Chapter 8

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Echo p.o.v.

I have no idea where am I? And there is a ghost in front of me, he says that his name is Morro and he is the Element Master of the Wind. I don't want to be rude to not introduce myself to him "My name is Echo" I said "It's nice to meet you Echo" he said "You are probably wondering why you are here" I gave him a nod "Earlier today you use the element power of the wind" "I know" I said and look down at my hands and I look up at him "Do you know why I have it?" "I'm not sure of myself. From what I learned I must've pass my element power to you" I gave him a confused look "But you and I have never met before?" "I know, that's why I don't know why you have the element power?" said Morro "So that's why I'm gonna teach you on how to control" "You gonna teach me?" I ask while Morro nods at me "Yes. Otherwise you have no control of the wind" "I understand" I said "Good. But not right now you are waking up" "So every time I go to sleep I wake up to see you?" He gave me a nod. "Goodbye then Morro" "Goodbye Echo, I'll see you soon"

I opened my eyes and heard the door knocking, then I heard my brother voice "Echo, please let me in. Everybody is worried about you" I stand up on the bed. How long was I out? I heard Zane continued to talk while Gizmo was beeping outside the room. "Listen I know that your scared of your power but I just want to let you know that I'm here for you Our friends are here for you as well. We just want to help you with your element power" I got up from the bed and opened the door to see Zane and Gizmo standing by the doorway "Echo, it's gonna be alright. Master Wu will help you with your new power" said Zane, I gave my brother a smile and said "Thank you but I had a strange dream when I was resting" Zane gave me a concern look "What was this strange dream about?" "I don't know where I was at, then I see what is a ghost that is name Morro" "Morro?" said Zane, I gave him a nod "What did he say?" Zane ask, I then started to explained to my brother on what Morro and I talked about. "I see. Is that all?" Zane ask and I gave him a nod "We must tell Wu about this" We walked out of the room and headed to where Wu was.

We found Wu outside in the training yard with other ninja "Master Wu" said Zane, he turned to face us "Do you both need something?" "We just want to tell you something" Wu waited for what Zane is gonna say "Master Wu as I told you earlier about Echo power when he is resting in the room, he had of a somewhat dream" "A dream? What kind of dream?" Wu ask "Well it was not any other dream, Echo had a conversation with Morro" "Morro? But how?" Wu ask "I'm not sure but I think it has to do with the element power that they have" Zane said "Interesting. Is there anything else that I should know about?" Zane shook his head no, Wu then look at me and I shook my head no as well. "Echo if this keeps going let me know if anything goes wrong" said Wu, I gave him a nod. Wu turned around then said "And Echo one more thing let Morro know that I'm glad to hear from him" then Wu left.

The Next Day

It was the next day and today Jay is going to be teaching me something. We are already at the training area, "What will you be teaching me for today?" I ask "Hmm well I guest I can teach you on using stealth" said Jay, I gave him a nod "What do I need to do?" I ask "Your going to use that skill to sneak attack me" I gave him a confused look "What's a sneak attack?" "It's where you use your stealth and jumped on when I least expected it" I gave him an understanding nod. "Do you know how to use stealth?" Jay ask "I do not" "You sure about that you use stealth well when Nya and I came into the Lighthouse" "So it's the same thing as you and Nya came into the Lighthouse?" Jay nods. "I understand now. So when do I sneak attack you?" I said, Jay shrugged "Whenever you like, it could be today, or tomorrow or the next couple of hours" Jay explained. I gave him a nod.

Third p.o.v.

It's been a couple of hours since Jay told Echo to do a sneak attack on him, Jay has been waiting for Echo to sneak attack him but he did say that Echo can sneak attack him at any time or day. He and Nya are watching something in the living room, he told Nya that he gonna get a snack from the kitchen. Jay walks in the kitchen and looks in the fridge but what he doesn't know is someone is watching him, he was getting ready to jump on Jay in 3...2...1...He then jumps on Jay which causes Jay to scream, he looks up to see Echo has done a sneak attack on him. Echo gave Jay a smile "How did I do?" he ask, Jay tried to catch his breath "" said Jay between breath, Echo tilt his head to the side "Are you alright Jay?" he then got off the Lighting Ninja and help him up. "I'm fine. I just wasn't expecting" said Jay "Is there advice that I need to learn?" ask Echo "Um well if you stay quite and well hidden you can attack anyone without them knowing" said Jay. Then there were footsteps heard Nya, Clover and Zane all saw Jay and Echo. "What is going on here?" ask Nya "We heard Jay screaming and wonder what was it about" said Clover, "Jay was just teaching me on how to use stealth and told me to do a sneak attack on him" Echo explained. Clover a laugh a bit "I'm guessing you scared him in the progress of the sneak attack?" "Hey!" shouted Jay while Clover continued to laugh "Stop laughing at me!" Clover then runs out of the kitchen and continued to laugh at her brother and Jay follows his sister out of the kitchen and chase her. "I'll go and stop them" said Nya and follows the siblings. Echo look at his brother and ask "Am I doing well brother?" Zane smiled at his little brother "Your doing an amazing job" Echo then smiled at his brother "Are you going to train me tomorrow?" "I'm afraid not but Lloyd will teach you on how to control your elemental power" said Zane, Echo gave the Ice Ninja a confused look "But isn't Morro supposed to teach me?" "He still is but Master Wu thinks that maybe Lloyd can teach you" "How is he going to teach me?" Echo ask "Well Lloyd was possessed by Morro and he use his element power when he possessed Lloyd, Lloyd thinks he can teach you or at least he can try" Zane explained while Echo nods but felt nervous about his elemental power.

At Kryptarium Prison

At Kryptarium Prison, a villain was being put back into his cell once again. The guard locks the Mechanic in his cell, the two guard started to walk away "Hey did you hear, the Nindroid Zane has a brother" said the first guard, the second guard turned to him "Really? The Titanium has a brother?" The first guard nods at him "I also heard that they are training him to be a Ninja", they walk away further and further away from Mechanic cell, the Mechanic himself smirk to himself "So the Titanium Ninja has a brother. Interesting"

To Be Continued...

(This drawing belongs to me) 

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(This drawing belongs to me) 

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