You Lead, I Follow

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Chapter 6


I went after her, knowing that she would most likely want to kill me. After I watched her say her thanks to the unknown mountain lion and watched her run into the safety of the forest. I waited for her to be out of sight before I shift and take chase after her. I am not about to let her out of my sight, for she just might be who I have been searching for since I turned sixteen two months ago. The shared dream was just making my speculation that much more concrete.

The feeling was like a slap to the face. It hurt, but made you more focused on the task at hand. And my task was finding Emily before she got herself killed by the humans, or wolves. Fear rose in me as I thought of the wolves, not knowing what they would do to a snow leopard. Or even if they would show interest in one. I follow her scent for as long as I could, until it all of the sudden, it disappeared. I began to wonder around an area near the border of Pennsylvania and New York, trying to find any trace of her scent.

The wind started to howl, just like the night we had met. Only this time it brought a gift, a lingering scent. It was definitely Emily, the scent of the snow leopard foreign yet so familiar to me. A happy yowl escaped from my feline lips, as I started to trot forward. Then another scent forced its way up my nostrils. A canine smell, the wolves of the north. I begin to sprint through the territory, finding traces of her scent until I find a crack in a rock face. Her scent is strong here, along with the scent of blood. But not her blood, she must have clawed one of the wolves or something.

I look in the cave and see claw marks on the roots hanging from the ceiling, but no Emily. Then I hear barking outside the cave and smell a wolf. But there is something off about this wolf, it seems to smell like Emily. I back up, trying to hide my scent by rolling in the dirt. But a angry yowl causes me to stop and look towards the entrance. A angry snow leopard with green eyes looks at me, ears down in an angry expression. I watch Emily as her tail flicks around dangerously, showing me that she was pissed at me.

With a huff she strides out of the cracked entrance, and began to trot away. I yowl and run to catch up, hearing a small purr come from deep in her chest. Her pace slows to a walk, becoming easier to keep up with. We walk with the gray wolf close behind us, until we got to its village where it veered left and went home. She takes me to a house that was maybe like a guest house or something because it was empty and had a sign that said "Please enjoy your stay" above the door. She went upstairs to a room and changed, bringing down a pair of clothes and bandages for me. She placed them on the sink in the bathroom and motioned me to go change. I sat down in protest, she grunted and walked over to me. "I told you not to follow me Hunter. You could have gotten yourself killed if I had not been there."

Anger rose in me as I yowl at her. "Oh don't use that angry tone with me. I am trying to keep you from being killed, and you disregard my plea for you not to follow me. The wolves here have promised to keep me safe until I can control the shift and even my scent. And then you come in thinking that I am probably dead." With a growl I trot to the bathroom Emily closing the door behind me and quickly shifted, putting on the boxers and sweat pants Emily had grabbed for me. Once I was somewhat covered I opened the door, "Okay, maybe I thought you would get hurt. I will admit to that. But that is not why I came looking for you." She glared at me, "Then why the hell did you come after me?"

I shift my weight nervously, "Because I think you might be my mate." She looked at me with a surprised look on her face, "Your w-what?" I let out a heavy sigh, "My mate, my other half. I have been looking for my mate ever since I turned sixteen. And I think that you are my mate." "Why do you think that?" Her tone was kind of harsh, but curious at the same time. I take a step closer to her, "The shared dream that we had. That is how we will see each other when it is time to accept our lives together. Also, the fact that if you hated me, you would keep me by your side and feed me to the coyotes when you got the chance."

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