[15] Real Life

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Delaney grabbed the last piece of clothing from Tom's portion of the closet. An old hoodie from a trip they took to Niagara Falls when Avangeline was four and she just found out she was pregnant with Beau.

She took it off the hanger, feeling the soft fabric mold between her fingers. Tears started to form in her eyes as she started to remember that day.

"Tom do you have Ava's bag? Oh Jesus Christ why is this so complicated?!" Delaney yelled trying to put the stroller together and failing with each attempt.

"Darling, you have to pull this before you pull up." Tom handed Delaney the bag before she went to grab Avangeline out of their car. She watched Tom pull the stroller out fully. "It truly isn't that complicated but no matter how many times you get it wrong I'll still be here to fix it." He kissed her head and kissed Avangeline's before they started walking towards the falls.

Ava wasn't a fan of how high up they were but Tom helped ease her into getting closer to see one of the wonders of the world. "Mommy, take my picture with Tommy."

Delaney pulled her camera out and took a photo of her husband and child smiling in front of the running water. "Would you like to get in the photo?"

"Oh you don't mind?"

"Not at all. Jump in there."

Delaney handed the nice woman her camera and jogged over to Ava and Tom. Avangeline wrapped an arm around her mother's head and around Tom's neck when he positioned her on his arm. "Smile big Aves."

"I will mommy. You smile big. You too Tommy."

"I'm always smiling big with my girls." He placed kisses on both of their heads as the woman took their photo.

"You're a beautiful family." She complimented giving Delaney her camera back.

"Oh thank you that's very sweet of you." Tom replied, continuing to hold Avangeline.

"And you have one on the way."

"How did you know that? I'm only in the first trimester." Delaney was amazed by this woman's knowledge.

"I have a sense for these things. And a sense that you two will last forever and ever. A beautifully blended couple with beautifully raised children."

Delaney folded the sweater shirt and placed it into the final box that laid on her bed. As much as she loved Tom, after everything with Avangeline's father just fell apart, and she she knew it was best for them.

She tapped the box and lifted it up, carrying it downstairs to see Tom just walking through the door with Chris Hemsworth. "Hey guys."

"Hey." There was a sadness in his voice and there had been one since he stormed out that first night it all fell apart. "Is this the last of everything?"

"Yeah." Delaney handed him the box lightly not wanting anything to drop but also not wanting to get to close to him. "Thanks for coming to get everything."

Tom gave her a nod. "I'll be heading out then."

"I'll meet you in the car, I'm going to bother Delaney." Chris said noticing Delaney's heart breaking as Tom shut the door for the final time behind him. "Are you gonna be okay?"

"I don't know, probably. I've got the kids, Dez, and I've got my friends. I'll get by."

"Well hopefully he will but you guys were just molded so well together. I still can't even believe this happening. Hopefully you guys can be friends and co parents. I'll see you around, D. Let me know if you need anything."

"Of course." Chris gave Delaney a hug before leaving her alone in the big empty house. She hated having to take all of their pictures down and for having to get rid of so much.

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