Chapter 5

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Echo p.o.v.

I continued to watch and help out PIXAL with the parts for her Samurai X Mech. I didn't notice it was about to be sunset, PIXAL also noticed it too. "How long have we been working?" She ask "About 5 hours" I replied, she looked at me "You missed the whole day of your training" "Do not worry about it, I'm sure the other understand it" I said to her. PIXAL then put the tools down and look at the parts that she made "Looks like it's about ready" I smiled at her "You've done such an excellent job" I compliment her. She gave me a smiled that made me blushed, to be honest ever since that I found out that I was in love with PIXAL I didn't have regret of loving her. I'll protect her even if it damage me. As long is she safe I'm happy about it. "Echo are you alright? Your system is heating up?" PIXAL voice got me out of my thoughts. "Oh it's fine, I'm fine" I said to her "Are you sure?" She ask once again. I nodded "Positive" "Alright if you say so" said PIXAL. I caught myself again into her beautiful green eyes, they were magical.

Someone then walked into the room, it was my brother Zane. "Hello Echo, PIXAL, and Gizmo what are you three doing here?" He ask "I was helping PIXAL with her Samurai X Mech" I answered his question. Zane smiled at me and ask "Echo since you help Vivi and I make breakfast why do you help us make dinner?" "Sure!" I said, I waved PIXAL goodbye and followed Zane into the kitchen while Gizmo behind me. I saw Vivi was talking to Cole, maybe I should apologize to him. "Oh Echo you want to help out again?" Ask Vivi, I nodded and turned to Cole "I'm deeply sorry that I missed out of today training" I said and bow "It's alright Echo, besides today was just you getting warmed up" said Cole. He then walked out of the kitchen along with Vivi, Zane told me instructions about what we are making.I was cutting some vegetables until my mind was wondering off about PIXAL, my feeling towards her are growing stronger and stronger every time I'm near her. I wonder should I tell Zane about this? I mean he is my brother. I got myself distracted when I almost cut myself with the knife, I gasp. Zane turned and looked at me and ask "Echo are you alright?" I could see worried in his blue eyes "Is there something on your mind?" I guess I should tell him, he was waiting for me to answer his question. "Brother you and Clover mentioned that you are together? Is that correct?" I started "Yes, why?" He rise his eyebrows at me "What does it feel like when you are near Clover?" I ask. Zane smiled and said "Well when I first met her I didn't know what was I feeling when I'm near Clover, untill Nya told me that I was in love with her. I don't know how or when to tell her that I have feeling towards her, Jay later found out about it, he said he was happy about it" I smiled and continued to listen "Soon he told me to tell Clover when the time is right" "Did you tell her?" He nodded "She was vital to me, I love her deeply. I soon confessed to her and she felt the same way, until that day we are capable" Zane finished but said "But why would you ask me that question?" Gizmo beeped at me saying that I should tell him. "Zane..." I fiddling my hands "I may have a deep connection with someone..." Zane blue eyes went widen "Who?" "I have may have a connection with PIXAL" I said looking up at Zane eyes. "Are you upset?" I ask "No I'm not upset Echo, I would never be upset at you" he said "I'm just happy for you" Zane said "But what do I do? What should I do?" I ask "Just wait for the perfect moment" he said "Just like what Jay told you?" Zane nodded "D-Do you think she'll like me back?" I ask once more "I'm certain she will" he said. I smiled "Let's finish dinner, the other are getting hungry" said Zane going back to finished the dish that he made, and I went back to cutting the vegetables.

Soon after we finished eating dinner we went to bed and tomorrow I'll continued my training.

Third p.o.v.

Zane was the first to woken up, he saw his younger brother sleeping while holding on to Gizmo. He smiled at it, and got out of the bed. Before he leave the room where everyone is sleeping in, he spotted a journal, his father journal. 'I guess a little of reading won't hurt' Zane thought and grabbed the journal and felt the room.

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