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Jesse Outfit

Jamey Outfit

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Jamey Outfit

At McKinley In The Hallways

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At McKinley In The Hallways

Jesse was by her locker with Kurt. "Okay, I have everything, and Blaine can come too." Kurt said to her making Jesse look at him. "Really?" Jesse said to him. "Yeah, I don't want you to dance alone." Kurt said to her making Jesse smile at him. "I have to go, I see you later." Kurt said to her and he kisses Jesse's cheek and walks away. Jesse turns around to see Dave. Jesse was having the feeling of ominously. "I don't want you near me." Jesse said to him as Dave walks closer to her. Dave runs his finger down Jesse's chest making her look away from him. "Not so tough are you." Dave said to her and he leaves Jesse stunned. Will walks into the hallway to see Jesse standing. "Are you okay?" Will asks her while walking over to her. Jesse shakes her head a no making Will pull her in for a hug and Jesse starts crying. "Okay, let's go to the principal, come on." Will said to her and the two walk to the office.

In The Office Where Sue Was The Principal

"Did he physically hurt you?" Sue asks Jesse. "No." Jesse said to her. "You said he's shoved you into the lockers before." Will said to her. "Well, I can't expel a kid for shoving. He'll just say, "I didn't mean to shove that kid, I tripped!" Excuse works like a charm. I use it all the time." Sue said to Will. "He didn't shove me this time. He just...terrified me." Jesse said to them. "Lady, I can't suspend a student because he scares you. High school is a dry run for the rest of your life. It's rough. People can be mean." Sue said to her. "That's your advice? That's all you have to say?" Will asks her. "William, I was bullied my entire life. I grew up with a handicapable sister. I know very well how cruel people can be. Was it difficult? Yes. Did it make me stronger? You bet it did." Sue said to him looking at Jesse at the last part. "It's the fear that's the worst. I never know when it's coming, I can't concentrate, I don't feel like I'm part of this school at all. I feel like I'm in a horror movie where this creature follows me around terrifying me, and there's nothing that I can do about it? I mean, you...You don't know what's going on in this kid's head. You don't know what he's capable of." Jesse said to them making Will move in front of her. "What does that mean?" Will asks her. "Nothing. Maybe I'm overreacting." Jesse said to him. "Lady, this kid lays a finger on you, you come straight to me, and I will expel him faster than a Thai take-out place can read back your delivery order. Okay? But until that happens, and I'm genuinely sorry to say this, there is nothing legally I or the school board can do." Sue said to her. "Come on, Jess." Will said and Jesse stands up and the two walk to the door but Jesse stops in the doorway. "You know, when you call me lady...That's bullying. And it's really hurtful." Jesse said to her. "I'm sorry. I thought that was your name. As an apology, I'll allow you to choose from the following nicknames...Gelfling, Porcelain, and Tickle-Me-Doughface." Sue said to her. " I guess I'll go with Porcelain." Jesse said to her because that is what she calls Kurt. "Damn. Totally wanted Tickle-Me-Doughface." Sue said to her and the two walks out. "Jess." Will said making Jesse look at him. "Is something wrong?" Will asks her. "I just want to be alone." Jesse said to him and she gives him a hug and walks to the auditorium.

In The Choir Room

With Kurt, Sam, Quinn, Tina, Santana, and Brittany. "Ladies, the Jesse-Karofsky bullying situation is getting way out of control." Kurt said to them. "I am not a girl." Sam said to them. "Jesse's miserable and she's barely even fighting him." Kurt said to them. "We've all been teased, but something about what Karofsky's doing is so much worse." Tina said to them. "We're all lucky enough to have boyfriends besides Santana. I say, we band together and demand that they confront Karofsky." Kurt said to them. "And guys like Karofsky only respond to muscle." Sam said to them. "So we're going to fight violence with violence?" Quinn asks them. "No! Look, I'm not saying that they should hit him. What I'm saying is that we need to defend Jess, and there's strength in numbers." Kurt said to them. "I'm confused." Tina said looking at Brittnay. "Are you and Artie officially dating now?" Tina asks her. "Deal with it. When you guys fooled around, did he ever, like, just lie there?" Brittany asks her. "How about Puck?" Santana asks them. "Puck can't mess with Karofsky; He's on probation. If he gets in a fight with him, he'll be sent back to juvee." Tina said to her. "Look, if something bad happens to Jess, and we didn't do anything to stop it, we'll never be able to live with ourselves." Kurt said to them making everyone nod.

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