The emotionless cat pt.2

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This contains
•Maybe 14+ scenes idk yet
What we left off:
I see his eyes turn into the bright ocean eyes I know. I smile hugging him. He's my emotionless cat no one else's.
Naruto's POV-
I smile as I rush up to Sasuke with my tail and ears sprinted up in excitement once I reach him I jump on him and I hug him.

Sasuke's POV-
"Heh did my kitty miss me" I tease smirking as I wrap his legs around my torso so I have access to his tail. I see him get off my neck looking at me blushing. I keep my smirk before I use my hand to bring his head closer to me so I can kiss him,I feel him kiss back so I smile at him being occupied.

I then take this chance to grab on his tail and I softly pet it feeling him moaning into the kiss. I break the kiss smirking at him seeing him glare at me mumbling something under his breath. I whisper, "What you mumbling there kitty?" I whisper in his ear before I look at him hearing him muffle his moans. I groan before I use one of my hands to slam my lips onto his.

Naruto's POV-
URGG I swear h-how does he a-always get me like this? D-Damn he knows I h-hate when anyone pets my t-tail. It m-makes me so weak hmmph then on t-top of that this t-Teme w-wants me to l-look at him moaning. Like he-hell I would!!

"Do you not like it that much kitty" I place my head on his shoulder panting as I feel him remove his hands from my tail. Still keeping my head down I grab his hand putting it on my tail, "P-Please t-Teme please" I hear his chuckle come out making me roll my eyes.

"Please what~" I place my head on his shoulder bitting my lip while shutting my eyes hard to then open my mouth again panting a little,
"you know what I want y-you you Teme" I say as I feel him rub up and down my back getting close to my tail then doing it again, "No I don't know what you want I need to hear your words Na~ru~to."

I hiss a little knowing that Teme is smirking at me I feel myself get flustered. I pant a little before bringing my head up looking at him as I advert my eyes to the left side while saying, "P-Please p-pet my tail." I shut my eyes again placing my head on his shoulder as I pant feeling his hands rub up and down my cat tail.

I moan while my heads on his shoulder purring a little as I feel my ears go down.

Sasuke's POV-
I still pet his tail as I look seeing his cat ears go down hearing him purr and moan on my shoulder. I groan as I stop petting his tail once again hearing him whine saying, "Temeeee!! Why did you stop again!!" I smirk he's adorable when he's mad. I say, "Because kitty you don't wanna look at me" I childishly say waiting for him to pick up his head.

"B-but it's embarrassing Temeeeee" he whines as I say, "I don't care follow orders kitten" I feel my shoulder get lighter having him look at me. I smirk in victory seeing him glare at me saying, "S-Shut up at just pet me already you Teme!" With that I start to pet his tail again seeing him advert his eyes purring and moaning at parts.

I smirk seeing him getting flustered before I see him bite his lips I growl loudly seeing him stop biting his lips. So I go to the couch and I sit down still petting the cutie.

15 minutes later

I hear him pant on my shoulder before having me smirk in victory I watch him get off my lap saying, "Curse you teme!!" I chuckle knowing he doesn't mean it. With that I stand up from the couch and I walk towards him saying, "Naru~ are you mad at me" I smirk seeing him glare.

He hates being teased but even with that he's still a bottom don't get it twisted we never did "it" but when we make out or I pet him he hates being teased.

I then watch him turn his head away from me mumbling something. I lean over the island saying, "What are you mumbling there Naru~" I see him widen his eyes staring at me before looking away and walking to the fridge to get a bottle of water.

Naruto's POV-
I smirk while looking away knowing he hates when I mumble something or give him the silent treatment so I keep my mouth shut hearing him glare at me growling. I place the bottle of water on the island and I smirk at him doing a lock motion to my mouth and throwing the imaginary key away.

"You stupid dobe talk" I hear him say I just drink the water and look at him. I watch as he glares at me hard like of looks can kill I'd be 6 feet under by now. I then watch him look at me with the Uchiha signature Sharingan eyes again making me black out.

I flutter my eyes open seeing him smirk at me still I smile shaking my head still not saying anything as I look around seeing I'm in his bedroom. I see him smirk before I watch him walk over to me I back up feeling I reached a wall.

I see him walk over to me before holding my hands above my head I pout still not saying anything feeling his hand travel up and down my body. I blush hard feeling his hands make it's way to my chest area having him rub my nipples making me moan.

I try to cover my mouth but his hand mind you he's holding both of my hands in one hand got tighter on mine. I then bite my lip feeling him smash his lips to mine squeezing one making me open my mouth having me moan.

I keep kissing him feeling him not letting me go for nothing feeling the hand that went up my shirt get out and go to my ears. I try to talk but he never pulls away. I purr into the kiss feeling him rubbing my ears he then stops petting me and pulls away.

"That's for not talking to me Naru~" I glare as I push him away and I walk out the room hearing chuckles follow behind me. I pout as I sit on the couch grabbing the remote and turning on the tv.

Sasuke's POV-
I chuckle as I walk behind him going down to the living room seeing him turning on the tv. Heh he must be really mad at me now I smirk as I sit next to him before I grab his head and I put it on my lap and I start to pet my kitty's ears.

Word count: 1215

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