Chapter 11

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Today was Wednesday, which meant it was the day Rachel and Brittany would fly to New York to see their girls.

Santana and Brittany hadn't spoke much which was wearing Santana down, she didn't understand why the vibe had suddenly changed. She didn't give up hope though, and she was so excited to finally see Brittany later that day.

- 3 hours later -

Santana walked into the living room wearing black skinny jeans and a tight white laced t shirt, showing off her cleavage. "Do I like okay Q? I want her to see what she's been missing" asked Santana. "Oh she'll definitely see. You look amazing San" she replied.

"Rachel's jaw will drop when she sees you in that dress" said Santana, returning the compliment.


Santana and Quinn squealed in excitement, knowing Rachel and Brittany would be behind the door. They adjusted their hair, took a deep breath and opened the door.

"Rach!" shrieked Quinn as she pulled Rachel into the apartment, hugging her tightly. Santana walked out of the door and looked down the hallway, her facial expressions changing. "Rach...where's Britt?" she asked, confused.

Rachel looked at the floor, trying to break the news gently. "She couldn't make it, San. I'm sorry. I thought she would have told you"

"What do you mean she couldn't make it? Why?" asked Santana as she noticed her heart drop. "She's just swamped with school work, I've barely seen her myself. I can't believe she hasn't told you though, that's not ok" replied Rachel.

"She's swamped with school work but she has enough time to post Snapchat stories of her and Madison and some other people at yoga classes? And on the Karaoke machines at bars? I knew this was all too good to be true. I was just a fucking vacation fling" snapped Santana as a single tear rolled down her cheek. She ran into her room with Quinn following closely behind to comfort her.

Rachel tried ringing Brittany, but she didn't pick up so she left her a voicemail. "Look Brittany, you're my best friend and I'm always team Britt but you're hurting your girlfriend. You haven't communicated with her or made her feel wanted for a while now. She's devastated that you've pretty much stood her up. I love you and I hope you're okay but do the right thing and talk to her, Brittany. You're being unfair"

Quinn joined Rachel back in the living room, giving Santana some time to herself. "Do you know what's going on with Brittany? I don't understand what's changed" asked Quinn.

"She hasn't said much, but I think she's sabotaging herself so she doesn't get hurt. Her last relationship was also long distance, and she ended up getting cheated on which broke her heart. I think she's just scared so she's backing away before it happens again, even though we all know Santana would never cheat on her. Britt is just handling it the wrong way" admitted Rachel.

A little while later, Santana joined them in the kitchen for some dinner and drinks. Although Santana was confused and hurting, she was trying to make Rachel feel welcome and comfortable.

They all went to bed that night, Quinn and Rachel together and Santana in her own room. Suddenly, Santana's phone rang. It was Brittany. She hesitated to answer but she forced herself to.

B: "Hi...San"
S: "I don't think I can talk to you right now"
B: "Look I know you're mad. It's not all as it seems and I can explain if you'll let me"
S: "You've made little to no effort with me for days now, Britt. I spent hours getting ready today and preparing a romantic meal for us, but you didn't show. And you didn't even tell me you weren't coming."
B: "I know and I'm so sorry please just let me talk"
S: "Go ahead"
B: "My last relationship was a disaster. It was long distance and over time, she would stop replying for days and ignored me. She eventually cheated on me and I was devastated. I think I'm so worried that that's going to happen again, I'm sabotaging the relationship before you do by spending time with Madison and not communicating with you. I'm sorry. It's just a personal thing"
S: "I'm sorry that happened to you. Im just hurt that you would think I would sabotage our relationship by cheating, and also that you've been purposely trying to make me jealous with a girl who we all know is crushing on you. Maybe you're not as ready for a relationship as you thought you were"
B: "I'm not saying you would cheat on's hard to explain. Maybe you're right, this is just so much harder than I thought it would be"
S: "I'm sorry I'm not worth fighting for"
B: "You are San, always. It's just a personal thing. I'm sorry, I don't think I can do this. I just need a break"
S: "A break from what, Brittany? It doesn't even feel like we're in a relationship as it is. Just say the words you're too scared to say. Say you're breaking up with me"
B: "I'm sorry"

Brittany hung up the call.

Santana threw her phone on the floor and ran into the hallway outside of their apartment, so Quinn and Rachel couldn't hear her sobbing. However, Quinn's gut instinct never let her down. She ran after Santana, followed by Rachel, as they sat down next to her and just held her, letting her cry it all out.

"What happened, San?" asked Quinn, stroking her arm.
"We're done. She ended it. What the fuck was even the point" sobbed Santana.

Rachel shook her head in disappointment at her own best friend. She didn't think Brittany was capable of being so cold, it just wasn't like her.

They stayed there for a while, supporting Santana and trying to calm her down. Eventually Santana went to bed, as did Quinn and Rachel.

End of chapter 11.

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