Chapter 11

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Third p.o.v.

At Monastery, Ninja room

Zane was in the ninja room and was reading his father because he hasn't read his journal in a while, meanwhile Echo was training with Nya to continued his combat training. Zane opened his father journal and starts to read.

It's been a while since the last time I write something in this journal. Echo and I got along just fine, just how Zane and I did, like father and son. Echo wanted to outside with Gizmo to play outside, I was afraid of him getting caught Leviathan. I told him there's was sea monster that was living in the ocean, he was concern about Leviathan. I told him that everything is going to be alright, if he stays here where it's safe. From there he was scared to go outside to see the ocean cause the Leviathan doesn't know that Echo or Gizmo is here. I want to protect them both, who knows what it can do? I don't want to take the risk of losing anyone else.

Zane flipped the next page of his father journal

After warning Echo of Leviathan, he was trying to explore more and more of the lighthouse like he was going on somewhat of an adventure. I wonder though if Zane and Echo meet one day? Would they get along? Would they hate me by keeping each other a secret from one and another? Would they love to be brothers? I hope everything goes well if they do even meet. I wish my two of my son would get along.

Zane smiled at the last part that he read, he then continue reading his father journal.

I'm scared. I feared for my son, he was playing around with Gizmo, I wasn't paying attention to him but I should have. I heard Gizmo beep and goes towards me beep, and beep loudly. I knew something was wrong so I decided to followed him. I found my son laying on the floor, he wasn't moving, I didn't see his golden eyes. I rushed towards him and started to fix his clock. It took me forever to figure out what was the problem but I finally found it. I started to repair the clock, I then put it back into him. His golden eyes started to glow again I was relief that he was alright. My son apologized to me but I told him everything is alright. I then started to tell him to be careful with his clock next time which he promise that he'll be careful.

Zane finished reading his journal and closed it. He signs, he feared for his brother and he doesn't want to lose him like his father. Zane wish their father could be with them but he knows that he always watching them. 'I'll take care of Echo, father. Will give it protect just like what you wanted' he thought.

Outside, Training Court

Echo blocked Nya attacks and then stops. "Your getting better Echo" said Nya, as she throws another punch at him, Echo dodge it and throws a punch "Really?" Nya nods while dodging Echo attack "Your learning each day. Soon you'll be able to join us in mission" "You think so? But what if I mess up?" ask Echo, Nya landed a punch to Echo "Echo ever you do mess up, we all fixed it together. I can name a few times where we mess up" Echo smiled "Thanks Nya" "I think that'll be enough training for today but Remember Nya if you ever mess something up, you'll always find away to fix the mess" Echo nods at her "I'll remember that"

The Next Day

It was the next day in the Monastery, in the training court. Zane is training with his brother Echo more on his combat. Echo wasn't gonna use his elemental power util he knows how to use it, luckily Morro and Lloyd help Echo out with his training. Zane look at his young brother "Ready?" he ask him, while Echo gave his older brother a nod. "Let's get started with the basic that you have learn" said Zane. Zane and Echo trained on Echo combat until Zane ask Echo if he was ready to have a combat fight, of course Echo nods at him.

Both Nindroid were now facing each other in a hand and hand combat fight for training the young Nindroid. "Ready?" ask Zane, Echo nods at his older brother. Zane came rushing towards Echo but he waited for the moment and dodged his older brother attack and kick him but Zane managed to block his attack, which causes Echo to gasp. Zane punch Echo back, which causes him to fall back then rushed towards Zane and he does the same. Echo kick and Zane punch which they both landed, they fall back from each other. 'He's...getting good' Zane thought with a smiled 'But I won't hold back' he thought. Echo was waiting for Zane next move 'I need to focus to what he is about to do' he thought. Zane came rushing toward Echo and the young Nindroid did the same. Zane was about to punch him Echo managed to grab hold of his punch, he then kick Zane back and rush towards him and started to punch him while Zane got up and managed to block his younger brother attack. Zane managed to stop Echo attack by grabbing a hold of Echo punches and kicks him back. Echo then falls back "I think that's enough training for today" said Zane as he help his brother back up "Your getting stronger by each day" Echo smiled "Thanks Zane. What's the advice?" Zane gave Echo a confused look "Advice?" Echo nods. Zane thought for a moment then replied with "Remember this don't take any revenge angered won't do anything would make you feel better" Echo gave his older brother a nod.

It was early in the morning, PIXAL then got a call from the Commissioner saying they have found Mechanic. PIXAL went to wake up the Ninja "We have a problem!" the Ninja started to wake up "What is it PIXAL" ask Lloyd with a yawn. "The Commissioner contact us saying he has found Mechanic. He's in downtown Ninjago City near the bank!" The Ninja nods and gotten themselves ready including Echo. Zane saw Echo was getting his sword that Kai gave him "Not you Echo. Your still in training" "But I want to help!" said Echo, Zane sighs at his younger brother and replied "I'm very sorry Echo but your going to wait here with Master Wu" with that the Ninja left and go put Mechanic in Kryptarium Prison.

After a while of waiting for the Ninja and PIXAL to come back, Echo had a feeling in his system that something wasn't right at the moment. Yes Zane did told Echo to stay here with Master Wu but there was something else. Gizmo beep at Echo confused, he look at his friend "Sorry Gizmo but the other could been back by now?" Gizmo beeped at him saying 'Maybe you should check on them' Echo thought about it "Hmm I can" Echo then grabbed a sword that Kai made him "I'll just go and check on them but I'll take the sword as a defense" Gizmo nods saying 'I'll covered for you' Echo nods and sneaks out of the Monastery successfully.

Echo p.o.v.

I was making my way towards the locations that PIXAL told us. I remember it was Ninjago City downtown bank, I went to locations to find out that it was quite? Maybe they capture this Mechanic person? I didn't want to jump into conclusion. I use my training skill that Jay taught me to sneak inside to find nothing? There must be something that is going on. I quietly make my way inside the bank, after a bit of searching I have found nothing. Before I was about to leave I saw a door opened it up all by itself. Out of my curiosity I heard towards the door while keeping my guard up, I had my sword ready just in case.

I continued to walk forward and looked around. As I continued to walk forward I stop to my surprised and saw my older brother Zane powered down and tied up in a chair. Without any thinking I rushed to my brother and shouted "Zane! What happened!?" I then started to untie him and maybe help him get himself powered back on? Right I was finished untying Zane I felt someone went into my system and I shut down but before I did I saw a figure that I didn't recognized, that mysterious figured did a evil laugh.

To Be Continued...  

(This drawing belongs to me) 

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(This drawing belongs to me) 

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