Chapter 5

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The next day, the 4 girls decided they were going to go to Busch Gardens in Tampa Bay. It had rollercoasters, waterrides and lots of animals as well. It was a hot day so they wanted to spend the day outside and somewhere fun.

They arrived at the theme park by 12pm where they started queuing for the 'scorpion' roller coaster. Rachel was sat on the left, followed by Quinn, Santana and then Brittany. All 4 of them were thrill seekers and loved rollercoasters, although Rachel's stomach was a little more fragile than everyone else's. After a few loop-the-loops and lots of screaming later, the ride did it's last lap and came to a halt where they all exited.

The next ride was a ride that lifted you up high, and then it dropped. It was called 'Falcon's Fury' and lifted you up 335 feet in the air before you plummeted back down. Rachel was really nervous for this one as she didn't know if her stomach couldn't handle it.

They all hopped into their seats in the same order as before, and all linked hands as they were fastened in and suddenly being lifted upwards.

The tannoy started counting downwards

"AAAAAAAHHHHHH!" all 4 girls screamed as they felt their stomachs leave their bodies through their mouths. The got off the ride and sat down for a minute to get rid of the nausea. "Okay, I wasn't a fan of that one" Brittany said holding her stomach. They all agreed to never go on it again. Rachel ran towards a trash can and threw up. Quinn hurried over and held her hair away and stroked her back to comfort her. "Aw look at them two" Santana said to Brittany, suddenly realising she was implying they were more than friends.

"She's just being a supportive friend...right?" said Brittany in a suggestive yet confused tone. "Uh yeah...right" replied Santana quickly.

2 hours and some more rides later, they went to see some of the animals. Brittany was desperate to see the flamingos. "Whats with the obsession of Flamingos Britt?" asked Quinn. "I just love how graceful they are. It's how I feel when I dance, just graceful and in my own world" she replied, earning a hug from Santana who thought that was so cute.

They visited the Flamingos, the Tigers, the Alligators, the Penguins and the Sloths. The park was closing soon and it was getting dark so they all started to head back to the villa in a taxi.

Once back at the villa, they all made some cocktails and headed outside to the table and put on some music. "Come on Britt show us what you've got!!" cheered Santana as Brittany was dancing all around the edge of the pool to the music. Brittany was a little drunk, causing her to trip and ending up in the pool. Santana instantly jumped in after her to make sure she was okay. Brittany came up from under the water laughing her head off "I'm so clumsy when I'm drunk". "Yikes Britt you scared me!" said Santana with a sigh of relief. "Sorry, babe. I'm okay" the blonde replied as she pulled Santana in for a kiss.

"Let's leave them to it" said Quinn as her and Rachel went back into the villa to get ready to go to bed.

"Well now that we're alone" said Brittany, smirking suggestively. They deepened their kiss, holding onto each others necks to close any distance between them. They slowly got out of the pool and pulled each other up the stairs into Santana's bedroom, ignoring Quinn's wink on the way past. Santana's room had her own bathroom.

"Shower with me" said Santana. Brittany smirked and turned on the shower, slowly taking off Santana's wet clothes. "You're stunning" she said, inspecting her body. "Enough talking" Santana said as she pulled her in for another kiss, before removing Brittany's clothes.

- Some time later -

Both satisfied, they left the bathroom with just towels on and went into the bedroom. Brittany ran into her room to put on a sports bra and some shorts, whilst Santana did the same in her own room.

Brittany came back into Santana's room. "So, how would you feel about a sleepover?" asked Brittany. "Sounds perfect to me" Santana said as they got into the bed and entwined their legs. They stayed up most of the night just talking and getting to know each other as much as they could.

"I really like you, Britt. It's so crazy how we've known each other for literally like 4 days, yet we've bonded so well. I guess we have been spending pretty much every hour together though. That's a lot of hours" admitted Santana. "I like you too, a lot. I can't ever take my eyes off you. You've made this trip for me. I'm just going with the flow and not put pressure on anything, but I hope we aren't just a vacation fling" replied Brittany. "I could never just have a fling with you. You're addictive" Santana said as they shared a quick kiss before going to sleep together, cuddled up.

End of chapter 5.

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