[44] Texts

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Texts with Tom and Destiny

Destiny I need to talk to you.

Is everything okay, Tom?
You've got me a little worried.

Everything is fine but I just need some help. I'm going to ask Delaney to marry me again. I just need some help with my speech.

You're proposing with a speech? What kind of speech? The super boring kind or the one that's gonna bring tears to her eyes?

Hopefully the last one. And I guess it's a letter I've been thinking of giving her. Do you think I should wait to propose again? I mean we've only been out a few times together but I feel like I shouldn't have to be dating her to ask her to marry me again.

I don't think you'd have to either. Are you trying to upstage the last one or bullshit this just to do it asap like Jeremy did?

Well I think anyway I propose to her now will upstage the first one. I only proposed in our favorite restaurant in London while visiting my family.
I almost proposed on vacation but figured that wouldn't be the right time.
What if she doesn't want to married again and she just wants to be friends?

Jesus Christ, you guys are perfect for each other. You're both so anxious about what the other thinks. OF COURSE SHE'LL WANT TO MARRY YOU AGAIN DUMBASS!! You're the love of her life.
Also who cares how you propose? Delaney will only care if you do it. How are you doing it though?

We're going hiking in the desert of Nevada. It's something we've talked about doing for years but haven't been able to.

Ummm yeah okay propose to her when she's all sweaty and dehydrated. I'm just kidding, I'm a bitch.
Honestly that's perfect for her! She'd love that because she always used to talk about how often you guys would hike or walk. She loves adventures so I think that's a perfect idea. Especially since it's been on your guys' bucket list or whatever.

Alright good, I'm glad you agree.
So can I send you my speech?

Oh yeah! That's what you texted me for. Go for it!

Here we are in another beautiful paradise we've been waiting to explore. I'm so thankful to stand here with you today all sweaty and exhausted from our long journey. It was totally worth it though especially since now the kids are old enough and don't need to tag along or complain. I know the last time we were alone, our relationship took a turn for the worst and I hated storming out on you. I regret it to this day, it tears me apart completely. I'll be completely honest, life without you has been fucking hell. Watching you on the arm of another man was the hardest part of it all, you were suppose to be next to me at those premieres, the spots where paparazzi would get you in your pajamas, or even the times when you were feeling low. I should've been there but life didn't work that way. I hated when Sam and you got engaged, that's what drove me away from Bethany. I couldn't deal with lying to her or myself anymore over my feelings for you. Now you can say you felt the same way while I was with another woman, I can't imagine what it was like for you because I wasn't in your shoes. One thing I can promise you though, I never ever thought of marriage with Bethany. I never even had a dream or glimpse of it because you were the only woman I wanted to see walking down the isle like I had before. Every time I had Beau and Avangeline at the house, I would have to act like I was happy in this relationship that was nothing but a distraction. I couldn't get you out of my head and seeing Beau always broke my heart because all I see in him is you. Same with Avangeline. God I hated not being able to walk through the front door and see the most amazing family in the world waiting for me. I missed walking into the bedroom and seeing the most gorgeous woman in the world laying in sweatpants and paint stained sweaters with a messy bun in her hair. Delaney, you have no idea the effect you have on me. When we finalized our divorce my entire life fell to pieces and I even almost got into some bad situations because I couldn't find a cure to get you out of my head. That was until I finally had a glimmer of hope with this movie. Now, I never hoped you and Sam would have broken up I was just happy to have the opportunity to try and fix the foundation of our friendship at the least. I never expected for the movie to tear you and your future husband apart but to be honest, I'm grateful because I loved you first and I'll love you last. I know this may be a long shot to ask because we haven't even claimed ourself back together but I'm going for the big leap here. My life without you is goddamn miserable and I can't live like this anymore. I need you beside me for the biggest events life has to offer us, I want to be cheering your name and kissing your cheek when you accomplish all of your dreams. I want to hold your hand as we watch Avangeline and Beau make each new stride with their lives. Delaney, I was wondering if for the last time you would marry me.
Read at 3:30 pm



Sorry Tom.
That was beautiful.
I was crying to Jeremy about that.
If Delaney doesn't cry just push her off the damn sand dune.
If she doesn't say yes, leave her in the desert.

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