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Chapter 16


A wash of pain washes over me as my mind comes back to the world around me, instead of the empty blackness of the unconscious mind. I see myself chained to two poles and in a partially standing position and I had a dull throb coursing through my broken knee. I watch the three cats who had captured me start to make a circle around me as if I was going to be their next meal. The circle gets smaller and smaller as my fate begins to be sealed. That is until a large creature begins to quickly wrap its long body around me in a protective way. I hear a deep growl rumble through its chest as it sees the big three.

Then I hear a voice that was practically music to my ears, "Yo big three, why are you going after my mate? If you want me so badly come and get me!" I couldn't believe that she had come to my rescue, meanwhile that is exactly what I was trying to do. I hear a brawl go on and I honestly can't see what is going on. All I hear are angry yowls and then pained ones. None of them however sounded like Emily. Then I hear her, "Free him and get out of here while you still can! I got this, get him to safety." "Emily I am not leaving you again! That was the biggest mistake of my life!" I hear her grunt, "It is not an option right now Hunter. It's an order, and I expect you to follow this one and stay put at the village." The creature moves its body so that I can see her, the big three trapped in a doorway. The gate pushed down and the handle broken. I just look at her, "Promise that you will find me when this is all done." She runs a clawed finger over her heart creating two small cuts over her heart, "Cross my heart. I will find you when this is all done. I will not forget."

The creature breaks the chains with ease and gently cradles me in its bird like paw. I watch as the gate breaks away and the three cats are surrounding Emily. Just as the creature began to take off I shift and jump from the cradle it had made. Emily hears me clumsily fall to the ground, "Hunter what the hell are you doing? Leave before you are killed, I know how to find you for when this is all over!" I let out an annoyed huff as I took my place by her side, making sure to take all weight off of my left leg.

The big three stopped and stared at me, then let out a noise that almost sounded like laughter. Then I hear Emily growl, "You dare make fun of my mate? Big mistake, because I was going to go easy on you." The laughing seemed to increase with her comment, but quickly ceased when the creature circled back and roared right beside Emily, who didn't even flinch. "Anbeh, let me handle this. Take him and heal him please." Finally I get a good look at the creature, and see the dragon gracefully move towards me and place its bird like paws around me before taking me to wherever it wanted to take me. I try my best to get out of the cage like grasp of the dragon when a feminine voice comes into my mind, "You need to relax! Knowing your mate she will be just fine. She doesn't take shit from anyone." The dragon just spoke to me in the divine language through my mind....this is weird. "I know this is weird for you. I will explain everything once we get back to my village and your leg is taken care of." I stay tense for the rest of the trip, but don't move a muscle.

When the dragon releases her grasp I run towards the forest bordering the small village. I would have gotten away if it had not been for a giant tree trunk of a body blocking my path with a snarling head at the end of it. The head of this dragon was fringed with black hair meanwhile the one that had me in her grasp had white hair. I let out a hiss of my own and try to seem as menacing as possible, but the dragon only seems to be amused as it curls its lips and exposes its four incisors even more than they already were. Then an Australian accented voice comes into ear shot, "Bafon, stop threatening our special guest. Can't you see that he is injured?" The dragon seemed to be afraid of the female voice that came from behind him. No sooner than the sentence left her lips the girl came out from behind the scaly wall. Her skin was sun kissed and her hair was bleach blond. But her eyes were such a dark shade of brown that it was impossible to tell where her pupil ended and her irises began.

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