
845 13 2

Sasuke: looking through a box of old photos,18
Naruto: cooking and is 17.
Things in this chapter:
• Fluff
Ps-Itachi is Alive and the clan
"Baby look"I say looking at the photo of me and Naruto laughing with each other with cat ears on. "Hmm Sasukeeee what is it I still have things to cook" he wines I show him the photo seeing him laugh as he grabs it.

"OH I remember this" he recalls. I chuckle as I hook my arm up around his neck,I go to his ear "You look cute as a kitty" I say seeing him blush.I chuckle as I drag him onto my lap,cuddling with him as I reminisce that day.
Third POV-
It was 6 years ago when both boys were 12 years of age and was talking about there next mission.

"So our next mission is gonna be with ninja cats" kakashi states to the 3 genin on the ground,he looks at Sakura heart eyeing Sasuke and Naruto glaring at him. "Oh sensei~ can this be a job for me and Sasuke please" The pink ask but was denied immediately.

"Sakura you know you guys stick together" she nods with the I know face before she just looks at Sasuke who is looking at the side making a 'I don't care' face. "Can just the three of us to this mission and leave the other one" Sasuke argues having the blonde stand up saying, "Excuse me who you calling other one" the raven smirks saying, "You ya Dobe" the raven comments as the blonde glares at him and the raven glares back. Kakashi rolls his eyes before using a lightning rod which sends a electric bolt to the 3 genin having them jump in surprise.

Once the bolt was over they glare at Kakashi for doing such a cruel thing. Kakashi just laughs as he looks at them saying, "Now listen up our goal is to capture a certain ninja cat" the blonde laughs loudly falling back on his bum as the raven shakes his head and the pinkie rolls her eyes. Kakashi smirks before getting up from his rock. "C'mon" Kakashi speaks as the three genuine get up and walk behind him.

"No way" The raven speaks as he holds the cat ears away from him they arrived at the place,Sasuke recognized it due to it being an Uchiha ninja cat place he used to go to with his brother but due to his brother being busy he can't anymore. They were about to leave by the cat lady gave them cat ears to put on. Sakura had hers but Naruto and Sasuke were having a fuss of not putting it on. In the end Sasuke put his on but Naruto was still being a knucklehead about it.

"Come on put them on you dobe!" The blonde huffs before he sees the ears aren't in his hands anymore. He feels a big thing hit his head,he looks seeing Sakura put them on but was still eyeing Sasuke calling him Neko or Kiti. The blonde just blushes of embarrassment in those cat ears. Meanwhile deep inside sasuke is glad his blonde put the ears on for he won't be alone.

"Nng" The blonde struggles as he carries the cat. He glares at Sasuke saying, "TEME! COME CARRY THIS CAT" the raven turns and pretends he didn't hear the blonde as the blonde growls. The blonde then runs to where the raven is at and he plops then cat on him. The raven slams on the floor mumbling words that the blonde can't seem to understand. The blonde then runs ahead of the raven and goes to Sakura as Kakashi stays behind helping the raven with the huge cat the same he did for Naruto.

"IMMA GET YOU DOBE" The blonde runs as he sees Sasuke's death glare,glare at his soul as he runs ahead of Sakura and Kakashi,running away from a raven. "I TOLD YOU I'M SORRY DIDN'T I" the blonde shouts,still running from tree to tree the raven don't buy it and still chases him. Once the raven catches up to the blonde he jumps and tackles him the blonde lands on the ground as Sasuke punches the blonde. Not hard to hurt him but hard enough before they eye each other and they laugh. They don't know why but they both laugh as Sasuke lands on the ground beside the blonde as they both laugh it out.
"Heh that was a fun day" Naruto says as I smirk at him as I look I box seeing we still had cat ears. "Kitsune~" he looks at me making a hmm sound so I say, "Wanna be my kitty?" I see him blush as I smell the air saying, "Um is something burning?" I see his eyes widen as he runs out the room. I walk behind him seeing him shut the stove as I chuckle seeing him pout before I see him get a pillow on the couch and he throws it at me. I laugh as I see him grab the nerf gun I hidden from him. Oh no I run away as I see him chase after me.

Done. Day 6 done and I hope you like it now next is 'A death of someone close' so who should be the one that dies comment down below for ideas please and thank you.

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