Fallen moon

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Past events
This chapter contains:
• Sadness
• Fluff
• Kawaii
• tears
~This is a very sad chapter warning ⚠️ also this chapter is different from other chapters in a way.
Third POV~
"Hey mommy mommy"
The black haired boy smiles as he runs to his mother showing him a picture of 3 figures. Two you can tell it's him and his mother but the last figure has a shade of black.

"Hey sweetie?" The male blonde asks as he holds up the photo pointing at the third figure saying, "Who is that?" The boy smiles saying, "that's daddy." The blonde widens his eyes and smiles saying, "Good job Yuuki. I'll hang it up on the fridge alright now go outside and play with Mina but be careful walking to auntie sakura's house."

The boy smiles saying, "Alright mommy bye bye" Naruto smiles waving as he sees his son run out the door closing it behind him. With that he hangs the picture up on the fridge before walking to the living room. As he walks he hears something fall.

'Huh' he thought as he walks to the nightstand in his bedroom seeing a photo fell. He picks it up looking at it lightly gracing the photo seeing it's a photo of him and Sasuke in a field of sunflowers. He hugs the photo looking up at the ceiling.

The Uchiha grabs his lovers hand and drags him farther into the forest having the blonde ask, "Temeeeee where are we going" sasuke rolls his eyes saying, "You'll find out soon dobe." The blonde shrugs as he just follows the Uchiha still being dragged.

They both walk and walk while the blonde is busy admiring the nature scenery. While the Uchiha is dragging him across the path hoping he remembers and hopes the same field of sunflowers the Uchiha's had is still there.

"Wake up dobe" the Uchiha says as he carries the blonde on his back. The blonde slowly awakens and looks seeing a glowing field of flowers. But not just any flowers,Sunflowers.

The blonde smiles at the memory as he feels tears coming down his eyes like the sun missing the moon which has fallen.

Done!! I hope you like it 😅🥰

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