[45] Real Life

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Delaney finally descended from her hotel room at seven after Tom called her numerous times. He smiled seeing her tired eyes and naturally straight bed head look. "Morning Sunshine, I got you coffee."

"Cream, sugar, and caramel?"

"Just how you like it." Delaney perked up a bit taking a sip of her coffee. She was happy Tom still remembered what it was after not making it for a year and a half. Who is she kidding? She remembered his. "So are you ready for our little adventure?"

"Yes I am. It's about time you and I just went on a hike by ourselves without whiney kids." She joked, following Tom out to the car they would be driving to the trail.

They were both trying to contain their excitement, Tom had a bit more built up though. Today was much more than just a hike or adventure for him. Today felt like the make or break for the rest of life, but he was ready for it.

Tom drove them towards the desert where there was a small parking lot for the trails. He made sure everything was in his bag even back up waters and snacks for him and Delaney. Delaney made sure she had her bag filled of sweaters, extra clothes, waters, and snacks for the both of them. One thing she's kept a secret for the entire divorce, she always had spare clothes for Tom in a bag or her car wherever she went in case he needed them.

Tom brought the Polaroid while Delaney brought her camera as they began their walk through the desert. It wasn't too hot yet because it was morning but Tom wondered how Delaney was going to survive the day wearing a heavy sweater. Then he remembered how cold she got no matter where they were or how long they had worked out for. She would always end up putting something on over it because she was cold.

They ascended on the trail for a few miles, over sand dunes and through small cave like areas to take photos, before finally getting to the spot he wanted. Right in front of the large rocks that formed from whatever earth disaster happened. Some plant life in site and the beautiful sun beaming down onto Delaney. Almost identical to how they met all of those years ago. He was thankful she decided to come with him, because this would've been a very different day. "Wow, this is so much prettier than the photos." Delaney said, gasping at the beauty as she took out her camera. Tom snapped a Polaroid of her before stepping up beside her. "Tom get out there, let me take a picture of you with the rocks."

He just wanted to ask her but knew he couldn't be too obvious with it. He ran out in front of her and stretched his arms out with his famous smile, causing Delaney to giggle and blush all at the same time. She was happy they were finally on common ground and hoped that one day they'd only be a few inches apart.

"Do you remember the first time we met?" Tom asked out of the blue an Delaney chuckled remembering the exact day and the exact way it happened.

"How could I forget? I basically fell on you with a toddler who puked on your shoes. It was embarrassing."

"You're still embarrassed about that even though I went on to marry you?"

"Ya know it's not every little girls dream to meet their husband by cleaning toddler vomit off of them." Tom laughed at Delaney's wit and shook his head. "Why do you ask though?"

"Well I'm having a bit of deja vu, being here with you. It's almost exactly like how I met you besides the vomit and falling. The sun was beaming against your skin, you wore a sweater even though it felt like a thousand degrees outside. Your hair as naturally straight as ever, your eyes so perfect in the sun even though you still don't believe me. It's just, perfect."

Delaney blushed and tried to hide the smile coming into view behind her sleeve. She couldn't believe the things he was saying, how sweet he was being about her appearance, and reminiscing on the day they met. She watched Tom reach into his bag pulling out folded pieces of paper. "If you couldn't tell I'm quite nervous right now." She chuckled seeing him begin to shake while opening the papers. "This is something I wrote because I knew if I did this without a template I would probably forget what needed to be said."

"Tom what're you doing?"

"I just need you to listen to me. Okay?" She gave him a nod and he began to read word for word from his letter. "Here we are in another beautiful paradise we've been waiting to explore. I'm so thankful to stand here with you today all sweaty and exhausted from our long journey. It was totally worth it though especially since now the kids are old enough and don't need to tag along or complain. I know the last time we were alone, our relationship took a turn for the worst and I hated storming out on you. I regret it to this day, it tears me apart completely." She watched his eyes begin to sparkle, not from the sun but from tears. "I'll be completely honest, life without you has been fucking hell. Watching you on the arm of another man was the hardest part of it all, you were suppose to be next to me at those premieres, the spots where paparazzi would get you in your pajamas, or even the times when you were feeling low. I should've been there but life didn't work that way. I hated when Sam and you got engaged, that's what drove me away from Bethany. I couldn't deal with lying to her or myself anymore over my feelings for you. Now you can say you felt the same way while I was with another woman, I can't imagine what it was like for you because I wasn't in your shoes. One thing I can promise you though, I never ever thought of marriage with Bethany." Delaney's heart dropped to her stomach, tears began to form in her own eyes hearing his words. She though him and Bethany would've lasted had it not been for the break-up but to know he never even considered it?

"I never even had a dream or glimpse of it because you were the only woman I wanted to see walking down the isle like I had before. Every time I had Beau and Avangeline at the house, I would have to act like I was happy in this relationship that was nothing but a distraction. I couldn't get you out of my head and seeing Beau always broke my heart because all I see in him is you. Same with Avangeline. God I hated not being able to walk through the front door and see the most amazing family in the world waiting for me. I missed walking into the bedroom and seeing the most gorgeous woman in the world laying in sweatpants and paint stained sweaters with a messy bun in her hair. Delaney, you have no idea the effect you have on me. When we finalized our divorce my entire life fell to pieces and I even almost got into some bad situations because I couldn't find a cure to get you out of my head. That was until I finally had a glimmer of hope with this movie. Now, I never hoped you and Sam would have broken up I was just happy to have the opportunity to try and fix the foundation of our friendship at the least. I never expected for the movie to tear you and your future husband apart but to be honest, I'm grateful because I loved you first and I'll love you last." Tom took a deep breath in, wiping away the tears that had escaped as Delaney did the same.

"I know this may be a long shot to ask because we haven't even claimed ourselves back together but I'm going for the big leap here. My life without you is goddamn miserable and I can't live like this anymore. I need you beside me for the biggest events life has to offer us, I want to be cheering your name and kissing your cheek when you accomplish all of your dreams. I want to hold your hand as we watch Avangeline and Beau make each new strides with their lives." Tom pushed the papers away and grabbed out a small box from his backpack, dropping it to the ground just as he did with one knee.

Delaney froze, not sure of what to do but she knew she was happy. She knew this is where she wanted to be but it seemed too good to be true. "Delaney, I was wondering if for the last time you would marry me?"

I almost didn't give you guys this chapter buuuuut I decided to be nice and write it out. I'm actually really happy I did too. I'm also sorry for the wait so I hope this makes up for it! I hope you enjoyed this really long, beautiful chapter. Make sure to keep voting and commenting! I'm hoping my next few updates will be sooner but I can only go as fast as my internet allows 😂

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