Chapter 10

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- 2 weeks later -

School had started again which meant all 4 girls had a busy schedule and didn't have a lot of spare time. Santana and Brittany had been texting every day, but Brittany's replies would be hours later.

"She still hasn't texted me back" said Santana. "Don't worry San I'm sure she's just busy. We all are at the minute. It's a Saturday night so she might just want to relax and has gone out with Rachel or something" replied Quinn, trying to reassure her. Santana put down her phone and went into her room to finish studying.

3 hours later at 11pm, Brittany had finally texted back.

'Hey bab e I sorry I have nt replied ive am out at club with Rach and my friends from school love uu xxxx'

Santana showed the text to Quinn. "Well she's clearly wasted so that explains the lack of texts. I just wish she'd have told me she was going out and she wouldn't be replying. But I'm glad she's having fun" said Santana, feeling slightly reassured. "Rach is with her so she's in safe hands" replied Quinn.

The next morning, Santana woke up and went on Instagram. She saw Brittany had been tagged in a load of photos, some of which made her stomach drop. She was pictured with a girl who was kissing her cheek and was pretending to grab her ass in the photo. There was also a video, where the girl comes up the camera and shouts "She's hot isn't she?" pointing at Brittany, with Brittany's laughter in the background.

Santana tried to call Brittany but there was no answer. Quinn walked into Santana's room. "Have you checked insta?" Quinn asked. Santana looked at the ground. "Yes" she said trying not to cry. Quinn tried to reassure her by telling her not to overthink it and they they were probably just drunk friends being stupid with no bad intentions.

Santana's phone rang, it was Brittany.

S: "Hi, Britt"
B: "Hey babe, I'm sorry about last night. It was a sudden change of plans and we all ended up clubbing and I got drunk way too quickly. I'm sorry i didn't explain my shitty slow replies"
S: "Oh it's okay, I'm glad you were having fun"
B: "I'm assuming you've seen the photos? Before your mind runs wild, she's just a good friend of mine and Rachel's. Her name is Madison and she's excited to meet you"
S: "I can't lie, it wasn't nice to see. It did worry me but I also trust you so we're all good. I just really miss you"
B: "And you can trust me, you're the only girl for me. I miss you t-"

Brittany was cut off by Madison in the background. "Britt the pancakes are ready!"

S: "Did she stay the night?"
B: "Yeah, she was too drunk to get home. She slept on the couch though don't worry"

"BRITT! Come on!" Madison shouted.

S: "Quinn says hel-"
B: "Look San I've gotta go, sorry. I'll ring you later, love you"

Brittany hung up the phone. Santana threw her phone on the bed and put her head in her hands. "Bullshit are they just friends. She just hung up on me to go eat the pancakes Madison cooked for her. I didn't hear her calling Rachel? Why isn't Rachel there? So they're alone together after she spent the night there?" Santana was waffling in panic.

"San, chill. Rachel is there, we texted earlier" said Quinn, not wanting to tell her the truth. Rachel had told Quinn that Madison was gay and had always had a crush on Brittany. She said they did look cosy last night but nothing was reciprocated from Brittany. Her plan all night was to get 'too drunk to go home'.

Santana knew when her best friend was lying, she could just tell. "Show me the texts" said Santana. "No San it's nothing, you can trust Britt she's a good girl" Quinn replied. Santana reached for Quinn's phone and opened the texts from Rachel, where she read everything Rachel had said.

"Fucking bitch. She's not taking my girl" said Santana sharply as she stormed out of the apartment to go for a walk to clear her head.

A while later, Santana texted Brittany as Brittany hadn't bothered to.

S: 'If you don't want to talk, then tell me. Communicate with me, Britt, or this is never going to work. I can't read minds. I'm sat at home trying to keep myself busy from missing you and you don't seem to care'

No reply.

Santana then rang Rachel.

S:"Hi, Rach. Sorry to ring, is Britt home? I can't get hold of her and I just want to talk"
R: "Hey San, no she's not home right now. She's at the movies with her friend but I'll get her to text you when she's back"
S: "Is her 'friend' Madison? Be honest with me Rach. I'm losing my mind here"
R: "She's with Madison, yeah. They really are just friends though. Madison does have a crush on Brittany but that means nothing when Brittany only wants you. She doesn't stop talking about you. You can trust Britt"
S: "Thanks, Rach. Miss ya"
R: "Miss you too! Look after Quinny for me"

They ended the call as Santana went about her day, waiting for her phone to buzz or ring, but it didn't. She went to bed at 9pm, she was tired and didn't want to keep overthinking everything. She just wanted to shut off for a while.

10pm, Brittany replied.

'San, I do want to talk to you, I was just busy this morning...and this afternoon. I'm trying to figure out how to have a relationship whilst also a social life and a school life. Don't give up on me, I'm learning. I miss you always. Madison is a friend, it's that simple. I love you and I can't wait to see you on Wednesday. I'm sorry♥️'

Rachel and Brittany had arranged to visit Santana and Quinn in New York on Wednesday as their first meet up since the trip.

Santana woke up from the sound of the text tone and read the text. It did reassure her, but she still felt a little hurt and unwanted. She tried not to think too much into it when she replied.

'It's hard figuring it all out, I know. I just would like to think I'm worth finding time for. I trust you and I love you. Night babe x'

End of chapter 10.

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