[9] Real Life

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Avangeline walked into the kitchen where Delaney was preparing dinner for when Tom and Beau get home. "Mom can I talk to you about something?"

"Of course honey. What's up?"

"I want to go see dad." Delaney dropped the sauce pan, spilling it a bit on the stove and on herself. She winced in burning pain quickly removing her apron and grabbing a towel to clean off her sweats.

"You what?"

"I want to go see dad. It's been almost ten years since I've seen him last. I'm 18 now and I would just go but I still live under your roof."

"Ave your dad is not good man. That's why I've kept you from seeing him."

"He's changed mom, he's not the same guy he used to be."

"Your father will never change."

"Mom this would mean a lot to me. Don't you wish you had a relationship with your dad?" She knew where she was coming from but Delaney's dad was just as bad as Frederick. "Look, I would fly out to North Dakota and stay for a few days. Dad said he's got a room ready for me and you're welcome to come with."

"I am not going to see your father. Isn't it good enough that I let him on your social media and allow him to have your number? I'm sorry Avangeline but I'm not comfortable with you staying there or going by yourself at all for that matter."

"Then I'll go with Tom."

Delaney laughed. "Tom will definitely not go with you. He hates your father just as much as I do and he may seem mellow but when he gets pissed it's kind of like Loki comes out. Which is kind of hot and terrifying."

"Not that Tom. Tom Holland."

Delaney made an ooooo sound, teasing Avangeline and making her get all flustered. "Alright you can go with Tom but there are some ground rules. You are not allowed to stay the night at your fathers house and you are not allowed to go over there by yourself. You can go for the weekend but that's it. Just be safe and if anything happens please tell me or Tom and we'll come get you both."

"Oh mom you're the best!"

"Why's mom the best?" Beau questioned walking into the kitchen with his father behind him.

"She's letting me go see Dad." Tom looked at Delaney still trying to clean the sauce off of herself and the counter. She connected with his eyes and gave him a confused look to his concerned one.

"Can I speak to you for a moment, Delaney?"

"Aves finish dinner I'll be back."

The couple walked upstairs to their room. Tom shut the door and crossed his arms at Delaney. "Why the hell is she going to see Frederick?"

"Look I was going to tell you after dinner because she literally just asked me about it when you guys walked through the door. She's going for the weekend but she's going with Tom Holland because I for sure am not going."

"She's not going either, Delaney. We agreed that Avangeline was not allowed to see Frederick after the last time."

"She's 18 now Tom, she's gonna do it whether we want her to or not. Plus, do you really want her growing up like I did not having a relationship with my father? It sucked. It's not like she's going to live there she's going there for the weekend."

"Delaney, he's a terrible person! He almost killed Beau the last time we took Avangeline to visit him. Not to mention he consistently beat you, what if he starts that with Avangeline? Also are we just totally forgetting that facet he should up at our last vacation when Ava told him where we were going? He tried to take her! It is not healthy for her to be around him."

"That's why she's not staying there and she's not going alone, Tom."

"I don't care if she goes with the whole cast of the avengers, she is not going to see that man."

"Tom she only knows he did he some time, that's her dad. He never got to raise her, you did. She never got to make a relationship with him, let her try now that she's an adult."

"She should know about everything he did to you! You're her mother and you're the one that took care of her for the first three years of her life by yourself because Frederick ran. Just because he's changed, doesn't change what he did."

"So what're you going to do? Tell her she can't go see her father? What if she wants to go to tell him what a piece of shit he is for leaving me to be a single teen mom? Or what if she really sees a change in him? I want her to have what I didn't because I'm a grudge holder."

Tom stood still and rubbed his face, clearly frustrated with the situation and with Delaney. "Delaney if anything happens to her it's your fault. Do you realize that?"

"I've got this figured out Tom, she's my kid. I know how I raised her and I know who she is. She's a good kid and she's a smart kid. She can get disappointed herself if he fucks up. I don't want her mad at you though because you, her step-father, is telling her she can't see her biological father."

"I'm basically her father, I raised her with you! She still lives under our roof and I should have a say in whether she can go or not. I know she's not biologically mine but legally she's one of my children."

"Then go tell her that you're not going to let her go see her father Tom. That'll go over real well."

"Are you seriously pissed at me because I'm looking out for our child's protection?"

"My child."


"My child." A silence grew in the room as they stood level with one another. Delaney felt guilty about what she said but it was true, Avangeline was her child.

"Fine. She's your child. Let her go. But don't call me if something happens." Tom walked out of the room and started storming downstairs.

"Tom where are you going?"

"Out. See ya tomorrow kids. Enjoy dinner with your mom. Have a safe trip, Ava." They watched him grab his coat and storm outside, the door slamming behind him.

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