What We Did For Love

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At McKinley In The Hallways

Jesse was by her locker while her dad walks over to her. "Hey." Will said to her not Jesse doesn't talk to him. "I really owe you an apology." Will said to her making Jesse look at him. "I guess I kicked this year off thinking that all of us in the Glee Club weren't outcasts anymore, and I thought we'd be turning kids away. And then when no one signed up for the club, I realized that we were still at the bottom... outsiders." Will said to her and Will moves closer to her. "I am sorry that what I did to someone else hurt you. I just what my little girl to talk to me again." Will said to her making Jesse close her locker. "What is so wrong with being an outcast?" Jesse asks him. "Nothing, I wasn't myself." Will said to her making Jess nod. "Can I have a hug?" Will asks her making Jesse smile at him. The two share a hug and Will kisses her forehead.

In The Football's Locker Room

Jamey enters the room to see Sebastian by his locker. "Hey." Jamey said making Sebastian look at him. "What is up with you?" Jamey asks him. "Nothing." Sebastian said to him. "Why are you lying to me?" Jamey asks him making Sebastian look away from his brother. "It's Sam." Jamey said to him making Sebastian look at him. "What does it matter? He doesn't want to be next to me or be in the choir." Sebastian said to him. "Then maybe, we make him wish he was in the club." Jamey said to him. "What?" Sebastian said to him. "We can make him wish he was in the club and you two can get together." Jamey said to him. "I don't say anything about getting with him." Sebastian said to him. "Whatever you say." Jamey said to him making Sebastian push him making Jamey laugh. Sebastian smiles at his little brother laughing.

In The Hallways By Sunshine Locker

Jesse, Mercedes, and Kurt walk over to her. "Excuse me, Sunshine." Jesse said making Sunshine look at her. "Hi, I'd like to officially welcome you aboard and give you our Glee Club fall rehearsal schedule." Jesse said handing her a paper. "She won't be joining your Glee Club." Dustin said making the three look at him. "Oh, are you her dad?" Kurt asks him. "Her director. Dustin Goolsby, new coach of Vocal Adrenaline." Dustin said to them. "Oh, and they gave me and my mom a condo and a green card." Sunshine said to them. "How did you even find out about her?" Mercedes asks him. "I actually would have stayed here, but I think Rachel would have made my life a living hell." Sunshine said to them. "We can make sure she stays away from you." Jesse said to her. "I know but I just didn't trust her after she sent me to a crack house. Not cool. It was nice to meet you." Sunshine said to them and she walks away with Dustin behind.

In The Choir Room

Everyone was mad at Rachel so that lock the doors to the choir room. "How does it feel about being a cheerleader again?" Jesse asks Quinn. "It feels great." Quinn said to her with a smile as Finn walks over to them. "Ladies." Finn said and Jesse walks away from them and she looks at everyone and she sees Artie sad. Jesse walks over to him and sits down next to him. "How are you doing Artie?" Jesse asks him. "I am good when that I am talking to you." Artie said to her making Jesse smile at him. Sebastian, Jamey, and Mike were doing a dance number as Kurt jumps into Jamey's arms with Tina doing the same thing with Mike and Santana were with Sebastian. The three boys spin around while holding them. Jesse watching them dance together with a smile as Quinn and Finn join them. Sebastian walks over to his guitar with Puck behind him and they start playing making everyone dance. Sebastian looks at the door to see Rachel watching them making him laugh and he looks at the other one to see Sam watching him. Sebastian looks away when Jesse walks over to him and starts playing with him. Sam walks away from the door and walks to his locker. Finn walks over to his drums and starts playing with Sebastian and Puck. Quinn walks over to Jesse and pulls her to the others who were dancing in the middle of the room.

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