

We learn about boring history during the Great Depression and those boring stuff.

After that I walk to biology class, witch is now my least favorite because lance is in there. I walk in and sit down at a empthy desk. Lance walks in and sits to the sit in front of me. "Pathetic" he mumbles. I ignore him and keep doing what I'm supposed to do.

I know, he was talking about me but its okay its not like he would actually say it in my face. We do some biology stuff for what seems like forever then I leave the class and go to my locker. "Stop it!" Nick pins me to my locker "s-stop what?" I ask all confused. "Lance already told you, stop trying okay? Standing up for yourself won't help!" He shouts in my face and walks alway with his huge group of friends. I put my books alway and walk to gym class.

"I agree with nick" James randomly pop out of nowhere. Yeah, he is also in my gym class.

"Where did you come from?" I asked "why?" "Just leave me alone for once!" I shout "remember what nick sai? Yeah well listen!" He says all close to my face. Then he walks into the gym.

I follow behind him and we do a indoor warm up because today is a bit colder. "Do the normal warm up" the gym teacher says and blows the whistle. I start jogging around the gym. Then someone taps my shoulder, I turn to my left and no one? Then I fall to the ground.

I sit up and start rubbing my head "you okay Rachel?" The teacher ask "yeah, I think" I say getting up. I was starting to run but then he told me to go and get an ice pack. Why always gym?

I nod my head and walk out of gym. While in the hallway nick and Rabecca are in the hall making out, hard. "What?" Nick snarls "why aren't you in class?" Im super confused. "We are ditching, duh!" Rabecca flips her hair, they walk out of the door. Wow.

I go into the nurses office, "hello Rachel! What happened now?' She ask. I tell her that I fell and stuff then I lay down on those blue looking beds. "You'll be fine, here a ice pack" I take the ice pack and go back to gym.

Since I'm now 'injured' I have to sit on the bench for the rest of the gym class time. "Who was the one that tripped me anyways?" I ask myself. I look around the gym and spot the obvious one, James.

I roll my eyes as he is laughing at me. After gym I go to lunch, I sit next to lizzy and we each eat our food. " why'd you need the ice pack in gym?" Lizzy asks "reason" "like what?" "Tripped my a loser" I smile, she laughs. "I can guess, James" "yep!" We both start laughing.

I like Ho we are actually like eachtoher, even though we kinda just became friends last week I think we are like sisters. I Don't really car what people say about her but I like her, or maybe because she is my only friend. Nah! I actually do really care about her and I really do feel bad about her brother. Anyways enough of this 'I feel so sad' moments.

~after school~

I walk through my doors and see ,y dad in the kitchen holding a big kitchen knife. "Oh, well your home" he grins. "W-what are you doing?" I ask scared to death. "Remember when you ran away?" He ask still grinning. "Y-yeah". "well if you every do anything bad again I will hurt you badly!" He yells. "Punch and kick please?" I ask "punch, kick, and slaps!" He shouts and points to my bedroom door.

I run to my bedroom and lock the door, I start eating and crying. I opened the door after I finished eating. I walked into the bathroom and lock the door. I grab the blade and cut one on each arm. I watch as the blood flow down and onto the counter top. I sip it and wash off my arm.

I walk out of the bathroom and back into my bedroom to finish my homework. After I'm done I shower, brush my teeth and lock my bedroom window and door. I lay on my bed and start crying as I hold a picture of my mother. "She's beatiful" I mumble. I slowly but soon fall asleep.


so in this story I might put more action into it, like a lot. Peachhhhhh ✌️

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