Chapter 3

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The next day, they all met in the kitchen to have some breakfast and see what the plan was for the day.

It was a really hot sunny day so they all arranged to go to Dolphin Lagoon where they could hopefully swim with the dolphins. Although they came to Florida as two separate pairs, they all decided to go together. They all got on really well so why not?

Once they had arrived at the lagoon, they got into the water with the trainer as the dolphins slowly swam over to each girl one by one. The dolphin that was with Rachel was quite lively which freaked her out a little, but knowing Rachel she was probably being a little dramatic.

Santana couldn't believe she was standing in front of a dolphin as she fed it fish. She'd never been this close to one before. Brittany couldn't believe she was doing it either but more importantly, she couldn't keep her eyes off of Santana. The way the wet suit hugged her curves just proved how beautiful she really was.

Quinn kept laughing at Rachel who was now being splashed by her dolphin and was drenched.

Once their time slot was up, they all exited the water and went back into the changing rooms to get dry. Santana's wet suit was stuck to her because it was so tight and she was unable to get it off. "Quinn can you give me a hand I'm stuck!" she shouted to her friend who was using the bathroom. "Here I'll help, if you like" said Brittany as she grabbed the zipper on Santana's back. She nodded "yes please". Brittany slowly undid the zipper, revealing Santana's smooth caramel skin. To be respectful, she stopped the zipper just before it revealed anything else. "There you go" she said smiling as she walked away to get dressed herself. "Thank you" Santana said shyly.

They all stepped out of their wetsuits, leaving them in their bikini's. "My eyes are up here, Santana" laughed Brittany as she noticed her staring at her body. "Oh um s-sorry" panicked Santana. They all giggled.

Later that day after they had got some lunch, they headed for the beach. They laid out their towels on the sun loungers on the edge of water and all laid down. Brittany started applying sun tan lotion to her legs before Santana asked for some. Brittany sprayed some on Santana's back. Santana realised she couldn't reach to rub it in so Brittany slowly massaged the lotion into her shoulders and her back, trying to ignore the butterflies in her stomach.

"I'm uh...gonna go cool off" Brittany said as she joined Quinn and Rachel in the water. Santana laughed to herself knowing full well what she does to Brittany.

Shortly, Santana joined them for a swim. Quinn and Rachel swam in a separate direction with their snorkels on to see what fish they could spot in the shallower area, leaving Santana and Brittany alone.

The water levels came up to their shoulders, allowing them to touch the ocean floor to stabilise themselves. "The dolphins were so cool weren't they?" asked Santana. Brittany nodded, "yeah it was so fun".

Their bodies got closer until their faces were just inches apart. They both caught on to their body language and ended up kissing in the water. It was nothing but fireworks when their lips touched. They eventually pulled apart. "I think you're really beautiful, Brittany" said Santana sounding confident for once. "I think you're really beautiful too, Santana" she replied smiling. They were now hidden behind one of the rocks in the water so they were out of sight from anyone.

They shared another quick kiss before they spotted Quinn and Rachel making their way over.

"Hey girls what you up to" asked Rachel innocently. "Oh nothing we just went for a swim, we got too hot so came to the shaded area next to the cliffs" said Santana quickly trying not to give it away. Quinn winked at her knowing full well they'd been sneaking off for kisses.

- A couple hours later -

After they had left the beach and found somewhere to have dinner, they headed back to the villa as it was now 6pm.

Rachel was in her room phoning home to catch up, and Quinn was in the bath getting all the sand off of her from the beach, again leaving Santana and Brittany alone.

"So, I remember in the club you told me you're from Pennsylvania, you're 22 and you go to a dance school, right? What else should I know about Miss Brittany S Pierce?" asked Santana. "Yep that's right. Hmm, I came out as gay when I was 15, it was actually received well from my family, they weren't bothered at all which made it easier. I've got an 18 year old sister called Jamie, we get on quite well. I share an apartment back
home with Rachel as we've been best friends for years. But yeah dance is my passion, it's what I just love to do" replied Brittany. "What about you?"

"I saw you dancing in the club last night and were amazed so it doesn't surprise me that you love to dance. I came out as gay when I was 18, it wasn't the easiest. My grandmother had a hard time accepting it but she's fine with it now. I'm an only child and I was born and raised in New York. I share an apartment with Quinn as we go to school together studying music" said Santana.

"Yeah I remember you saying you're a university student for visual and performing arts right? I may have overheard you singing in the shower last was amazing" admitted Brittany, watching Santana's face turn red.

"I feel closer to you already" laughed Brittany. "I'm gonna head to bed, it's been a busy day!" she said as she pecked Santana and walked upstairs to her room. "Goodnight, Britt" Santana said causing the blonde to smile at her new nickname.

Eventually they all headed to their rooms and fell asleep for the night.

End of chapter 3.

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