Chapter 9

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It was their last evening together before they returned home the next day. Santana and Brittany were talking in the living room.

S: "I know we have each other's numbers so we can always text and video call but I'm just going to miss you so much, Britt. We'll have to make a plan of seeing each other at least every 2 weeks or something. I just want us to work"
B: "We will make it work, babe. We'll figure something out, maybe we could take it in turns to travel to each other. I'm dreading leaving here but I know we'll be okay"

Santana nodded and they shared a kiss. They tried to convince themselves long distance relationships always work out but there was a dash of doubt in the back of their minds. Quinn and Rachel were also having the same dilemma, although they were still in the 'talking stage' you could call it, and weren't as serious as Santana and Brittany.

"These 3 weeks have gone so fast. Time flies when you're having fun" said Rachel to the other girls. "They've gone SO fast. I think we should stay in tonight and spend our evening all together, who agrees?" replied Quinn. They all agreed and just wanted to be together.

They stayed up til 2am watching movies, playing games, having a couple of drinks, dancing and singing, jumping in and out of the pool...and then they all helped each other pack their stuff ready to leave the villa at 1pm.

Once in bed, Santana and Brittany wanted to enjoy every last minute they had together before being apart for a while. They were lying down whilst facing each other, just talking about the last 3 weeks and what their plans were when they returned to Pennsylvania and New York.

"Thank you for the vacation of a lifetime" said Santana, wiping away a tear. Brittany smiled and kissed her deeply, comforting her. "Let's make the most of our last night together" Santana said seductively as she took off her shirt and bra. Brittany did the same, followed by their pants and underwear.


"Wow" said Brittany, breathless. "Yeah, wow" copied Santana. They cuddled up and fell asleep together, not letting go all night.

- The next day -

They all huddled by the villa door with their suitcases. They pulled each other in for a group hug and got 2 cabs to the airport.

Santana and Quinn's flight was at 1pm, Brittany and Rachel's was at 1.30pm.

The woman on the tannoy announced the boarding for the 1pm flight to New York City. Santana and Brittany faced each other as their tears stained their cheeks. "I'm going to miss you so much, this has been the best 3 weeks of my life. I love you, Britt" said Santana, hopeful that she would say it back. Brittany smiled through her tears. "I love you much. We'll talk every day, don't worry. We can do this. Don't forget about me" said Brittany trying to compose herself. They embraced each other tightly and shared one last long kiss.

Santana hugged Rachel and said her goodbyes as Quinn also did to Brittany.

Rachel and Quinn faced each other. "I know things are very early for us, but I don't want whatever we have to end. Call me, won't you? I'll miss you, Rach" said Quinn fighting her tears. "I feel the same. I want whatever we have to continue, I really like you Quinn. Thank you for the best trip" Rachel replied as they hugged and shared a kiss.

Santana and Quinn eventually parted from the other 2 girls and walked to their terminal, waving one last time to Brittany and Rachel. Once on the plane, Santana put her hood up and leant her head on the plane wall. "I'm sorry San. I know how head over heels for her you are. I'm sure you guys can work through the distance" said Quinn softly as she leant her head on Santana's shoulder. "Thanks, Q. I miss her already, she's just different to anyone I've ever been with. In the best way possible. But I'm sorry about you and Rachel too, you guys are stupidly cute together. At least we've got each other and they've got each other to get through it" replied Santana.

They slept for the rest of the flight and finally made it back to their apartment.

The first thing Santana did was unpack her bags and text Brittany.

'Miss you already, it's too quiet without you. Let me know when you're home safe. I love you xxx'

An hour later, Brittany had got home and texted her back.

'Ugh, I miss you too. I hate it without you. We're home safe now, am gonna nap, I'm so tired. I love you too xxx'

Later that evening, they FaceTimed each other and so did Quinn and Rachel. They were all trying to adjust to being back home and not having each other around every minute of the day.

End of chapter 9.

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