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"These boots are made for walking, and that's just what they'll do! One day these boots are gonna walk all over you!" Mikey sang loudly. April sighed and shook her head Mikey keep singing any song that he could think off.

Donnie had texted Raph a little while ago telling him they where on the way home. Why? Why did Raph care if they where on there way home or not? That was the question they had been asking each other since Donnie had brought it up.

"Maybe Raph and leo are throwing a surprise party? or...maybe there..kraang bots and are building something super cool to kill us all!" Mikey suggested. "Uh I don't think so..." Donnie said shaking his head. April nodded and looked at Casey. "Your his besty throw in something." Casey shrugged "I think Raphs dating leo." Casey shrugged and put his hands behind his head. Everyone looked at leo confused.

"I mean like seriously you don't see the way the look at each other! Every time they touched they would blush and apologize and I think that's when they still had crushes on each other. Now when they touch it's on purpose I think they're dating, and to prove it! Raph admitted to being gay." Casey said smirking. His eyes widen realizing what he had just said.

He watched as all of his friends faces turned in to deep thought. The house came into view and loud music came from the house it was Raphs favorite song 'Sail' Raph was sitting on the couch and leo sat on the head of the couch behind Raph with his legs over his shoulders resting his chin on the top of Raph head, his arms on his knees with a controller in his hands looking hard at the tv as they played the video game. Raph was winning and he was loudly singing.

Mikey opened the door and saw Raph on the couch with a 'Ha I'm so gonna kick your ass!' face. Leo leaned forward trying to concentrate.

Casey came walked in after April and Donnie after him. Donnie walked over to the docking station and turned it down. "Hey guys." leo said and glanced at them and back at the tv. Raph just smirked.

"What are you doing?" April asked raising a brow. "Well princess if ya where ta look closer ya would see that hero-boy and me are playin' a video game." Raph said nonchalantly.

"Uh Raph it would be 'hero-boy and i' to be correct." Donnie said rolling his eyes. Leo blushed noticing this wasn't the most brotherly position. He stayed put knowing it would make there brothers suspicious. Raph had noticed this as well, he didn't care he only leaned back into leo enjoying his lovers arms around him very much.

Donnie sighed and gave Mikey 10 dollars for loosing a bet that started a while back. Mikey chuckled and put the money in his belt and smirked. "Told ya it was bound to happen." Mikey said and Donnie shook his head.

"You two made a bet?" Casey asked crossing his arms. Mikey nodded. April only stared at Raph "That's not what i..ya know what never mind.." sighing April sat on the couch. She was never really found of gay people, she didn't mind but she just thought it was one of those things that was just ew but you had to deal with it.

Leo whispered something in Raphs ear making him chuckle, leo smiled, "Whateva ya say, oh so fearless your ass is mine, all day and all night." Raph whispered to leo masking him blush and lightly kick him. April was the only one able to hear this from Raph but pretended to not notice.

Donnie, Casey, and Mikey all talked in the kitchen while eating pizza. April watched them for a little before getting up to go get her phone. on her way back down stairs she stopped seeing Raph with his head facing up and Leo's hovering over it, his hands on Raphs cheeks. Raph smiled as leo teased him by leaning down almost kissing him and then pulling away.

Raph chuckled and as leo went to lean in to kiss him Raph brought his hands up to Leo's head and smashed his lips onto his own. Their lips even at the odd angel of Raph being upside down for leo, they still managed to kiss with raw passion. Leo pulled back and stared at Raph with a small smile.

As April continued to walk down the stairs, leo sat up and Raph un paused the game and they went back to playing.

"I-I saw that." April said making her way over to them, Donnie and Casey where in the barn, Mikey was feeding the chickens.

"Saw wha'?" Raph asked not even glancing at her. "You know what I'm talking about raph!" April said crossing her arms. "Do I?"

April looked at leo his face flushed. "I saw you two kissing." she said putting her hands on her hips. "Did you? did you really?" Raph asked in a taunting voice. Leo stayed quiet knowing Raph would be able to handle it.

"Yes, yes really." April said sternly. "Yes really what?" Raph said and paused the game. "Wait what are we talking about?" Raph asked tilting his head. "UGH! Raph I saw you two kissing when I was walking down the stairs just admit so I can go make dinner!" April was now extremely frustrated.

"Wow your some perv watching us make out like that." Raph said with a smirk "I bet ya like it didn't ya?" Raph stood up making leo let out a annoyed sigh. Raph made his way over to April.

"What? No! I was just walking down the stairs an- and I saw you two kissing!" April face flushed.

"Uh huh, sure, so, Miss O'Neil , do me a big ass favor and keep your big mouth shut, tight, and I won't tell everyone you like to watch us make out. How does that sound Miss O'Neil?" April nodded, Raph smirked and patted her cheek lightly.

With that Raph turned on his heel and changed the tv to the news and sat on the floor so leo could sit on the couch. they sat in the same position but Raph on the floor and leo on the couch.

An Oh how Raphael love Blackmailing.

Well hope you enjoyed this chappie and yes I'm going to make April into a pervert like us fan girls who are like "Wait! What? leo and Raph action WHERE?!" Ya so hope you guy like the blackmailing part and stuff! Oh I know you guys want raphxleo stuff but I have a new book called Camp and it will say what it's about in the info so please read it!

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