A Path to Nowhere

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Chapter 10


I look at the jar of money forcefully given to me by Emily's foster mother, and smile at the thought that even she saw that Emily was meant for something. I walk through Irwin and slip into the Rite Aid on Main Street, quickly grabbing a back pack and some food before quickly slipping back out the exit. No one would be able to find me, once I shifted and headed toward the airport. With a smile on my face I make my way to Route 993, and strip down, placing my clothes in the back pack and shift with the pack on my back.

With long strides I make my way sort of north west towards Pittsburgh. Seeing as it has been at least two weeks since I had watched her plane leave JFK airport, I thought that it was a good enough cushion for her. I look at the sky, scents of near by animals lingering into my nostrils. All the while thinking to myself, 'Why did you agree to a year?' I just keep repeating that question over and over again in my head. Realizing that I can't keep away from her, and I hope she feels the same about me. 

I was almost to Pittsburgh when I smelled something that was not right. I slow to a stop in order to take in the scent, and then it hits me. I take one last whiff of the scent of coyotes, and the reason they smelled strange was because I smelled myself. This was the pack that attacked me and Emily, no doubt about it. I get ready for them, I was not going to be defeated this time. The coyotes quickly circled me and closed all escape routes. I begin to hiss at all of them, circling in the same spot so they all saw me. The alpha was getting ready to attack when a yowl came from outside the circle. I look to see a mountain lion leap over a coyote into the path of the alpha. Instantly I try to pull the mountain lion back, only to be hit in the muzzle by a paw. The mountain lion hisses its disapproval and looks at the alpha once again. The alpha went from snarling to wagging its tail in glee.

I looked a the situation, tilting my head in confusion. I watch as the mountain lion brushes against the alpha coyote and the coyote licks the side of the lion's face. The lion purrs deeply as the two of them continue this game of affection. I finally get the scent of the lion and realize that it is the one who was with Emily. I watch as she turns to me, and gives an annoyed growl. With a flick of her tail two coyotes flanked me and led me to their village. It was almost like my old one, they all lead me to the center square. The mountain lion shifts into the girl, "Alright what are you doing in our territory? Shift, and speak." Her voice was harsh and a little frightening. I shift and quickly put on my sweat pants that I had gotten before I was banished. Once I shifted the girl's face softened, "Oh you are the one who was with Emily. Why are you here?" I look at the ground, "I am trying to get to the airport. I have to get to her." Her face went from warm to worried in the matter of milliseconds, "What is wrong? Or are you just worried about her?" 

I place a hand on my head, "It is both, I know there is a legend about her. I have to find her before she goes and tries to fulfill it by herself. Also I can't stay away from her, it is like I am depressed or something." Her face warms up again, "I know the legend well. I have learned that she was the one since I met her. And you my friend have found your mate. I have felt the same thing when I met my mate, who I am sorry to say has tried to kill you. So I apologize on his behalf. I have no idea what she is feeling. But with mountain lions it usually is a depressed like state. The only thing that can cure it is being close to your mate." I look at her, "She really is my mate. I think that is the best news I have heard all day." The girl begins to giggle, "Well you are welcome, I am Taylor Ryans by the way. " "I am Hunter Gates. I am sorry for intruding on your territory. But if you could tell me what direction the airport is, that would be great." With a smile she pointed in the way I was heading before the pack got me. "Good luck Hunter, I hope you find her." With a smile on my face I begin to walk away, only to come face to face with Taylor's mate, the alpha. He stares at me with a scowl on his face, "Where do you think your going? I have a bone to pick with you." I watch as his incisors grow and claws erupted from his finger tips. I simply walk past him, "Not today, I have somewhere to be." With a dumbfounded look on his face, the alpha spun around to look at me, "What is so important that you are walking away from a fight?" I looked at him with a side glance, "I have to go after my mate. She needs me and I need her." With that I begin to walk away, hoping that there was not an issue with the situation.

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