[43] Interview/Press

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"Joining me right now are the stars of the upcoming move 'I Loved You First' please give it up for Tom Hiddleston and Delaney Castro!" Jimmy Kimmel announced as the two walked out from the door.

Delaney walked in front of Tom and waved at the crowd before reaching Jimmy, giving him a hug. They both took a seat on the couch as the crowd died down and were ready to finally talk about this project. "Welcome you guys, so good to have you here!"

"Thanks for having us." They both replied at the same time causing them to flush red.

"Let's start with this movie, everyone has been waiting for it for months now. Tell us what you can about it. Uh Delaney you go first."

"Okay so it's this couple who have been trying to have a baby but suddenly learn she can't carry a child. She begins to wonder why her husband is even with her and really it's just a sad but beautiful story. Basically he just wanted to remind her that he loved her before they even thought about kids and that won't stop him from wanting to be with her."

"Tom, what was it like working with Sebastian and Anthony? I mean it had to be chaotic they're kind of crazy."

"Oh for sure." The crowd laughed as he adjusted his glasses. "It was fun working with them but very interesting how they both act when in charge. Especially on a movie that focuses on a serious topic."

"Now you two are divorced and I didn't want to talk about it but everyone else wanted me to so I'm doing it anyway." The estranged couple laughed and weren't bothered by it at all. They knew it was coming. "So how has this movie changed or not changed your relationship?"

"I think it helped us get back on level ground." Delaney spoke looking at Tom nervously.

"I'm not sure why you're looking at me, I have no idea to say. This is a very uncommon situation." Delaney laughed and Tom chuckled. "I'm kidding, she's right it's helped us grow together. I mean our split wasn't nasty but it wasn't pleasant. We both had our own feelings about it but we went to dinner and were able to work things out."

"You went out to dinner? When did that happen?"

"The first day we started shooting." The crowd cheered as Tom answered honestly and Delaney got red and hot.

"Was it a date?" They both looked at each and shrugged, mumbling obscenities to make it seem like they had no idea but they totally did. They both knew it was a date but they didn't know what it meant for them.

"Alright I'll stop making things awkward, let's take a look at their new movie. Here is a clip from 'I Loved You First' starring Tom Hiddleston and Delaney Castro in theaters this Friday."

Everyone turned to the screen, watching the chemistry between the two for the first time since Avengers: Infinity War. Delaney and Tom both had chills watching themselves interact, feeling like it was real life. It almost brought them back to the fight that tore them apart, the one where Delaney threw his stuff out and Tom left.

Delaney excused herself from the stage saying she wasn't feeling well and ended up leaving the set entirely, leaving Tom to wonder if she was feeling the same he was. Regret.

I'm posting a lot today because I'm doing literally nothing 😂 but anyway, this story won't be going on much longer because we are nearing the end! 😭 I know it's sad, I feel sad about it which is why I've taken so long with it because I've loved writing it.

If you like my writing however, I am currently working out the kinks of a new social media story I'm doing for our favorite little British bean, Tom Holland.

But this isn't that story so, this might be the last chapter for the day while I try to figure out if I give you guys more detail or if I leave you guys in the dark and use your imagination 😂

I'm glad you guys are enjoying this and please continue to like and comment! I enjoy the feedback!

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