Sasunaru Oneshot Special

456 7 1

This chapter contains:
-⚠️Depression/suicide attempt
-⚠️may contain scenes 15+
-⚠️May contain abuse
-Grown language(like cursing and etc...)

"It always seems impossible until it's done"
"IVE HAD ENOUGH!!" The woman of the house screams as she slams a vodka bottle on the ground. She then glares at the young blonde who's mopping the floor. Her heals click the floor as she walks up to the blonde with her hand bloody from the glass.

She turns the blonde around making him drop his mop saying, "Y-Yes ma'am" Naruto asks the lady who's drunk in front of him. She says, "Clean this mess up NOW!!" Naruto nods fast as he scurries over to the broken glass on the floor grabbing a broom and dustpan sweeping it.

"GO FASTER!!" The woman screams as she pushes the blonde while he was sweeping on top of the glass and the vodka which was on the ground. The blonde winces as he feels little pieces of glass go in his knees. He soon stands up and once again starts sweeping up the glass as the lady of the house drunk lands on the couch knocked out.

That blonde is Naruto Uzumaki, he's been working since the age of 14 because his parents got killed by a murderer named Kurama. Since he didn't wanna go to the system he decided to start working and going to school. While he was 15 he was going to school and trying to find a job while living on the streets but soon he found 3 good part time jobs that pay him good now he's a senior in high school still doing those jobs.

So soon he was able to afford a place to live. Yeah sometimes he doesn't get enough sleep and sometimes he doesn't get sleep at all but he still works his ass of paying bills and staying top of his class. His first part time is working at a rich woman's house cleaning. Then he works at a dinner being a waitress and lastly his night job is welcoming guest to one of the most fancy,expensive and famous restaurants in the city.

Naruto POV:
I go and grab my stuff knowing my shift is over and I write a note leaving it on the table saying I quit. I couldn't take the abuse anymore when that lady is drunk. Anyways I walk to my small but working car and I drive to my house so I can quickly change for school.

Well good thing tomorrow I don't have to wake up at 4am anymore anyways I run upstairs and I change my clothes so I can leave wearing my jeans and orange t-shirt. I put my book bag in the car with my headphones and I go to the drivers seat starting the car.
Searching....good part time jobs
Top 50 part time jobs
Top 10 part time jobs
Rich part time jobs

I click on top 50 part time jobs and I scroll seeing a lot of different options.

Being a care taker at the Uchiha estate

I click on number 25 being a care taker at the Uchiha estate.

Third POV:
The young blonde clicks on the Uchiha job link seeing the details to the job. Wondering if it's true or not he grabs his phone and he calls the number that was on the screen.

I: Hello
N: um hey good evening um I would like to know if your someone from the Uchiha estate
I: heh yes I am my name is Itachi Uchiha nice to meet you.
N: I-Itachi woah! Um anyways sorry for my rudeness but this job that says you need a care taker is that-
I: yes that's true you'll be taking care of my little brother from Friday to Sunday every week from 7am to 11pm and you'll be getting paid.
N: wow um thanks sir
I: call me Itachi
N: But Mister-
I: Itachi yes
N: um ok itachi bye
I: catch you this weekend

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