Chapter 9

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Echo p.o.v.

"Hello Echo" I looked up and saw Morro, I gave him a smiled "Hi Morro. Oh there's somthing--" "I know. I've heard everything" Morro interrupt me as I gave him a confused look "How?" "I'm a ghost. I can heard and see what's going on in Ninjago" Morro explained while I gave him a nod. "So are you going to teach me on how to control my powers?" Morro nods "Yes. Will start by something simple, follow me" I followed Morro to what looks like a training room for the elemental power of the wind. Morro turned to look at me "You see those can?" I look at the cans that are behind them "Yes?" "Your gonna push those cans off by only using the elemental power of the wind" "But how can I do that?" I ask "You've just got to feel the wind flowing at you. Don't force it just feel it" Morro told me. I then look at the cans then back at Morro "I can try" I said, Morro gave me a smiled "Then that's good. Give it a try" I gave him a nod and walk towards the cans that are on a table. I took a breath the look at my hands "You've just got to feel the wind flowing at you. Don't force it just feel it". Just feel it. Just feel the wind. I put my hands out and took Morro advice. Just feel the wind inside of me. Just feel it. I closed my eyes and focused on my powers. But I didn't feel it but I'm not giving up. I can feel Morro staring at me. I heard him sighs and walk towards me, I opened my eyes to see Morro "I'm sorry but I couldn't do it..." I said. Morro shook his head "No. Don't apologized, you've just got to get used of this power of yours" I gave him a nod. "Just keep on thinking that advice I gave you" " 'You've just got to feel the wind flowing at you. Don't force it just feel it' " I said "Just keep on thinking about it and soon you will be able to control the wind" I gave Morro a nod "I won't let you down" I said, he then gave me a smiled "I know you won't"





I opened my eyes to see that I'm in the Ninja room while I'm sleeping in my brother bed. I didn't see any other Ninja only Gizmo and I in Zane bed, Gizmo beep at me telling me good morning. "Good morning Gizmo" I said to him. I picked up Gizmo and helped him down the bed and went into the kitchen with Gizmo in my arms.

We I went into the kitchen I saw both Zane and Vivi making breakfast for us, I set Gizmo down on the floor. Vivi turned and saw me, she gave me a shy smile "Hi Echo, a-are you going to h-help us again?" I gave her a nod, "If that's alright with you" "W-We don't m-mind Echo" I then grab the apron that was hanging and put it on. I then started to help Zane and Vivi with breakfast.

Third p.o.v.

At Kryptarium Prison

In the prison cell Mechanic, still has a smirk on his face. Not because he found out that the Ice Ninja has a brother but he is planning on getting out of Krytarium Prison and plan something. He was just waiting for his goons to come and help him break out of the prison. The prison cell bar has opened and two policeman "Come on Mechanic. It's time to head outside" The Mechanic followed the two police men outside where the other villains are at. They were either playing or chatting with each other. Mechanic wait in the corner for his goons to show up and break him out of Kryptarium Prison.

On the outside of the Kryptarium Prison couples of vans see the prison that held their boss inside. They knew that they have to break him out of there. On the left side the goons nods at the driver who nods back at him and hit the petals. The other vans started to followed along and race down the Kryptarium Prison to break their boss out.

Mechanic can heard the wheels of the vans that are coming their way. He took a step back and watched the vans coming through the wall. Mechanic smirk at his goons and got into the van and said "Let's get out of here!" he said, the goons did as what they were told to do.

"A prison escape!!!" shouted a policemen.

All the villains from Kryptarium Prison has escaped.

At the Monastery

All the Ninja are eating their breakfast at the table when PIXAL heard the phone ringing, she got the news from the Commissioner saying that the prisoner escape from Kryptarium Prison. She took him that she'll be there right away. PIXAL the headed back to the table "Who was that PIXAL?" ask Lloyd "That was the Commissioner. He says that all the villains has escape from Kryptarium Prison" PIXAL told everyone. Everyone gasps as what PIXAL has told them. All the Ninja except for Echo got up and rushed to Kryptarium Prison while leaving Master Wu and Echo at the table.

After both Master Wu and Echo finished eating breakfast, Echo decided to train his elemental power in the training room while Gizmo is watching him and make sure nothing happens to him. Echo set some cans down like how Morro did for him. He then back away from them and start his training, Lloyd was supposed to be here but he was busy getting all the villains back in Kryptarium Prison. Echo was alright with this because he knew they needed the Ninja, since Morro did help him on how to control his element wind power but he still feels like he's lost. Echo look at the cans and put his hands out and closed his golden eyes. 'You've just got to feel the wind flowing at you. Don't force it just feel it' Echo remember what Morro told him. 'Just feel it. Don't force it, just feel the wind' he thought, he can feel the wind just not his elemental power. He then sighs at himself and look down at his hands "I just...don't get it..." he said to himself, Gizmo goes towards him and beeps at him, Echo looked down at his friend "I just don't get it Gizmo...Morro told me to feel the wind and don't force it but...I just don't feel the elemental inside of me..." Gizmo beeped at him and pat his leg knowing that everything is going to be fine. "Thanks Gizmo" said Echo and he gives him a hug. He then let's go of Gizmo and focus back at his training but the gate was opened up revealing Lloyd, Echo and Gizmo goes up to him with a confused expression "What are you doing here? I thought you were with the others?" "I was but we almost got everyone so they told me to come back and train your elemental power" Lloyd explained while Echo gave him a nod. "Have you been trying to control your elemental power?" ask the green ninja as he saw the cans that were behind Echo and Gizmo "Yeah but when I tried to use it, it won't appear" "I see. Did Morro told you anything?" "He did he told me 'You've just got to feel the wind flowing at you. Don't force it just feel it'" Echo explained. Lloyd was thinking about how to help his friend brother to control his elemental power. But how? "Let's just keep trying and see what happens" said Lloyd

It's been two hours since Lloyd started to help Echo to control his wind power but no luck. "What am I doing wrong?" Echo question himself "Your not doing anything wrong. We've just got to figure it out on how to triggered it" said Lloyd. They both stay quite and think about it. "Do you have any idea on how you triggered it?" Lloyd ask "No" Echo replied, the green ninja put his hand on his chin "Hmm, when you were on the ground I saw that Mechanic goons talked you? What did they talked about?" "Well they talked about how I'm a replacement of Zane talking me that is why I was created. It made me so angry that's when the element power came out of my hand" Echo explained to Lloyd "I think you have solved what triggered it" said Lloyd "I did? What was it?" Echo ask confusing " It's your angered that triggered it, we need to control that angered before you hurt someone" Echo nods at Lloyd words "What are we going to do?" the Nindroid ask "We are going to meditate, which will help you"

To Be Continued...     

(This drawing belongs to me) 

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(This drawing belongs to me) 

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